Animal and plant cell #مشروع_الطالب_الالكتروني


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A cell is the very smallest unit of living matter.

All living things, including plants and animals, are made up of cells.

A cell is like a chemical factory.

There are many different kinds of cells, doing many different jobs in a plant or animal.

The two kinds you need to be most familiar with are simple animal and plant cells.

All cells have some parts in common.

One part found in all cells is the cell membrane.

The cell membrane surrounds the cell and holds the cell together. It controls what chemicals can enter and leave the cell.

Another part found in all cells is the nucleus.

The nucleus controls the cell. Inside the nucleus is DNA which contains genetic information.

All cells also contain cytoplasm.

Cytoplasm is a jelly-like mixture of chemicals where most of the work of the cell takes place.

Plant cells may contain some extra parts.

Chloroplasts which are disc shaped and contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis.

A cell wall which is a strong outer layer to support the cell and give it shape.

A vacuole where the plant cell stores sap (the food that it has made; a mixture of sugars, salts and water).

Done by: Abdulrhman khereldin Class: 8/C
