XPS AND ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF FERROELECTRIC Sn P S …lfd/Lfz/482/05/Ljp48205.pdf · Electronic...


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Lithuanian Journal of Physics, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 145–154 (2008)



J. Grigas a, E. Talik b, V. Lazauskas c, Yu.M. Vysochanskii d, R. Yevych d,M. Adamiec b, and V. Nelkinas c

a Faculty of Physics, Vilnius University, Sauletekio 9, LT-10222 Vilnius, LithuaniaE-mail: jonas.grigas@ff.vu.lt

b Institute of Physics, Silesian University, Universytetska 4, 40-007 Katowice, Polandc Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University, A. Goštauto 12, LT-01108 Vilnius, Lithuania

d Uzhgorod University, Pidhirna 46, UA-88000 Uzhgorod, Ukraine

Received 17 March 2008; revised 15 May 2008; accepted 9 June 2008

Electronic properties of uniaxial ferroelectric Sn2P2S6 single crystal are studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of the valence band (VB) and of the principal core levels (CL) are obtained from differentcrystallographic planes in both paraelectric and ferroelectric phases. The XPS were measured with monochromatized Al Karadiation in the energy range 0–1400 eV. The VB consists of five bands with the maxima between 3.3 and 14.5 eV below theFermi level. Experimental energies of the VB and core levels are compared with results of theoretical ab initio calculationsof molecular model of the Sn2P2S6 crystal. Electronic structure of the VB is revealed. Ferroelectric phase transition changesatom’s charge and bonds strength, VB electronic structure, CL lines width, and chemical shifts for the Sn, P, and S states whichare crystallographic plane-dependent.

Keywords: Sn2P2S6, ferroelectric, crystals, XPS, electronic structure

PACS: 71.20.-b, 77.84.-s, 78.70.En, 79.60.-i

1. Introduction

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is widely used forinvestigations of the electronic structure of solids. Dueto reduced co-ordination number, the surface atomsexperience a different potential than the bulk atoms.Therefore, the core-electron binding energies are dif-ferent for surface and bulk atoms. XPS enables oneto study the surface valence changes, which affect thecore-level shift with respect to the bulk atoms. Formand electronic structure of the VB and CL were studiedboth theoretically and experimentally in the quasi-one-dimensional Sb2S3 [1] and Bi2S3 [2], SbSI [3], BiSI[4], and SbSeI [5] single crystals. XPS revealed hugecrystallographic plane-dependent splitting of the core-level binding energies in ferroelectric SbSI, and smallercore-level shifts in non-ferroelectric BiSI and SbSeI.Theoretical ab initio calculations confirmed these find-ings. The valence band and core levels of these quasi-one-dimensional crystals are extremely sensitive tochanges of the chemical environment of atoms.

Sn2P2S6 is a well-known uniaxial ferroelectric semi-conductor, which exhibits a number of prominent

strongly coupled semiconductive and ferroelectric prop-erties that are discussed in detail in the monograph[6]. The room-temperature ferroelectric (FE) phase is amonoclinic one, with the space group Pc. Above Tc =337 K, the crystal undergoes a second-order ferroelec-tric phase transition into paraelectric (PE) monoclinicspace group P21/c. The shapes of the coordinationpolyhedrons of chalcogen atoms do not differ signifi-cantly. Below Tc, all four Sn atoms are shifted signif-icantly in the [100] direction, with respect to the loca-tions in the centrosymmetric state. Two of them areshifted along the [010] direction by 0.04 Å, while theremaining two are shifted by the same distance along[010]. The two non-equivalent Sn atoms are shifted by0.325 Å along a, 0.044 Å along b, and 0.094 Å along cand by 0.225 Å along a, 0.044 Å along b, and 0.033 Åalong c direction, respectively. Two pairs of Sn atomshave different shifts in the FE phase. This is related tononlinear interaction of soft Bu and full symmetricalmode Ag modes in the PE phase. This interaction isvery important for the phase transition nature. Changesin the position of P and S atoms at Tc are small. Thus,

c© Lithuanian Physical Society, 2008c© Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 2008 ISSN 1648-8504

146 J. Grigas et al. / Lithuanian J. Phys. 48, 145–154 (2008)

Sn atoms shift mainly along the [100] direction and thisallows considering the Sn sublattice as ferroactive.

