What is outside your window?


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What’s Outside Your Window?

When you are cooped up in an office and shut away in a kitchen, it is easy to forget to look outside. Windows are the portals to other worlds, they allow you the freedom to escape the four walls and let your imagination run wild.

Take a look at these incredible views and ask yourself, when was the last time I looked outside?

Hong Kong Central City Hall

From Hong Kong Central City Hall, a man surveys the landscape of the mountain juxtaposed with sky rises and tower blocks.

Mountain Ranges

From her window, a woman documents the incredible landscape from her house, situated in a remote mountain range in eastern Europe.

Wan Chai Glass Wall

A mother and son look out across Wan Chai, a metropolitan area situated on the north shore of Hong Kong.


From his bathroom window, a man can see the curves of the Pyrenees, a famous mountain range in southwest Europe that forms the diving border between France and Spain.


It’s cold outside in Vancouver as the snow falls on a Saturday morning. A thick blanket of white settles on the ground and icicles hang from the trees.
