Writing and Local Identity · The Sea of Learning: Mobility and Identity in Nineteenth-Century...


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Writing and Local Identity: Literary Women of the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong, 18th and 19th Centuries

Grace S. FongProfessor of Chinese Literature

McGill University

Visiting ProfessorUniversity of Hong Kong

• Steven Miles. The Sea of Learning: Mobility and Identity in Nineteenth-Century Guangzhou. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2006.

• Xuehaitang Academy 學海堂書院, founded in 1820

• Ruan Yuan 阮元 (1764-1849): Governor-General ofGuangdong and Guangxi (1817-1826)

Pearl River Delta (清) 珠江三角洲


Pearl River Delta

Hakka regionJiaying county

Ming Qing Women’s Writings (MQWW) Portal 


Guangdong women’s writing as part of the development and construction of scholar-gentry culture and identity in this region during the late imperial period:

• In what ways were literary women a part of the regional culture in Guangdong in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

• Did a regional or local culture inform these women’s textual production, if so, how?

• Do the hopes and desires, social and cultural activities, reflections and ambitions of these Pearl River Delta women show difference from or similarity to their contemporary counterparts, both those in the Yangzi River Delta, the well-studied center of women’s literary culture and those in neighboring coastal and inland provinces such as Fujian and Hunan?

Download Microsoft Access MQWW database

Analytical terms:

• TEXT – writings by the women authors contained in their own collections, consisting mainly of poetry but also include some prose genres

• PARATEXT – framing materials, such as title page, preface, postscript, endorsement verse, biography, etc., produced by other writers to accompany the publication of an author’s personal collection

Three types of sources for Guangdong Women Writers used in this study:

1) Anthologies 總集、選集:

• 溫汝能 (1748-1811) 編. 《粵東詩海》 1813 版 (not in MQWW)

• 惲珠 (1771-1833). 《國朝閨秀正始集、續集》 1831-1836 版.

2) Catalogues 書目:

• 冼玉清 (1895-1965). 《廣東女子藝文考》 商務印書館 1941.

• 胡文楷. 《歷代婦女著作考》商務印書館 1957; 上海古籍出版社 1985; 2008 增訂版 .

3) Digital Archive 數字檔案:

• 明清婦女著作 http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/mingqing/

溫汝能 (1748-1811). 《粵東詩海》 1813 版

1055 詩人: 78 女詩人

《易經》: Trigram Li 離卦


Virtuous ladies and gentle maidens do not choose the place where they are born. But Yue (Guangdong) is located in the southern Li, and Li is the “second daughter” signifying civilization. Therefore, when women are born in its midst, there would indeed be those whose natural endowments are brilliant and illuminate the four directions.

• 冼玉清. 《廣東女子藝文考》 商務印書館 1941.

Guangdong women authors: 2 (pre-Ming), 13 (Ming), 89 (Qing)

• 胡文楷.《歷代婦女著作考》上海古籍出版社 1985; 2008 增訂版 .

Guangdong women authors: 4 Ming, 95 Qing

惲珠 (1771-1833). 《國朝閨秀正始集》《~續集》1831-1836.

Women poets: Guangdong 33 Hunan 38Fujian 44 Jiangnan:Zhejiang 336 Jiangsu 463

明清婦女著作 (MQWW) http://digital.library.mcgill.ca/mingqing/

Women poets: Guangdong 78 (6 pre-Ming, 10 Ming, 62 Qing)

Hunan 105Fujian 224Jiangnan:Zhejiang 988Jiangsu 1082


Produced by Dr. SHI Song

Geographical distribution of 78 Guangdong women writersin the Ming Qing Women’s Writings digital archive

Note concentration in the Pearl River Delta.