Ferroelectricity in ferroelectric semiconductors isclosely related to their electronic structure [7]. How-ever, electronic properties of this crystal were less stud-ied than structural and phonon properties [6]. Elec-tronic structure of Sn2P2S6 was studied by X-rayphotoelectron and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopiesin combination with the full-potential linearized aug-mented plane wave (FLAPW) band structure calcula-tions only in ferroelectric phase [8]. Due to a relativecomplexity and low symmetry of the crystal, one canexpect different XPS from the different crystal planes(as in SbSI [3]) as well as for the PE and FE phases.We failed to find any studies of the ferroelectric phasetransition influence on the electronic structure of thiscrystal.

The purpose of this paper is to study XPS and elec-tronic structure of the ferroelectric Sn2P2S6 crystals inboth FE and PE phases, and to reveal the influence ofthe ferroelectric phase transition on electronic structureof valence band and on shifts in core-level binding en-ergies.

Organisation of the paper is as follows. A brief de-scription of experimental details is given in Section 2.Section 3 presents a molecular model of the Sn2P2S6

crystal and the Hartree–Fock–Roothan (HFR) methodof ab initio calculations of photoionization energies.The calculated bonds strength and atom’s charge in thePE and FE phases as well as the calculated bindingenergies are presented and compared with the experi-mental findings. In Section 4, the results of calculatedVB electronic structure and XPS of VB and CL forSn2P2S6 crystal from different crystallographic planesin the both – FE and PE – phases are presented. It isshown that the ferroelectric phase transition changesatom’s charge and bonds strength, VB electronic struc-ture, and CL lines width, as well as chemical shiftsfor the Sn, P, and S states, which are crystallographicplane-dependent. Finally, conclusions are given in Sec-tion 5.

2. Experimental details

The Sn2P2S6 crystal was grown by vapour transport.The crystal of good optical quality was 2 cm long and1 cm2 in area. The XPS of valence band and principalcore levels were measured using a PHI 5700 / 660 Phys-ical Electronics spectrometer with monochromatic AlKα radiation (1486.6 eV) of 0.3 eV full width at halfmaximum. The photoelectron spectra as functions of

Table 1. Atomic concentration at different planes in FE(RT) and PE (360 K) phases.

Atomic concentration

Peak yz plane xy plane xz planeRT 360 K RT 360 K RT 360 K

P 2p 22.4 21.8 22.3 22.3 22.5 23.6S 2p 56.1 56.4 56.3 57.3 55.8 54.7

Sn 3d5 21.5 21.8 21.4 20.4 21.7 21.7

Table 2. Chemical composition at different planes in FE(RT) and PE (360 K) phases.

Chemical composition

Element yz plane xy plane xz planeRT 360 K RT 360 K RT 360 K

P 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.4S 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.6 5.5Sn 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.2 2.2

kinetic energy were analysed in the 0–1400 eV energyrange by a hemispherical mirror analyzer. All spec-tra are obtained using 400 µm-diameter analysis area.The measurements were performed from the crystallo-graphic planes perpendicular to ferroelectric x axis, zaxis, and non-ferroelectric y axis, cleaved in situ in thelow 10−10 torr range vacuum to obtain the clean sur-faces. The survey spectra taken directly after breakingthe crystal showed small contamination by oxygen anda rather low one by carbon that should have no influ-ence on the VB and CL spectra. The angle was 45◦

between the sample and X-ray incident beam. A charg-ing effect was observed. All spectra were corrected forthis charging effect using the carbon 1s line of adsorbedcarbon (Eb = 285 eV).

