Analysing videos


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Analysing educational videos

Technical and compositional aspects

1. Which technology is the video based upon? (Traditional video recording, still pictures, web camera, action camera, animation (e.g. stop animation or white board-animation) or other)Discuss why this technology is used.

2. What kinds of filming techniques are used in the video? A. Zooming, panning, tilting, tracking?B. Green/blue screen?

Why are these techniques used?

3. What kinds of shots and angels are being used?A. Close up, medium shot, long or wide shot?B. Low angel, straight on and high angel?

What can be achieved by using these different kinds of shots and angels?

4. How is sound used in the video? Are there music, background sounds, dialogue and voice over in the video? What are the effects of the different types of sounds?

5. Is text being used in the video? How is it used, and what is the purpose?

6. Is the video telling a story? How does it start and end? Is there a certain mood expressed, are there surprises involved?

7. What are the settings of the video? Are they important? Where does the video take place? Inside or outside? Why are these settings chosen?

8. Are the characters real people, animations, drawn? What are the effects of using e.g. real people or animations in this video? How does the choice of characters support the objective of the video?

Pedagogical aspects

1. Who produced this video? Teacher, student, professionals, amateurs, other?What does this mean for credibility,

2. Who are the intended recipients of this video: children, grownups? Students? Which grade? How does the video appeal to the intended recipient?

3. What do you think is the intention of the video? It can be to initiate reflections, as reading support (definitions, questions, background of topic), introduction/ lesson starter, example, visualization or entertainment.

4. Which pedagogical method(s) is used in the video?Drill and practice, presentation (e.g. lecture, drama), demonstration (how to -video), instruction with interactivity, game, exploration (case), simulation, discussion, collaborative learning (e.g. video conferencing), other? Does the genre support the objective of the video?

5. In what subject(s) do you think this video could be useful?

6. In own words, describe the added values / usefulness of this video compared to traditional classroom lectures.
