Workshop On Branding



A day workshop on branding and what you can do with it for your small business.

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Workshop on branding:

Here we go….

Strap yourselves in

Workshop on branding:

The Methodology: Babson style

• Different from lectures and workshops, as both. • Discussion of the idea

• Group work on the idea – often using one chosen company

• Brainstorming with the idea with your own companies

• Case studies… from a real company case study:

• A dating training company in the NW.

Workshop on branding: • What we will work on

• Names for your business, if you have one already, think again.

• Demographics and how they change your business: new markets from old products?

• Strap-lines and strategies: how to create one• Logos: how and why:

• Then Break Time for 10 minutes or so….

• The Psychology of Colours • Other point of sale materials • POS Sizes and Shapes.• Different Materials used and why?

Workshop on branding:


A rose by any other name

Workshop on branding: •What’s in a name•The Methodology:•Discussion

•Group work


•Case studies…

•Not only our own businesses but also a REAL company:

•A dating training company in the NW.

• What names do we know? • What bad names are there? • Who has a bad name?• Nike, Coca cola, kodak?

Dating Company: worksheet one

The importance of Market research

The importance of different options

Workshop on branding:


What can we find?

Can we make more money?

Workshop on branding: •What’s in a name: new markets•The Methodology:•Discussion

•Group work


•Case studies…

•Not only our own businesses but also a REAL company:

•Attraction Faction: a dating training company in the NW.

• Different names = • Same product / service =• Potential new markets

• Different demographics• Ages• Wages• Places • Marketing potential • 80/20 rule are we really going for

our niche? • Why niche? • How does this affect the brand?• Why should we care?• Money, Money, Money….

Workshop on branding:


the power of the underneath

Workshop on branding: •What’s in a strap-line•The Methodology:•Discussion

•Group work


•Case studies…

•Not only our own businesses but also a REAL company:

•Attraction Faction: a dating training company in the NW.•Different strap-lines

• Different straplines = • Same product / service =• Different emotions = • new customers = more money

• Different straplines • How can we use them?• Emotions• Price points• Call to action

• Why is it imporant? • We can change them more than

logos and names and get a great response…..

• More customers, different money.

Workshop on branding:


If the clothes don’t make the man, does the shape and colour?

Workshop on branding: •What’s in a logo•The Methodology:•Discussion

•Group work


•Case studies…

•Not only our own businesses but also a REAL company:

•Attraction Faction: a dating training company in the NW.•Different logos

• Different logo = • Same product / service =• Different initial impact = • Different customers = more money

• Different logos• Examples • How can we use them?• Age, wage, belief system

• Why is it important? • We can’t change them after we

choose them• The lifespan of the business• Changing logo looses money,

costs money, makes less money.

Workshop on branding

Logo 1

Workshop on branding

Logo 2

Workshop on branding

Logo 3

Workshop on branding

Logo 4


• Break time • 10 minute chill out for the brain

• Whilst chilling and chatting be thinking about: • Colours and the power of them • POS Sizes and Shapes.• Different Materials used and why? • Other point of sale materials

Workshop on branding:

Colour:Colors, like features, follow the

changes of the emotions. - Pablo Picasso -

Workshop on branding: •What’s in a colour•The Methodology:•Discussion

•Group work


•Case studies…

•Not only our own businesses but also a REAL company:

•Attraction Faction: a dating training company in the NW.•Different colours?

• Different colours = • Same product / service =• Different initial impact = • Different emotions =• Buying emotions? = more money• Different customers = more money

• Different Colours• The Psychology of colour • How can we use them?• Age, wage, belief systems

• Why is it important? • Tricky to change • Innate and universal meaning• Easy to get ideas on

Workshop on branding: •What’s in a colour? From surveys….

•92.6 percent said that they put most importance on visual factors when purchasing products. Only 5.6 percent said that the physical feel.

•When asked to approximate the importance of color when buying products, 84.7 percent of the total respondents think that color accounts for more than half among the various factors important for choosing products.

•Research reveals people make a subconscious judgment about a person, environment, or product within 90 seconds of initial viewing and that between 62% and 90% of that assessment is based on color alone.

Workshop on branding:

•What’s in a colour? They make us do things…

•Psychologists have documented that "living color" does more than appeal to the senses. It also boosts memory for scenes in the natural world.

By hanging an extra "tag" of data on visual scenes, color helps us to process and store images more efficiently than colorless (black and white) scenes, and as a result to remember them better, too

• Ads in color are read up to 42% more often than the same ads in black and white

• Color improves readership by 40%, learning from 55 to 78%, and comprehension by 73%.

Workshop on branding:

•What’s in a colour? They make us do things…

• Tests indicate that a black and white image may sustain interest for less than two-thirds a second, whereas a colored image may hold the attention for two seconds or more.