The most intensive core-level lines are selected tospecify the stoichiometry of the crystal. The atomicconcentration specified by the peak areas is shown inTable 1. The experimentally determined atomic con-centration is in good agreement with the ideal stoi-chiometry of the crystal. The chemical composition isgiven in Table 2. This indicates that the crystal has ahigh quality with regard to the chemical purity. How-ever, the presented quantities slightly depend on thecrystallographic plane and the phase.

3. Molecular model of Sn2P2S6 crystal and ab initiocalculation of the energy levels

The electronic structure of VB and CL was calcu-lated by the method based on HFR equations solu-tions, in the Linear Combinations of Atomic Orbitals

J. Grigas et al. / Lithuanian J. Phys. 48, 145–154 (2008) 147

Fig. 1. Sn8(P2S6)8 cluster as a molecular model of Sn2P2S6 crystal on the xy plane. The calculated bond strengths and atom’s charges inthe PE phase are shown in the picture.

(LCAO) approach for the molecular orbitals (MO).According to the Koopmans’ theorem, the one-particleenergies obtained from the canonical HFR equationscorrespond to the approximate ionization potentials.This would be an exact solution if the ionisation pro-cess were instantaneous and the correlation energy con-tribution could be completely neglected.

For calculating the energy levels we need a molecu-lar model of the crystal. The model must be a clustercomposed from an even number of molecules. How-ever, the interaction between the clusters is not as weakas it should be. Figure 1 shows a fragment of the crys-tal structure on the xy plane. The unit cell is shadowed.This selected Sn4(P2S6)4 cluster gives the stable HFRsolution. Such a cluster was used for theoretical calcu-lations.

The molecular orbital (MO) is a linear combinationof atomic orbitals (AO). The MO (ϕi) can be expandedin the AO (χµ(r)) basis:

ϕi(r) =M∑


Ciµ χµ(r) , (1)

where µ is the number of the AO, or the set of quantumnumbers nlm. For simplicity, a Gaussian 3G orbital

basis set [9] is used. The C matrix is obtained by solv-ing Hartree–Fock matrix equation

FC = SC ε . (2)

Equation (2) is solved by diagonalization as de-scribed in [1–3]. As the matrix F nonlinearly dependson unknown coefficients Ciµ, the Eq. (2) is solved byiterations method. The diagonal matrix ε gives the en-ergies of MO levels. For the core levels they nearlycorrespond to the energy of the AO levels. However,due to interaction they are slightly diffused. Method offinding the overlap integrals Sµν and the Fock’s matrix(F) elements is also described in [1–3].

The coefficients Ciµ allow us to calculate the elec-tronic structure of molecules and to interpret the exper-imental results. They also allow us to find the matrixof the electron distribution density, according to Mul-licken, which is given by

Pµν = 2



Ciµ Ciν . (3)

Here N is the number of electrons. For the closedshells N is even.

148 J. Grigas et al. / Lithuanian J. Phys. 48, 145–154 (2008)

Table 3. Sn–S bonds strength in FE and PE phases. Numbers of atoms are given in Fig. 1.

Sn1–S FE PE Sn2–S FE PE Sn3–S FE PE Sn4–S FE PE1–9 0.41 0.56 2–10 0.55 0.40 3–11 0.19 0.24 4–13 0.23 0.361–15 0.10 0.24 2–11 0.48 0.36 3–17 0.19 0.56 4–15 0.35 0.361–30 0.42 0.42 2–19 0.45 0.36 3–26 0.05 0.29 4–18 0.32 0.401–33 0.38 0.24 2–31 0.36 0.32 3–27 0.07 0.24 4–27 0.46 0.241–35 0.43 0.29 2–33 0.10 0.24 3–32 0.28 0.42 4–29 0.33 0.32

The bond strengths PAB between the atoms A and B

PAB =∑



Pµν (4)

and the charge of the atoms is given by

qA = ZA −∑


Pµµ . (5)

