By two project ict


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________ ICT

PROJECT --------

Happy Nezza B. Aranjuez Shaica S. Cordez 10 – Einstein



In today's generation, people are surrounded by technology. Technology

is ubiquitous and we can see it everywhere. We use it in our everyday lives for

communication, transportation and in getting information. We also use

technology to make difficult tasks simpler. Specifically we use programming in

solving problems encountered by the people. We find ways so that we could

experience convenience and we can easily go on with our lives.

In order to apply the lessons we have learned in our subject Information

and Communication Technology 10, we students of 10-Einstein are required to

make our own program that could help us in our studies. We need to make

calculators involving our three subjects namely Math, Science and Health and

incorporate what we learned in the MDAS activity in Visual Basic. We thought of

computations and problems needed in our subjects. We chose the problems

that will use the help of calculator and will involve very large numbers. Inputting

very large numbers in the calculator can be confusing so we found a way to

make things easier. This can help students in their subjects especially in the

incoming quarters.

These programs wouldn’t only be beneficial to our fellow students but also

to the people around us. We made a program that could compute for the

average water requirement a person should intake in a day. This could be of

great help to reduce the case of dehydration especially on dry season. This

computes also for the conversion of ounce, millilitres and glass. We also made

the Base-Percentage-Rate conversion so it would be easier for students to

understand the concept of getting the n% of a number and then getting the

percentage of a percent. Lastly, we also made a program that could compute

for the number of moles and molar mass, a project dedicated to chemistry

students and enthusiasts who would like to further understand the lesson of

molar mass and moles.

As we study more about the other features of Visual Basic, surely it

wouldn’t be impossible anymore for us to make complicated calculators and

formula machines. If we could make this happen we wouldn’t be far from the

super-modernistic future we imagine. But behind all this, let’s not forget to look

back and be grateful to the people who contributed their gifts of talents for the

better of the people today.



We made plans in our program and all of the plans are based on our

lessons in the past years. We chose topics from these, analyzed the flow of the

program and visualize the kind of programs we will make. We thought of harder

topics and tried to make it simpler for a user. Instead of the user doing it

manually in just a simple calculator and always saving the answer, we made a

more convenient way of doing things and had the formulas set in our code so

that in one click, the user can get the information he needs. For our science. We

planned to do about the computation of number of moles and molar masses,

which is obviously part of chemistry. For Math, we planned to do the process of

percentage, base and rate that could help in investments. Lastly, for Health, we

planned to compute the average amount of water a person has to drink in a

day with three different unit of measurement for volume so that they could

easily measure the volume of water depending on the unit they use mostly.


In creating the graphical interface, we tried it also in a way that the user

can operate the program easily and he will not get confused. We also put some

pictures and color schemes to add to the aesthetics. In each program there is

just one button and hopefully that one button can show all the outputs or results

already. We thought of how the user can best manipulate the system of the

program. We tried using a colourful scheme so that whenever the user uses the

programs he/she wouldn’t get bored easily and will really try out the program.

Since the graphical interface has also great influence on user’s enthusiasm to

use the program we made sure that it would get the attention of the user and

would really be a satisfactory to the eye of the user.

For us, it is easier if you work on the design and layout last so you would

have enough time to think of what color combinations you would like to use for

your program.


In coding, we already knew how we could do the algorithm without really

much help and problem. We just based the codes based on our MDAS activity

where we used a combination of the four operations. We also added other

things we learned in our first quarter and somehow incorporate it with our

output. It is also important that the programs run and there should be no

problems that will be encountered by the users.

Since we’re just basing it from a past lesson we could follow the pattern

and try experimenting the pattern that we already have. We could add more

operations and try combining different concepts with each other. Even though

we had a lot of trials in running the project that’s fine because we were able to

make smoothly running programs. We made sure that there would be no error

anymore on the command, operation and the control.


The programs we made could still be modified and improved. For the

water requirement we recommend using a combo list on the weight part and

try taking in pounds as one of the choices there. Also try adding more

conversion factors like pint, quart, tablespoon etc.


1. The students. The students can readily use the programs that we made if they

have assignments especially in our Science program. Or they can just use this to

check their answers after answering their problem sets in chemistry. Students

who will be using our program in math could also understand their lesson better

by using out calculator as basis for their answers while computing.

2. The other users. Besides students, other people could also use these programs.

In our Math program, normal people could use our calculator to find

percentage, base and rate. It could be used by executives or small store owners

and business involves lot of numbers with the percent sign always. Another is the

program in Health. Water belonging to the category of food is one of the basic

needs of people. People need to know if they still maintain the appropriate

amount of water in their body. The correct measurement of amount in liters can

be converted into number of glasses and it would be easier for a person to

monitor the amount of water he should be drinking.

3. Maker and programmer. We, as the programmers also benefitted because

we were able to apply what we learned from those three subjects and

especially what we understood in ICT. It shows that when someone is learning, it

could be a source of a new idea or a new thought which would lead to more

beneficial and useful innovations in the future.


Private Sub cmdMass_Click()

elem1 = Val(txt1) * Val(txt2)

elem2 = Val(txt3) * Val(txt4)

elem3 = Val(txt5) * Val(txt6)

mass = elem1 + elem2 + elem3

lblGrams.Caption = mass

End Sub

Private Sub cmdNext_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

eleme1 = Val(txt1) * Val(txt7)

eleme2 = Val(txt2) * Val(txt8)

eleme3 = Val(txt3) * Val(txt9)

summ = eleme1 + eleme2 + eleme3

grams = Val(txt)

result = grams / summ

lblMoles.Caption = result

lblName.Text = txt5

End Sub

Private Sub cmdHowmany_Click()

eleme1 = Val(txt1) * Val(txt7)

eleme2 = Val(txt2) * Val(txt8)

eleme3 = Val(txt3) * Val(txt9)

summ = eleme1 + eleme2 + eleme3

grams = Val(txt4) result = grams /


lblMoles.Caption = result

End Sub


Private Sub


ans = 1.1 * weight

Text2.Text = ans

milli.Text = ans * 30

glass.Text = ans * 0.125

End Sub

Private Sub


Text2.Text = " "

milli.Text = " "

glass.Text = " "

weight.Text = " "

End Sub


Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)

base = percent / rate

base.Text = base

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click(Index As Integer)

base.Text = " "

percent.Text = " "

rate.Text = " "

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click(Index As Integer)

percent = base * rate

percent.Text = percent

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click(Index As Integer)

rate = percent / base

rate.Text = rate

End Sub