Android Bootcamp Tanzania:Monetization



The Content helps those who wish to program mobile applications using android platform. The content has been used to conduct mobile application boot camps using android platform on different regions in Tanzania

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Making More Money With Your Apps:

Mobile App Monetization

1. Who here has a live mobile app

in any store?

2. Who is deployed apps?

3. Ok, well making a living off of your

who is at least making some

money from their mobile apps?

So who are you?(this should build 1 at a time)

1. Think about revenue while building

your app

2. Marketing doesn't start on launch day,

it should start way before

3. Develop a paid user acquisition plan

4. Iterate with user feedback

So let’s build a mobile business

“Without marketing your product is just a project”

- Rob Walling

Generate Income

But my app is awesome!!!

Reach a need/problem

Projections and realistic expectations are crucial for a well performing business

Only 4 ways to make money in mobile:1. Contracting/Sponsors2. Paid downloads3. In-app purchases4. Advertising

1. Revenue

You don’t know how much revenue you can expect before you launch an app


on the Mobile App Store

Google Play

Samsung App Store

Paid Application

Challenge in Most of African Countries

Mode of payment

In-App Purchase

1st Version Premium version

Once a user downloads that app, monetization starts here by making that user to buy for other premium or advanced features.


Ineractive [mobile app advertisement company]

Works like a charm if your app is highly popular

displaying banner ads

video ads

push notification ads on their app.

There are few misconceptions about advertising on mobile

1. User drop off

2. Poor ads being shown

3. Interfering with UX


Mobile App Competitions

Google App Challenge

Vodacom App star

Pivot East

Mobile Hackthons

A good way to attract investors to your project

Gaming Specialty Community Utility

Contract Paid downloads In app Purchase Advertising

Each model has great applications

Banners App Icon App Screenshots Text

Case Study: Dwellable

Case Study: Dwellable

Users notice apps by….

Keyword of your application matters a lot …

Basic Tips for App Monetization

04/12/2023 COSTECH | Mobile BootCamp

5 things you need to know about people

04/12/2023 COSTECH | Mobile BootCamp

People Don't Want to Work or Think More Than They Have To

Only provide the features that people really need

04/12/2023 COSTECH | Mobile BootCamp

People Have Limitations

Make the information easy to scan

04/12/2023 COSTECH | Mobile BootCamp

People are easily distracted

Bright colors, large fonts, beeps, and tones will capture


04/12/2023 COSTECH | Mobile BootCamp

People Create Mental Models

Either match or teach about your models

04/12/2023 COSTECH | Mobile BootCamp

Things that are close together are believed to "go" together.

Simple way to organize information

04/12/2023 COSTECH | Mobile BootCamp

Establish an emotional connection

Case: Bongo Flavor

Case: Bongo Flavor

Its for youth

Try to bring something unique

Refine based on market feedback

Know what the user need based on time

04/12/2023 COSTECH | Mobile BootCamp

Is this cheating?

04/12/2023 COSTECH | Mobile BootCamp

Your turn