This method of calculations is implemented inGAMESS program [10], which can deal with themolecular clusters up to M ≤ 2000 orbitals or 250atoms in MINI base. MIDI base is twice bigger forvalence electrons and better describes the VB. We usedboth MINI and MIDI 3G orbital basis sets. The calcula-tions are done using the experimental lattice parameters[6]. The calculated bond strengths and the Mullickencharge of the atoms in the PE phase are shown in Fig. 1.In this model, Sn atom’s charge is close to +1 and thecrystal is ionic Sn+

2 (P2S6)−. At the FE phase transi-tion, the bonds strength and charge of atoms change.The greatest changes occur in Sn3 surroundings. Thesechanges are given in Table 3. Those results show thata rearrangement of most of the bonds takes place at the

ferroelectric phase transition. The valence of ferroac-tive Sn ions also changes: Sn1 is 3.03 and 2.99, Sn2is 2.81 and 2.72, Sn3 is 1.92 and 2.99, and Sn4 is 2.81and 2.72 in the PE and FE phase, respectively. The va-lence and charge of Sn3 ions change at phase transitionmost of all, i. e. they decrease in the FE phase (chargedecreases from 1.07 to 0.95).

However, the cluster Sn4(P2S6)4 obviously does notreflect the symmetry of Sn2P2S6 crystal unit cell, whichcontains two formula units – Sn4(P2S6)2. This deter-mines different charges of Sn1 and Sn3 ions in the para-electric phase.

Table 4 presents theoretical values of binding ener-gies of the Sn4(P2S6)4 cluster without taking into ac-count the spin–orbit interaction. The quantum mechan-ical method and the chosen cluster give higher nega-tive CL as well as VB energies than their experimentalvalues are (see Table 5). Nevertheless, the cluster re-flects the electronic structure and binding energies ofthe crystal.

Fig. 2. Overview spectra of Sn2P2S6 crystal from the xy plane in the PE (360 K) and FE (RT) phases.

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Table 4. Values of the calculatedbinding (negative) energies (eV).

State FE phase PE phase

Sn 3s 860.7–859.7 860.3–860.2Sn 3p 741.2–740.1 740.8–740.7Sn 3d 520.2–519.1 519.8–519.7S 2s 246.3–240.1 244.9–241.4P 2s 210.1–207.9 209.5–208.8S 2p 182.3–175.9 180.8–177.2P 2p 153.1 152.7Sn 4s 149.7 150.6Sn 4p 111.2–110.1 110.7Sn 4d 40.5–39.4 40.1–39.9

4. Results of XPS and electronic structure

4.1. Survey spectra

Figure 2 shows the XPS of the Sn2P2S6 crystal inthe energy range from 0 to 1400 eV below the Fermilevel in the both, PE (360 K) and FE (RT), phases fromthe crystallographic xy plane. Only small amounts ofoxygen (O 1s) and carbon (C 1s) have been detected.The spectra from other crystallographic planes are sim-ilar. However, CL peaks in the ferroelectric phase arehigher. Inelastically scattered electrons give the back-ground. Auger spectra of Sn MNN, S LMM, and CKLL are also seen in the high energy range. Thestrongest peaks of Sn 3d, Sn 4d, Sn 3p, P 2p, S 2p were

Fig. 3. XPS of VB in the PE phase from the crystallographic planesperpendicular to all the three axes.

chosen for investigation of peculiarities of the crystal-lographic plane-dependent core-level XPS in this fer-roelectric semiconductor.

4.2. Valence band

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the valenceband provides data on the occupied total density ofstates. Figure 3 shows the VB spectra in the PE phasefrom the crystallographic planes perpendicular to allthree axes. The VB consists of five distinguishablebands with the maximum intensity at 2.8, 6.7, 9.2, 11.0,

Table 5. Binding energies and chemical shifts of atoms at different planes in FE (RT) and PE (360 K) phases.