• People cannot process every object within view at one time. Therefore, color can be used as a tool to emphasize or de-emphasize areas.

• 80% of what we assimilate through the senses, is visual.

Workshop on branding:

•What’s in a colour? Gender differences

• 56% of men and 76% of women preferred cool colors• 51% men and 45% women chose bright colors. • Women might be more color-conscious and their color tastes more flexible and diverse. •Yet women are more likely to have a favourite colour.• In expressing the preference for bright and soft colors, there was a difference, with women preferring soft colors.

Workshop on branding:

•What’s in a colour? Gender differences

• Yellow had a higher affective value for men than women • Blue for men stands out far more than for women. • Men preferred blue to red and women red to blue. • Yellow being preferred to orange by women and orange to yellow by men. • Blue green was more favored among women than men, and women preferred tints more than shades.

Workshop on branding: • What’s in a colour?

• What’s




Blue 26%

Pink 19%

Red 13%

Green 12%

Purple 11%

Black 7%

Orange 5%

Yellow 3%

White 2%

Gray 1%

Total votes cast: 33570

poll first posted on October 16, 2006

Workshop on branding: •What’s in a colour?

•Black•Black is the color of authority and power. It is popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner. It is also stylish and timeless. Black also implies submission. Priests wear black to signify submission to God. Some fashion experts say a woman wearing black implies submission to men. Black outfits can also be overpowering, or make the wearer seem aloof or evil.

•White•Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. White reflects light and is considered a summer color. White is popular in decorating and in fashion because it is light, neutral, and goes with everything. However, white shows dirt and is therefore more difficult to keep clean than other colors. Doctors wear white to imply sterility.

Workshop on branding: •What’s in a colour?

•Red•The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. It is also the color of love. Red clothing gets noticed and makes the wearer appear heavier. Since it is an extreme color, red clothing might not help people in negotiations or confrontations. Red cars are popular targets for thieves.

•In decorating, red is usually used as an accent. Decorators say that red furniture should be perfect since it will attract attention. Its also used as a appetite stimulant (look at curry houses)

•Sports teams sometimes paint the locker rooms used by opposing teams bright pink so their opponents will lose energy.

Workshop on branding: •What’s in a colour?

•Blue•The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. It causes the opposite reaction as red. Peaceful, tranquil blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms. •Blue can also be cold and depressing. Fashion consultants recommend wearing blue to job interviews because it symbolizes loyalty. •People are more productive in blue rooms. Studies show weightlifters are able to handle heavier weights in blue gyms.

•Yellow•Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. •Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads. It also speeds metabolism.

Workshop on branding:

•What’s in a colour?

•Purple•The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. It is also feminine and romantic. •However, because it is rare in nature, purple can appear artificial.

•Brown•Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. •Light brown implies genuineness while dark brown is similar to wood or leather. •Brown can also be sad and wistful. Men are more apt to say brown is one of their favorite colors.

Workshop on branding• Different colours:

• How does each of these make you feel?

• Why? Can you verbalise it?

• Colours are often subconscious

• Which ones should AF go for?

• What makes the difference? • Age• Sex• Market positioning• Sales devices? i.e. humour

Workshop on branding:

•What’s in a colour? One colour example: Green

•For example, green’s associations with:• nature communicate growth

• Fruitfulness

• Freshness and ecology

• Be symbolic of good luck

• Money

• These associations arise from a complex assortment of sources.

Workshop on branding

• Cultural associations: the color of currency, traditions, celebrations, geography, etc. (For example, green is associated with heaven (Muslims) and luck (U.S. and Ireland)

• Political and historical associations: the color of flags, political parties, royalty, i.e. the color of Libya's flag; it’s the favorite color of Emperor Hirohito and the source of "Green Day" in Japan, and in the U.S., the Green Party.

• Religious and mythical associations: the colors associated with spiritual or magical beliefs (For example, the green man was the God of fertility in Celtic myths)

• Contemporary usage and fads: current color applications to objects, sports, and associations generated by modern conventions and trends.

• For example, green is used world wide for traffic lights signifying "go. In the U.S., “avocado green” was a popular color for appliances in the 1960s. Today, lime green has been a hip and trendy color in fashion and advertising in the US since the late 1990s.

What’s in a colour? One colour example: Green

Workshop on brandingIn the end the dating company went for:

Can you think why……..?

Workshop on branding:

•POS Sizes and Shapes.

Workshop on branding:

•Different Materials used and why?

Workshop on branding:

•Other point of sale materials

Workshop on branding:

•Other point of sale materials

Workshop on branding:

Has anyone NOT had an ‘aha’ moment?

-How can I help your company more?

-Have you thought about the different brand issues?

-Let’s discuss this more…… or let’s go home

-Any problems: Call me on 07866 375 103