Wooten Nl 4-2015




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Contact me! kathy@cihop.org (859) 858-4578

CornerStone International, my mission-sender to CI-HOP, is a missions organization fueled by prayer and worship, that mobilizes people to evangelize the world, loving and serving Jesus Christ.

April 2015

Sought After Project Jesus loves us so much and seeks after us… Isaiah 61,62:12, Revelation 5

Support! Send to: CornerStone International PO Box 192 Wilmore KY 40390 Memo: “Sought After”

Donate from our website cornerstoneinternational.org

We can always use Bibles for our jail (soft cover)

Hours Mon-Thurs, 9am-9pm Friday, 9am-midnight

Values To be God-fearing, loving, humble, grateful, joyful, hospitable, generous, persevering

Mission To exalt Jesus in prayer, music and song, and to provide a place for others to seek God, participate in prayer and receive prayer

Vision Statement CI-HOP exists to build a sanctuary of prayer honoring Jesus Christ, Son of God

Don’t give up!

Hey! It’s me, Kathy Wooten :)

“Change is in the air.” The theme

around here has been “Change”.

I don't like change. I mean, I can

handle the good kind of change like a

new shirt every now and then but lots

of change I’m not that into. Change is like a giant “sifter”,

it shows my yucky stuff (dross - there has been a lot of sift

happening :)

The House of Prayer has a new building in downtown Wilmore which is really great. It is in the

remodeling phase, getting it ready to be a bigger place of prayer called The Sanctuary. It was a

residence and art studio before. The

approximate grand opening date is Fall

2015. It will be more spacious,

accommodate more people, be more

conveniently located and it will be so

good. You can “like” CornerStone

International House of Prayer on

Facebook to see updates. The only

problem is, we won’t be in our old

prayer room which I love and have gone

to for 10 years. Hours and hours a week

for ten years. So, change. It’s good. And

hard. And it brings out all sorts of stuff.

Change must be contagious because it seems like it’s all over the place. The jail ministry is

changing a little, maybe growing is a better word, or trying to grow (which is harder than it

seems:). We discussed our hopes and dreams for jail ministry and we realized that we do not

have the resources to disciple each lady who says “yes” to Jesus in the jail—there are many!

We long for them to walk out their faith as they are released. We have come up with these

after-jail goals for those who contact us when they get out of jail:

To help connect them to a body of believers

To facilitate that connection by introducing them personally to someone in that body

To increase the number of people who will be contacts for these ladies in local bodies of

believers. (please email or call me if you want to be on our jail team—kathy@cihop.org,


We are doing casual lunches on Mondays with a few of the ladies when they are available.

We still do church at jail on Thursday’s at 7pm and we really value your prayers and support.

I am changing, too—from part-time to professional/student status (10 hours a week in the

prayer room) at CI-HOP. I am pursuing full-time employment (Frito-Lay and I are working on

a good fit for me–I appreciate your prayers for that.) God has so graciously supplied for me all

these years and I am so grateful (what an adventure in learning to trust Him-heart wrenching

sometimes –How do the birds do it? Don’t worry -Matthew 6:26:). I have felt His approval to

raise funds for jail outreach such as Bibles, study supplies, lunches, etc. I am so grateful to you

for supporting me in all different ways. I have learned and grown so much and I love Jesus so

much, even more than when I started. That is my main goal; to love Him more and more and on

my last day on this earth be more in love with Him than ever before. I am excited to practice

what I have learned in the prayer room “out there”, to love Jesus and people in day-to-day stuff,

to encourage and be a blessing at CI-HOP and wherever the chips are down :)

May God bless us as we don't give up,

even during change :)

Kathy Wooten :)

The Sanctuary 330 East Main St

Wilmore, KY

Spring is

just around the corner….(found this on Facebook-

it’s a good one…)

Encourage one another

(and yourself) daily! -Hebrews 3:13

Please pray that God’s Word will go forth with power and grace at Women’s Church, Jessamine County Jail, Thursdays, 7pm


that has

encouraged me :)

In 2014 I was doing the math (I know that is shocking) and here

are some numbers I came up with –approximately...

250+ Bibles given (about 5 Bibles/wk at jail)

49 Jail church services (sometimes the jail is

over-crowded so church gets canceled)

96+ Hours of prayer for the lost

96+ Hours of prayer for our city & region

96+ Hours of prayer for our missionaries

& others

2835+ Hours our prayer room was open

35+ Missionaries prayed for & encouraged :)

355 Humorously cheesy things said (at least)

362 Days of not giving up… (a couple days

were just hanging in there:)

Monday Lunch with Miracle and Marylou

@ Fricsh’s Big Boy– I so appreciate

Miracle’s openness to pursue a new life. I

am so grateful for Marylou as she joins us

when she can to encourage folks at lunch


Stephen Venable’s blog

Lots of free outstanding

audio teachings


Thank you, especially to Tina, Marcy & Marilyn for your faithful giving for the Bibles in jail –you are making a

difference, for sure.