Binding energy (eV)

Peak yz plane xy plane xz planeRT 360 K RT 360 K RT 360 K

P 2p3/2 in compound 132.0 131.8 132.6 132.1 132.3 131.8P 2p3/2 in literature 130.0

chemical shift 2.0 1.8 2.6 2.1 2.3 1.8

P 2p1/2 in compound 132.9 132.6 133.5 133.0 133.2 132.6P 2p3/2 in literature 131.0

chemical shift 1.9 1.6 2.5 2.0 2.2 1.6

S 2p3/2 in compound 162.3 161.9 162.7 162.3 162.4 161.7S 2p3/2 in literature 164.0

chemical shift −1.7 −2.1 −1.3 −1.7 −1.6 −2.3

S 2p1/2 in compound 163.5 163.0 163.9 163.5 163.6 162.9S 2p3/2 in literature 165.0

chemical shift −1.5 −2.0 −1.1 −1.5 −1.4 −2.1

Sn 3d5/2 in compound 486.7 486.5 486.9 486.3 486.8 486.3Sn 3d5/2 in literature 485.0

chemical shift 1.7 1.5 1.9 1.3 1.8 1.3

Sn 3d3/2 in compound 495.1 494.9 495.3 494.7 495.5 494.6Sn 3d3/2 in literature 493.0

chemical shift 2.1 1.9 2.3 1.7 2.5 1.6

150 J. Grigas et al. / Lithuanian J. Phys. 48, 145–154 (2008)

Fig. 4. XPS of VB in the FE phase from the three crystallographicplanes.

and 14.0 eV. The similar but more outspread bands arein the FE phase (Fig. 4). Their energies are shiftedby approximately 0.5 eV to higher values and coincidewith those obtained in [6]. The 11.0 eV band in thisphase is nearly erased. In the PE phase, the VB is sepa-rated by a gap of about 1.1 eV from the Fermi level. Inthe ferroelectric RT phase, the VB is located at about1.5 to 22 eV below EF. In these crystals, the opticalband gap at room temperature is 2.3 eV. It means thatthe Fermi level is pinned nearly in the middle of theband gap.

Figure 5 shows the calculated PE phase VB form andelectronic structure of Sn2P2S6 crystal. The spectrumis referred to the Fermi level EF. The EF was deter-mined experimentally within the accuracy of 0.3 eV.The intensities of the XPS were described:

(a) by the energy states band εi from the characteristicEq. (2);

(b) by the peaks of the density of states:

D(ε) =1



∆ε, (6)

where NM is the number of molecules in the cluster;(c) by the Gaussian broadening [11]:

D(ε) =1√2πσ




−(ε − εi)




, (7)

where the summation is performed over the states i,εi are the corresponding energy levels, and σ is thehalf-width of the Gaussian function.

The Gaussian broadening method is the simplest ap-proach to the Brillouin-zone spectral integrations. Thek-points are distributed as evenly as possible through-out the Brillouin zone, and the DOS D(ε) is formed ac-cording to Eq. (6). This method is designed for efficient

Fig. 5. Electronic structure of VB in PE phase: (a) DOS band andcontribution of states (%); (b) intensity of DOS (∆ε = 0.27 eVtaken in Eq. (6)); (c) calculated VB for Sn4(P2S6)4 cluster and

approximated by the Gaussian broadening method (Eq. (7)).

calculation of experimentally observed crystal spectralproperties where experimental and lifetime broaden-ings place a limit on the resolution required.

Further, all experiments have a finite energy reso-lution and frequently concentrate on the shifts, distor-tions, and changes in weight in the spectral features.In the approach used (Eq. (7)), the aim was to calcu-late the DOS only at the high density of k-points and

J. Grigas et al. / Lithuanian J. Phys. 48, 145–154 (2008) 151

then to smear the resulting spectrum to the experimen-tal resolution. However, the application of the Gaus-sian smearing to the DOS results in good convergenceat low k-point sampling densities.

