ゲームプログラミング - 応用編 1 - 20150629 (pptx版)


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1. - - 2. Commit= (0)(1) (10) 3 3. UGC http://open.channel.or.jp/ 1. PowerPoint 2. 3. 1 - - - 2048 - - URL - URL2 1. URL(Youtube,nicovideo, mp4file) , 2. PowerPointZIPURL 10 4. 10 IP http://open.channel.or.jp/terms_user.php http://nico.ms/1432620077 http://faq.nicovideo.jp/EokpControl?&tid=289717&event=FE0006 http://babsika.cocolog-nifty.com//20/04/mame_icons_09.html http://park12.wakwak.com/~non/atelier/XEVI.htm URL http://j.mp/KAIT2015GP 6/28() 20:59 5. SampleCodeChapter11GameEngineGameEngineV3.1 CC Pictures Audio .sln VC GameEngineV3.1 6. createThisClass 7. Constants.h 8. [`] @+Shift help, fps 9. 10. PicturesJPEG(PNG) JPEGConstants.h // graphic images //const char MENU_IMAGE[] = "picturesmenu.png"; // menu texture const char MENU_IMAGE[] = "picturesLV2015akiL.jpg"; JPEG 11. AudacityMP3WAV XACT (constants.h) // audio files required by audio.cpp // WAVE_BANK must be location of .xwb file. const char WAVE_BANK[] = "audioWinWave Bank.xwb"; // SOUND_BANK must be location of .xsb file. const char SOUND_BANK[] = "audioWinSound Bank.xsb"; // audio cues const char BGM[] = "marcus_kellis_theme"; //marcus_kellis_theme marcus_kellis_theme Dance Like There's Marcus Kellis In Your Pants Themesong, Future Boy BGM 12. WAV3Cue 13. CreateThis::initialize() audio->playCue(BGM); BGM 14. CreateThis::update() 15. Music is VFR http://musicisvfr.com/free/se/hit01.html AudacityMP3WAV WAVE SE 16. http://commons.nicovideo.jp/material/nc69286 SE 17. Constants.h SpaceHIT SE 18. 2 CreateThis.Classh Texture Manager heeTexture; Image hee; Constants.hHEE_IMAGE 19. CreateThis::initialize(HWND hwnd) Update() Render() draw() 20. Processingmp3 Example:minim: FrequencyEnergy I/O:SaveFile2 mp3Kick, Snare, Hat CSV Excel , 21. http://www.spriters-resource.com/arcade/xevious/sheet/42387/ Thanks CrazyCarl, (0,128,0) 22. createThisClass.h TextureManager shipTexture; // ship texture Image ship; // ship image CreateThis::render() SpaceshipControl 23. Graphics.h MANGENTA ARGB(255,0,128,0) 24. , , 3 25. , +11.mp4 ZIPPowerPoint, Dropbox https://github.com/kaitas/ShiraiLabOpen/tree/master/GamePro/GameEngine
