静思语 Words Of Wisdom


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静思语Words Of Wisdom

(中英文)(In English & Chinese)

10 句证严法师之静思言10 Quotes From Ven. Cheng Yen

一个人的快乐不是因为他拥有得多 , 而是因为他计较得少


It is not about how much possessions a person has, but how little fuss he has.

人生的价值在于功能 , 而不是形象 . 形象没有价值。

Values of life lie in functionality rather than image. Image has no value.

好事要提得起 , 是非要放得下。成就别人即使成就自己。

Be ready to do good deeds and forget disputes.

Helping others to succeed is like helping own self to succeed.


When problems turn into wisdoms, these wisdoms are meaningful.

布施就好比吸取井水 .

唯有不断地布施 , 才能造福 , 增福。

Doing charity is like drawing water from a well .

Giving for charity constantly shall cultivate and increase merits.

用宁静的心态 , 观大地众生相,听大地众生声。

With a calm mind, watch the behaviors of and listen to all other living beings.

不怕一丈走不到 , 只怕寸步不移。

Do not be afraid of a difficult task , but be afraid of not making a start.

人能和 , 则是非不生。

When there is harmony, there shall be no conflict.


Giving way to help others to succeed is good practice and cultivation.


We have to accept everybody, every happening and everything around us, they can train us to become strong.