The form of the VB can be explained by the anal-ysis of MO population. Knowing the MO coefficientsCiµ (Eq. (1)), we can evaluate the contribution of the Aatom electrons to εi state:

piA =∑


C2iµ . (8)

From the partial density of states (PDOS) (in %)calculated by Eq. (8) and the total density of states(a), the representation D(ε) for the peaks (b) of theDOS (Eq. (6)), and approximation of the bands spec-tra (c) by the Gaussian broadening method (Eq. (7)) forSn4(P2S6)4 molecular cluster (Fig. 5) it follows thatfrom 4 to 2 eV there is a conduction band (CB), theright edge of which is formed by S 3p electrons. Un-like Sb2S3-type [1, 2] and SbSI-type [3–5] crystals, theVB consists of five bands. It is dominated by Sn 5s, Sn5p, S 3s, S 3p, P 3s, and P 3p states. Five DOS peaksare degenerate. The main contribution to the most in-tensive band between −1 and −5 eV is given by S 3pstates. The left edge of this band is formed by S 3pstates with 13% Sn 5s and few percent P 3p states. Themain contribution to the next intensive band between−5 and −12 eV comes from S 3s, S 3p, P 3p, and Sn5s states. Sn 5s and 5p states give only small contribu-tion to the first two bands. The low-energy part of VBis formed mainly by S 3s and P 3s states. S 3s elec-trons form band at −14 eV, while P 3s electrons formband at −18.5 eV. Above −25 eV dominate P 3s withmixture of S 3s states. The five experimental bands at−3.3, −7.2, −9.7, −11.5, and −14.5 eV are in goodagreement with [8].

The calculated bands are shifted to higher energies,however. It means that electron–electron interactionsare overestimated. CL electrons extend the VB tohigher energies. This is also confirmed experimentally.Higher-energy edges of all the bands are more out-spread (Figs. 3, 4). The last three high-energy bandsexperimentally are seen as one diffused band. Tinatoms are strongly ionized. The electron density fromSn goes primarily to the neighbouring S atoms, yield-ing nearly full occupation of the S 3p band. The cal-culated PDOS in this approach differs slightly from theFLAPW calculations [8]; however, the main VB fea-tures are the same. Intensity of DOS is higher and min-ima are deeper than in FE phase. Due to the quasi-

Fig. 6. Electronic structure of VB in FE phase. Designations arethe same as in Fig. 5. ∆ε = 0.021 eV taken in Eq. (6), therefore theintensities are lower and minima are shallower than in PE phase.

degenerate levels, the PE phase DOS band is rarefiedin comparison with FE phase DOS.

Figure 6 shows the calculated VB form and elec-tronic structure of FE phase. The gap between the VBand CB decreases from 4.1 eV (in PE phase) to 2.6 eV.The calculated width of the VB is 24.9 eV, while inPE phase it is 23.1 eV. In FE phase, there is only onequasi-degenerate state instead of five in PE phase. Dis-appearance of centro-symmetry lifts degeneracy of the

152 J. Grigas et al. / Lithuanian J. Phys. 48, 145–154 (2008)

electronic states. The left edge of the most intensiveband between −1 and −5 eV is formed by S 3p stateswith few percent of P 3p states. Sn 5s states disap-pear. The phase transition does not change essentiallythe electronic structure of the crystal.

Mechanism of the tin cations electron lone pair for-mation, which is related to the appearance of the spon-taneous polarization [12], could be used for explain-ing the VB spectra evolution at transition from the PEphase to FE one. The hybridization of sp2 type deter-mines peculiarities of the density of states in VB. An-tibonding mixing of Sn 5s – S 3p orbitals gives statesat the top of VB. Bonding interaction of Sn 5p orbitalswith previous antibonding Sn 5s – S 3p states generateslower-energy filled states Sn 5p + (Sn 5s – S 3p), sp2

for short. By this the gain of electronic subsystem en-ergy is determined. Lowering of these sp2 states energyis proportional to acentricity of the Sn ions surrounding(similarly to the known Jahn–Teller effect). Such for-mation of the Sn lone pair electron “cloud” togetherwith deformation of nearest sulphur atoms polyhedrondetermine the origin of spontaneous polarization. So, attransition to the FE phase and increase of spontaneouspolarization the discussed sp2 hybridization becomesstronger and by this the density of electronic states attop of the VB is lowered. The observed lowering ofenergy of the band with maximum near 3 eV in the VBXPS on cooling from 360 K to RT could be interpretedin such manner.

