503 welcome power point presentation




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  • 1. Peirce College OLM 503 Applied Research Methods WELCOME MESSAGE

2. 2 Welcome Getting Started the syllabus Required textbooks Course Description Learning Objectives 3. 3 Outcomes Assessments Preparation and participation Working Research Agenda Part 1 Personal research interests Part 2 Designing your research Part 3 Reflection Mini-Ethnographic Research Study 4. 4 Expectations Be prepared and engaged Be self-motivated and take initiative Time management Multi-task Focus Critical thinking 5. 5 Conduct Expectation: mature, professional, ethical, civil Communications Netiquette online etiquette Response focus Respectful at all times Educational environment Place for humor and sarcasm Typing speaks volumns 6. 6 Finally Excellence in graduate education is achieved when faculty and students are highly motivated, possess the academic and professional backgrounds necessary to perform at the highest levels, and are sincere in their desire to see each other succeed. 7. 7 If you need anything, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your professor. Thank you in advance for your hard work in this course!