WORLD HISTORY: NATIONALISM EDITION The thing that leads everyone over the edge



TERMS Political philosophy that favored voting rights for educated, property owners.

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WORLD HISTORY: NATIONALISM EDITION The thing that leads everyone over the edge Terms Nationalism in Europe Latin American Independence German Unification Italian Unification TERMS Political philosophy that favored voting rights for educated, property owners. TERMS 100 Liberals TERMS An area of land that has specific borders. TERMS State TERMS An area of land with specific borders that is controlled by a nation of people who share the same culture, history, and language. TERMS Nation-state TERMS A group of people that share the same language, culture, and history. TERMS Nation TERMS Idea that a persons greatest loyalty should be to the nation of people who share the same language, culture, and history TERMS Nationalism NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Empire Greece won its independence from. NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Ottoman Empire NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Leader of the French Second Republic, elected in 1848. NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Louis-Napoleon NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Russian Czar who was known for his industrial reforms of the state. NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Alexander II NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Pressure from this group forced Austria to share power of the Austrian Empire. NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Hungarians NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Explain the effect that nationalism had on the multi-cultural empires. NATIONALISM IN EUROPE Caused tension within the empire because each nation was trying to gain some power for itself at the expense of the empire. LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE People of mixed European and Native ancestry. LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Mestizos LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE First European colony in Latin America to gain its independence. LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Haiti LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Fought to free Venezuela from Spanish control. LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Simon Bolivar LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Significance of the Battle of Ayacucho. LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Last major battle for independence LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Established a constitutional monarchy in Mexico. LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE Treaty of Cordoba GERMAN UNIFICATION Wealthy, land-owning class of Prussia GERMAN UNIFICATION Junkers GERMAN UNIFICATION Prime minister of Prussia who would unite the country of Germany GERMAN UNIFICATION Otto von Bismarck GERMAN UNIFICATION Idea that it is necessary to do what is unpopular to further the power of your country. (The reality of politics) GERMAN UNIFICATION Realpolitik GERMAN UNIFICATION War that finally united Germany. GERMAN UNIFICATION Franco-Prussian War GERMAN UNIFICATION King Wilhelm of Prussia was given this title at the end of German Unification. GERMAN UNIFICATION Kaiser ITALIAN UNIFICATION Italian state that led the unification of Northern Italy. ITALIAN UNIFICATION Sardinia-Pidemont ITALIAN UNIFICATION Known for uniting Southern Italy. ITALIAN UNIFICATION Garibaldi ITALIAN UNIFICATION Prime minister who used France to force Austria out of Northern Italy. ITALIAN UNIFICATION Camillo di Cavour ITALIAN UNIFICATION Color of shirt that Garibaldi would wear into battle. ITALIAN UNIFICATION Red ITALIAN UNIFICATION Italian nationalist who first stated the idea of uniting Italy under one rule ITALIAN UNIFICATION Giuseppe Mazzini Name three characteristics of a nation- state. Give one example of a state that achieved this. Give a wager
