Adjunct Assembly Powerpoint


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Adjunct Assembly

Colville 2

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a flame.” –William Butler Yeats

Ron Carswell

Naniamo 5

Pamela DosRamos

Calgary 16

“The artistry of teaching finds its source in the ability to start with where the learner is, in using that starting point to build bridges to new knowledge and outlooks heretofore not in the student’s ken.

-Seymour B. Sarason

Cled Haydn-Jones

Fort Saint John 2

Paulette Fink

Vancouver Archdiocese

Chuck Rose

Much education today is monumentally ineffective.  All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants.  ~John W. Gardner

“Much education today is monumentally ineffective.  All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants. ”

~John W. Gardner

Tom Browne

Vancouver Archdiocese 2

Lilli Rosenberg

Kamloops 4

“A principal has to be a spiritual leader We have to help people recapture the meaning of the work, and we have to talk about the things that touch their hearts.”

–Lee G. Bolman

John Gibbon

Gurdon Dore

Foothills 2

Judy Bean


“There is a much more sensible approach to improving education; in fact I believe it is the only approach likely to be effective in the long run. That is to produce a cohort of teachers who believe the are professionals, who act like professionals, and who are treated as professionals.”

- Howard Gardner

John McMahon




Hobbema 3

Angie Krauss

Penticton 3

“Education is not preparing for life; education is life itself.”

–John Dewey

Eric Perrault

Victoria 12

Kathryn Karchney

Lethbridge 4

“It is my belief that the thing which we should cultivate in our teachers is more the spirit than the mechanical skill of the scientist.”

–Maria Montessori

Duane Schafer

Calgary 17

Susan Thomson

Calgary 18

“To teach is not to transfer knowledge but to create the possibilities for the production or construction of knowledge.”

–Paolo Freire

Eugene Medina


Sandra Smith

“Good teaching cannot be reduced to technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher.”

-Parker J. Palmer

Joan 2 Southworth

“Teachers who choose the path of teacher leadership become owners and investors in their schools, rather than mere tenants.”

-Roland S. Barth

Janis Timm-Bottos
