What's a Godzillas?



What's a Godzillas?. GodZillas Break into Thailand. Bombing in the central of cluster province Continue expanding very fast Location on ring road or by pass High capital to continue investment Build Image High retail technology Too many capacity of sale area - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


GodZillas Break into Thailand

• Bombing in the central of cluster province

• Continue expanding very fast• Location on ring road or by pass • High capital to continue investment• Build Image• High retail technology • Too many capacity of sale area • very efficiency in logistic


Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Above the sea : Formal Components

These components are publicity and oriented to structural

Under the sea : Informal Components

These components are hidden and oriented to unformatted

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Retailing ManagementRetailing Management

Introduction to the World of Retailing

Strategy and Managing - By Aj Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudha


Marketing Department Business Admi nistration Faculty

Payap University Chaingmai

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Retailing Management ; MK361 ; (pre MK 109 )

• 1Ch Retailing• 2Ch Retailing Manage

ment• 3Ch Store Location• 4Ch Building, Layout ,

Equipment and Facilities• 5Ch Product Managem

ent• 6Ch Inventory Manage


• 7Ch Product Pricing• 8Ch Advertising & PR• 9Ch Merchandising &

Sale Pro.• 10Ch Salesmanship• 11 IT for Retailing Bu

siness• 12 Retailing in the M

odern World• Case Study

The Overview

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Retailing ManagementRetailing Management

Retailing : includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for their personal , non-business use.

(Kotler Philip , Marketing Manageme nt Analysis , Planning , Implementing

- and Control. 1 9 9 7 , P 7 2 8 ) Retailing Management : theprocedureof Pl anni n

g, Organizing, St affi ng , Di r ect i ng and Cont r o l l i ng i n r et ai l busi ness t o appr o

ach t he obj ect i ves fi r m.

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


““World of World of Retailing Retailing Business”Business”

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Function of RetailerFunction of Retailer

• Purchasing• Selling• Storing• Risk• Cross Docking

and Labeling

• Credit and Financing

• Servicing the Customer

• Merchandising• Communicating


Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer• By Volume : Big , Medium or Small Size• By Product line

– General Store , Single Line Store , Specialty Store , Department Store , Supermarket , Convenience Store

• By form of ownership– Independent Store , Chain Store , Franchising ,

Consumer Cooperatives.

• By Type of Business– Mail and Telephone order , Automatic vending ,

Door-to-door Selling , Catalog selling , Internet marketing or E-Commerce.

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer (by pr oduct line)

• General or Variety Store : miscellaneous and variety of merchandising , and low price with house hold use. Managing by the entrepreneur and the

most number of retailing business types i n the world.

• Single-line-Store : merchandising in the same of product line like woman-dressing line , Children style.

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer• Specialty Store Specialty Store : Concentrates on a limit

number of complementary merchandise categories and provides a high level of service such as consumer electronics , appliances , sport goods , cards , jewelry …etc – Act 1. List the name of Specialty store that you

well known.

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer• Department Store : are retailers

that carry a broad variety and deep assortment, offer considerable customer services , and are organized into separate department for displaying merchandise.

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer

• Supermarket : Self-service food store offering groceries,meat and produce with limited sales of nonfood items , such as health and beauty aids and general merchandise with promotional one day a week or advertise sale items in local papers. Some supermarket use “Every Day Low Price”(EDLP)policy Typically, everyday price in these supermarkets are lower than regular prices in promotional supermarkets

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer

• Convenience Stores : provide a limited variety and assortment of merchandise a

-t a convenient location in a 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 sqr.ft. store with speedy checko

uuu uuuu uuu uuu uuuuuu uuuuuuu uu uuu uuu - - ghborhoodmomand pop gr ocer y st or e.

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer

• Discount Stores : A full line discount store is a retailer that offers a board variety of merchandise , limited service , and low prices. They offer national brands , but these brands are typically less fasion-oriented than brands in department stores.

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer

• Super Center or Super Stores : are in 150,000 - 200,000 sqr.ft. stores those are the fastest growing retail category. The Suppercenters are full-line discount stores sell groceries at low prices to build store traffic. Offering broad assortment of grocery and general merchandise under one roof , provide a one stop shopping experience.

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer

• Warehouse Club : is a retailer that offers a limited assortment of food and general merc handise with little service at low prices to ult

imate consumers and small business. Stores are large to 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 sqr.ft. And locat

- edinlowrentdi st r i ct s. They have si mpl e i nt er i or s andconcretefloors. Ai sl es ar e wi de so f or kl i f t s can pi ck u ppalletsof mer chandi se and ar r ange t hemon t he s ellingfloor. Pay wi t h cash and car r y by t hemsel ves.

Aj-Kulachatr Chatrakul Na Ayudhaya


Type of Retailer

• Hypermarkets : is a very large retail store offering low prices. It combines a discount store and superstore food retailer in one warehouse like building. Hypermarkets can be up to 300,000 sqr.ft. - Larger than 6 football field- and stock over 50,000 different items. Low operating margins , low prices and the size of the general merchandise assortment. Such as Carrefour , Tesco , Auchan , Casino , Makro