World War II: Part One



World War II: Part One. Describe Germany’s aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asia. Identify Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, Hirohito, Truman, Mussolini, and Hitler. Standards: SS5H6 (a, d). Dictators of the Axis Powers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War II: Part One

Describe Germany’s aggression in Europe and Japanese aggression in Asia.

Identify Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, Hirohito, Truman, Mussolini, and Hitler.

Standards: SS5H6 (a, d)

Dictators of the Axis Powers

These are the three leaders of the Axis Powers that you need to know. Also, remember which country each one led:

Adolf Hitler (Germany) Benito Mussolini (Italy) Hirohito (Japan)

Remember the Axis by the X on the Nazi Germany flag. That’ll help you remember the Axis were the bad guys.

Adolf Hitler and Germany

Hitler was the dictator of Germany (1933-1945). He invaded many of the countries around Germany, and WWII started when the Germans invaded Poland in 1939.

Benito Mussolini and Italy

Mussolini was Hitler’s ally and the dictator of Italy.

He sent Italian troops to invade Albania (in Europe) and Ethiopia (in Africa).

Hirohito and Japan

Hirohito was the emperor of Japan, but his military actually had the power.

Japan wanted to make its empire larger, and they took over places in China and Korea.

Review: The Axis Powers

The Allied Powers

The main Allied Powers (also called the Allies) included:

United Kingdom (and Canada & Australia)

United States U.S.S.R. (Soviet Union)

You can remember the Allies if you think they all start with “U”, and remember, “U” live in one of them!




Winston Churchill and the UK

Winston Churchill was Britain’s leader during the war.

After France fell to the Germans, the UK was alone in the fight until the US and USSR joined.

Franklin Roosevelt and the US Franklin D. Roosevelt

was president of the U.S. when Pearl Harbor was attacked and the US Congress declared war on the Axis Powers.

He led the US through WWII until he died in 1945. His vice president, Harry Truman, became president then.

Joseph Stalin and the USSR

Joseph Stalin led the Soviet Union (USSR) during the war.

The USSR joined the Allies after Germany invaded it in 1941.

The Allies vs the Axis

Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill discussing war strategy.

See if you can match the country with its leader. Use a RED pen for the Axis and a

BLUE pen for the Allies.

Hirohito Roosevelt Stalin Mussolini Churchill Hitler

UK (Great Britain) Nazi Germany Italy US USSR (Soviet Union) Japan