5 Study Hacks to Ensure CMA Exam Success


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5 Study Hacks for CMA Candidates

Presented by CMA Coach & CMA Exam Academy founder, Nathan Liao

–Art Williams

“I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy — I’m telling you it’s going to

be worth it.”


TIP #1 - Keep the Material

Fresh in your Mind


Take Small Daily Steps

Studying small bits daily will help make the material stick.


Not only will it stay fresh, but it will allow you to have the mental capacity to be ready to absorb new information.


Set aside 1-2 hours every single day for studying

So, what should you do?



The act of texting, eating and watching TV with an open

textbook nearby.


TIP #2 - Cut Out Distractions


It’s time to unplug…

We have trained ourselves to answer the phone when it rings, check notifications as soon as they ‘ding’ and update our social statuses to pass the time — but BEWARE, this could be costing you exam success.

Instead: - Turn off your phone - Log out of social media - Keep your laptop on Standby



“Manage your time or it will manage you.”


TIP #3 - Manage

Your Time Wisely


HOW? With audio courses…


Doing laundry

On your lunch break

Walking the dog

Many CMA review courses come with audio versions and you can use them when:


–Ralph Marston

“Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body,

your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work.”


TIP #4 - Sit Back and Relax


It’s not just to help you recharge, but also for your mind to absorb the information already studied. Just like you need to take a rest day when you workout for your muscles to grow, the same way your mind needs a day off as well.

Every week, take a day off to unwind. Don’t think or do anything for your CMA prep at all – your brain needs the rest.



“When your WHY is big enough you’ll find your HOW.”


TIP #5 - Figure Out the Why


What is what is it that makes you study for this exam in the first place?

Why do you need to pass the exam so badly?

What is the benefit you’re going to get on passing it?

When you start to resent all the studying and cramming, ask yourself:

Once you have gained some clarity on this answer, you will have far less difficulty when it comes to focusing your attention on working towards your goal.


Looking for even more study hacks?I got you covered…




CMA BOOTCAMP uses adaptive technology that allows you to study smarter — not harder. Here’s how:

Tells you exactly which topics you are weak in

Drills you more on the questions you missed, and less on the ones you got right

Tests you with real, hard CMA exam questions

Gives you an accurate, real-time score as you study


To learn more about how CMA BOOTCAMP can help you find exam success, just click

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