7 great free resources to learn online



Hey, wake up! You are in a classroom! Nowadays, any browser can be considered a virtual classroom. The free learning platforms available online are impressive and are growing. We no longer need to invest thousands in tuition to get access to first-class education from the best schools worldwide. I’m not saying that this is an alternative to attend real universities and real degrees, that would be a completely different discussion. You can be a student looking for further knowledge, you can be a professional that wants to go in depth on a specific field or even someone that just wants to explore new grounds. This amazing resources will help you to learn more from high quality content. The list doesn’t have a particular order.

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7  great  free  resources  for  you  to  learn  online

What  is  it?  “Coursera  is  an  education  platform  that  partners  with  top  universities  and  organizations  worldwide,  to  offer  courses  online  for  anyone  to  take,  for  free.”  !The  website  -­‐  https://www.coursera.org/

What  is  it?  “Our  mission  is  to  bring  accessible,  affordable,  engaging,  and  highly  effective  higher  education  to  the  world.  We  believe  that  higher  education  is  a  basic  human  right,  and  we  seek  to  empower  our  students  to  advance  their  education  and  careers.”  !The  website  -­‐  https://www.udacity.com/

What  is  it?  “We’re  a  not-­‐for-­‐profit  with  the  goal  of  changing  education  for  the  better  by  providing  a  free  world-­‐class  education  for  anyone  anywhere.  All  of  the  site’s  resources  are  available  to  anyone.  It  doesn’t  matter  if  you  are  a  student,  teacher,  home-­‐schooler,  principal,  adult  returning  to  the  classroom  after  20  years,  or  a  friendly  alien  just  trying  to  get  a  leg  up  in  earthly  biology.  Khan  Academy’s  materials  and  resources  are  available  to  you  completely  free  of  charge.”  !The  website  -­‐  https://www.khanacademy.org/

What  is  it?  “MIT  OpenCourseWare  makes  the  materials  used  in  the  teaching  of  almost  all  of  MIT’s  subjects  available  on  the  Web,  free  of  charge.  With  more  than  2,200  courses  available,  OCW  is  delivering  on  the  promise  of  open  sharing  of  knowledge.”  !The  website  -­‐  http://ocw.mit.edu/

What  is  it?  “The  Open  Education  Consortium  is  a  worldwide  community  of  hundreds  of  higher  education  institutions  and  associated  organizations  committed  to  advancing  open  education  and  its  impact  on  global  education.”  !The  website  -­‐  http://www.oeconsortium.org/

What  is  it?  “Academic  Earth  was  launched  on  the  premise  that  everyone  deserves  access  to  a  world-­‐class  education.  In  2009,  we  built  the  first  collection  of  free  online  college  courses  from  the  world’s  top  universities.  The  world  of  open  education  has  exploded  since  then,  so  today  our  curated  lists  of  online  courses  are  hand  selected  by  our  staff  to  show  you  the  very  best  offerings  by  subject  area.  We  also  make  sure  there  is  something  for  everyone:  whether  you  want  to  explore  a  new  topic  or  advance  in  your  current  field,  we  bring  the  amazing  world  of  academia  to  you  for  free.”  !The  website  -­‐  http://academicearth.org/

What  is  it?  “The  Open  Learning  Initiative  (OLI)  is  a  grant-­‐funded  group  at  Carnegie  Mellon  University,  offering  innovative  online  courses  to  anyone  who  wants  to  learn  or  teach.  Our  aim  is  to  create  high-­‐quality  courses  and  contribute  original  research  to  improve  learning  and  transform  higher  education.”  !The  website  -­‐  http://www.oeconsortium.org/

Time  to  learn!

Originally  posted  on  the  Startup  Pirates  Blog.  Want  to  see  more?  Take  a  look:  