4.3. Core levels

Figures 7–9 show the spectra of Sn 3d, Sn 4d, andS 2p spin–orbit doublets from the xy plane in the FEand PE phases. In the FE phase, all the CL bands arebroader than in the PE phase. This indicates strongerinteractions and higher bond strengths. However, evenin the PE phase the peak width, i. e. the interaction, isalso crystallographic plane-dependent (Fig. 10). Thestrongest interactions are observed for the polar yzplane.

Sn 3d and 4d spectra could be described by two linesin PE phase. Indeed, in PE phase all Sn ions are equiv-alent. In FE phase, two non-equivalent pairs of Sn ionsalready exist.

Sn 4d spectral lines in PE phase could be describedby two Voight contours with 1.04 eV splitting and1.02–0.85 eV width. Such spectra obviously are re-lated to four equivalent Sn atoms. In the FE phase, thespectra are best fitted by three doublets with near to1.04 eV splitting. One doublet is placed at energy posi-tion similar to observed for doublet in the PE phase.

Fig. 7. XPS of Sn 3d spin–orbit doublet in FE (RT) and PE (360 K)phases.

Fig. 8. XPS (in arb. units) of Sn 4d spin–orbit doublet in (a) PEand (b) FE phases.

Another two doublets are shifted to higher energies.Line width is smaller (0.85–0.91 eV) than that foundin the PE phase. Such spectra could be explained tak-ing into account the triple-well potential energy surfacefor Sn2P2S6 ferroelectrics [12]. This lowest energy

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Fig. 9. XPS of S 2p spin–orbit doublet in FE (RT) and PE (360 K)phases.

Fig. 10. XPS anisotropy of Sn 4d spin–orbit doublet in PE phase.

doublet could be related to Sn atoms in non-polar el-ementary cells. Such cells are placed in domain wallsof the FE phase. Another two higher energy doubletsare related to two non-equivalent pairs of Sn atoms inthe FE phase.

Anisotropy of Sn 4d spectra, which were registeredfrom surfaces perpendicular to z, y, and x directions, inthe PE phase is not so high. This anisotropy could bedetermined by different properties of near-surface lay-ers. In the FE phase, the anisotropy of XPS is clearlyseen. For example, Sn 4d y-cut RT spectra could befitted by two doublets, which are similar to the twohigher-energy doublets in the Sn 4d z-cut RT spectra.For y-cut the low-energy doublet, which is traced fromthe PE phase, is not seen. But for x-cut in the FE phasethis low-energy doublet has the highest intensity. Theobserved difference for the Sn 4d XPS registered from

Table 6. Anisotropy of the line width in FE (RT) and PE(360 K) phases.


Peak yz plane xy plane xz planeRT 360 K RT 360 K RT 360 K

P 2p3/2 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1P 2p1/2 1.0 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1 0.9S 2p3/2 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.2 1.3S 2p1/2 1.0 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.3 1.4

Sn 3d5/2 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.3 1.4 1.3Sn 3d3/2 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.4

x-, y-, and z-cuts in the FE phase could be related tothe shape of the domain walls and to their differentconcentration on crystal surfaces. Also, for the per-pendicular to y direction planes (010), with variationof their position, different non-equivalent pairs of Snatoms are placed near the surface. For the z-cut bothtypes of the Sn non-equivalent atoms simultaneouslyare located at the surface. Probably this structure pecu-liarity determines greater difference in the spectral areafor the doublets in Sn 4d y-cut RT spectra.