1. 順德 Shunde 李晚芳 1691-1767 讀史管見: 三卷 女學言行纂﹕三卷

1787 Sun Yat-sen Library

2. 順德 Shunde 龍唫薌 1841-1905 蕉雨軒稿: 一卷 1908 Sun Yat-sen Library

3. 順德 Shunde 李佩珍 1843-1870 綠綺閣詩鈔:一卷 1900 Sun Yat-sen Library

4. 順德 Shunde 馬雅文 d. 1903 畫荻吟草: 一卷 1936 Sun Yat-sen Library

5. 順德 Shunde 黎春熙 d. 1870s 靜香閣詩存 1898 (跋) Harvard-Yenching Library

6. 番禺 Panyu 史印玉 d.1873 芙蓉館遺稿:一卷 1874 Sun Yat-sen Library

7. 番禺 Panyu 劉月娟 c. 1890-? 倚雲樓詩鈔:一卷 1912 Sun Yat-sen Library

8. 番禺 Panyu 周曜雲

c. 1853-c. 1912 幽蘭軒詩選:一卷

1910s National Library

9. 南海 (廣州) Nanhai

黃璇 fl.1851-1908 紫藤花館詩: 一卷 1878 National Library

10. 南海 (廣州) Nanhai 梁靄 1865-1890 飛素閣遺詩:一卷 1900 Sun Yat-sen Library

11. 香山 (中山) Xiangshan

李如蕙 fl. early 19C 茗香室詩略: 一卷 1835 National Library

12. 香山 (中山) Xiangshan

劉慧娟 1830-ca.1880 曇花閣詩鈔﹕三集 1890 Harvard-Yenching Library

13. 陽春 Yangchun 謝方端 1724-1813 小樓吟稿: 二卷 1900 National Library

14. 新會 Xinhui 黃芝臺 Late 18C-19C 凝香閣詩鈔: 一卷 1864 (1834 初版)

National Library

15. 嘉應 (梅州) Jiaying 葉璧華 1841-1915 古香閣全集: 四卷 1903 Sun Yat-sen Library

16. 博羅 Boluo 韓綺如 Late 19C 容韓女士詩鈔:一卷 1927 Sun Yat-sen Library

Literary collections by 16 Guangdong women authors in Ming Qing Women’s Writings

Visualization of “social networks” generated by paratext writers for Guangdong women’s collections

Produced by Dr. SHI Song

梁靄 (1865-1890) 潘飛聲 (1858-1934)

Noteworthy features in Guangdong women’s writings:

• strong self-presentation

• interest in writing didactic literature

• travel poetry in Guangdong and other provinces

• mutual awareness

• interest in reading and writing history

• valorization of Hakka woman’s writing in the discourse of Hakka identity


邱掌珠 (1799-1844), <書嶺南閨秀詩後>

今錄嶺南詩 I now record the poems of Lingnan

明媛喜璀璨 Delighting in the famous ladies’ brilliance.

繕存几案旁 Transcribed and kept on the side table

時時一把玩 I pick them up to enjoy from time to time . . . . .

國朝閨秀正始集 18.21b

. . . . .





• Hakkas 客家 – an ethnic group with their own distinctive dialect and customs who had settled in southern Fujian and northern Guangdong

• Jiaying 嘉應, present-day Meizhou 梅州

• Huang Zunxian 黃遵憲 (1848-1905)

• Ye Bihua 葉璧華 (1841-1915)

葉璧華 《古香閣全集》 (1903):


In the past, old lineages from the Central Plains and subjects from the three dynasties Xia, Shang, and Zhou crossed the Yangzi River and 。entered Min (Fujian). They continued along the seacoast and reached Yue (Guangdong). It has been eight to nine hundred years or twenty-five to twenty-six generations since they moved here. But the people east of the Ridges (the Cantonese) still call them “sojourners” 客民. Their nature is gentle, their customs frugal. The diligence of their womenfolk is unmatched in the world.


葉璧華 《古香閣全集》 (1903)

• 懿德女學堂總教習葉璧華 潤生著

• 14 paratexts

• 丘逢甲 (1864-1912) 題詞

• 張煜南 (1851-1911): 光緒二十七年(1901)孟冬月榕軒氏張煜南題贈並刊印
