Willy Zwaenepoel. Gent LLN Gent LLN French Television News, TF1, April 26, 2010


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Willy Zwaenepoel





French Television News, TF1, April 26, 2010


Nature, vol. 467, October 14, 2010



From B to CH via USA• B.S/M.S University Gent• PhD. Stanford.• Karl F. Hasselmann Professor of Computer Science at Rice.• Dean I&C EPFL.• Best paper awards at SigComm 1984, OSDI 1999, Usenix 2000, Usenix 2006 and Eurosys 2007. • Rice University Graduate Student Association Teaching and Mentoring Award. • Co-founder and CEO, Imimic• Fellow IEEE “for contributions to the design and implementation of distributed shared memory

systems”• Fellow ACM• Treadmarks, distributed shared memory -> Intel OpenMP cluster product• I-O Lite -> web servers to run 40-80% faster• I/O performance of virtual machines• Database replication • Software update mechanisms

Simple solutions to Complex Problems

• “ We make things too complex • Not: things are too complex”

[Willy Zwaenepoel, Keynote Mobisys, 2007]







Institute of Computing and Multimedia Systems

Institute ofCommunication


Institute of Core Computing Science




The Dean bears the overall responsibility for the school in matters of education, research, finance and organization and reports to the President of EPFL. The position offers competitive compensation and tenure at full professor level. Candidates should have an outstanding academic record, a strong vision for the development of the faculty in research, teaching, and technology transfer, proficiency in recruiting, and exceptional leadership, communication and management skills. EPFL will provide the means to realize a strategic development of the school over the coming years with the objective to establish world-class leadership in education and research. The School of Computer and Communication Sciences Dean Search Committee invites letters of nomination, applications (vision statement, complete CV, and the name of up to 5 professional references), or expressions of interest. The screening of applications will start on March 1st, 2010. Materials and inquiries should be addressed, preferably electronically (PDF format) to:

Prof. Karl Aberer Chairman of the Search Committee e-mail: karl.aberer@epfl.ch More information on EPFL and the School of Computer and Communication Sciences can be found at http://www.epfl.ch and http://ic.epfl.ch respectively. EPFL is committed to balance genders within its faculty, and strongly encourages women to apply.

Dean of Computer and Communication Sciences at Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

EPFL is conducting an international search for the Dean of the School of Computer and Communication Sciences, to take office by the fall of 2010. EPFL, located in Lausanne (Switzerland), is a leading European University and a dynamically growing and well-funded institution fostering excellence and diversity. It has a highly international campus at an exceptionally attractive location and a first-class infrastructure. As technical university it covers computer & communication sciences, engineering, environmental, basic and life sciences, management of technology and financial engineering. It offers a fertile environment for research cooperation between different disciplines. The School of Computer and Communication Sciences, with 42 faculty members, has experienced a strong development over the recent years to one of the top departments in its area in Europe. The School enrolls about 700 students in its bachelor and master programs in computer science and communication systems, has a highly competitive doctoral program with 300 PhD candidates recruited world-wide and hosts important industrial and research centers, such as the Swiss National Center of Excellence in Research in Mobile Information and Communication Systems and industry lablets by Nokia, SwissCom, and Logitech.



The Prime Minister bears the overall responsibility for the country in matters of education, research, finance and organization and reports to the King of Belgium. The position offers competitive compensation. Candidates should have an outstanding record, a strong vision for the development of the country, proficiency in recruiting, and exceptional leadership, communication and management skills.

The Belgium Prime Minister Search Committee invites letters of nomination, applications (vision statement, complete CV, and the name of up to 5 professional references), or expressions of interest. The screening of applications will start on May 1st, 2010. Materials and inquiries should be addressed, preferably electronically (PDF format) to:

King Albert IIChairman of the Search Committee e-mail: albert.two@belgium.beMore information on Belgium and the Federal Government can be found at http://www.wikipedia.org/BelgiumBelgium is committed to balance genders within its government, and strongly encourages women to apply.

Prime Ministerof the Federal Governmentof the Kingdom of Belgium (B)

Belgium is conducting an international search for the position of Prime Minister of its federal government, to take office as soon as possible. Belgium, located in North-Western Europe Lausanne, is a small and so well-funded country fostering excellence and diversity. It has a high quality of life at an exceptionally attractive location.