Anisotropy could be a result of different type Sn ionsplaced at surface. In FE phase, the macroscopic field ofspontaneous polarization also modifies surface proper-ties [3] in different manner for the polar yz and non-polar planes. On the Sn / Ge (111) surface [13] threecomponents in the line shape of the Sn 4d core levelalso reflect the three inequivalent positions of the Snatoms that form the unit cell.

The experimental binding energies and chemicalshifts of atoms at different planes in both the FE (RT)and PE (360 K) phases are given in Table 5. The elec-tronic structure measurements revealed the chemicalshifts of Sn and P states to a higher binding energy andshifts of S states to a lower binding energy. This shiftsuggests a charge transfer from Sn and P to S atoms.However, the binding energies and chemical shifts arecrystallographic plane-dependent. Also, they changeat the ferroelectric phase transition. In the FE phase,the chemical shifts of Sn and P atoms are higher whilethose of S atoms are smaller. Due to the non-equivalentpositions of the Sn atoms in FE phase the line width inFE (RT) phase significantly increases (Table 6) mainlyin xy plane.

5. Conclusions

X-ray photoelectron spectra of the valence band andof the principal core levels of the semiconductor fer-roelectric Sn2P2S6 crystal are presented in the energy

154 J. Grigas et al. / Lithuanian J. Phys. 48, 145–154 (2008)

range from 0 to 1400 eV. A molecular model of thecrystal is used for ab initio theoretical calculations ofbinding energies. Theoretical values of the binding en-ergies are close to the experimental ones. The structureof valence band is calculated and confirmed experimen-tally. The XPS studies revealed the crystallographicplane-dependent binding energies and chemical shiftswhich also change at the ferroelectric phase transition.Appearance of non-equivalent positions of Sn atoms inFE phase split the spin–orbit doublets of Sn 3d and 4dspectra.


This work was performed with the financial supportof the Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundationand within the framework of the Lithuania–Ukraineproject.


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J. Grigas a, E. Talik b, V. Lazauskas c, Yu.M. Vysochanskii d, R. Yevych d, M. Adamiec b, V. Nelkinas c

a Vilniaus universitetas, Vilnius, Lietuvab Silezijos universiteto Fizikos institutas, Katovicai, Lenkija

c Vilniaus universiteto Teorines fizikos ir astronomijos institutas, Vilnius, Lietuvad Užgorodo universitetas, Užgorodas, Ukraina

SantraukaRentgeno fotoelektronu spektroskopija ištirtos elektronines vien-

ašiu feroelektriniu Sn2P2S6 monokristalu savybes. Gauti valenti-nes juostos (VJ) ir svarbiausiu giliu lygmenu paraelektrines ir fe-roelektrines faziu spektrai nuo ivairiu kristalografiniu plokštumu.Fotoelektronu sužadinimo šaltinis buvo Al Kα 1486,6 eV mono-chromatine spinduliuote. Sužadintu fotoelektronu spektrai matuotienergijos ruože nuo 0 iki 1400 eV. Eksperimentiškai gautos foto-elektronu energijos yra palygintos su teoriniu ab initio skaiciavimu

rezultatais molekuliniam Sn2P2S6 kristalo modeliui. Apskaiciuotair eksperimentiškai patvirtinta kristalo VJ sandara abiejose fazese.VJ sudaro penkios juostos, o ju smailes yra nuo 3,3 eV iki 14,5 eVžemiau Fermio lygmens. Ivertinti Sn, S ir I atomu cheminiai po-slinkiai. Ištirta feroelektrinio fazinio virsmo itaka VJ sandarai irgiliu lygmenu spektrams. Nustatyta, kaip fazinis virsmas keiciaatomu kruvius, ryšiu stiprius, VJ elektronine sandara ir giliu lyg-menu juostu plocius bei Sn, S ir I atomu cheminius poslinkius, ku-rie priklauso nuo kristalografines plokštumos.
