Computer components


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By: Synthia Roberts


The Motherboard is the central nerve system of the computer, without this the computer wouldn’t run. This is where the bus, memory socket, keyboard controller, scanner cards, and the supporting clips are.

Hard Desk Drive

The hard desk drive acts as a file cabinet. It stores data, files, and papers, but it is not a memory device. It makes finding things easier.

Input device

Input device is any devices that once connected to the outside of the computer. For example keyboard, mouse, scanner, pen, etc. They all can change the data in your computer.

The Computer bus

Your computer has pathways for components to communicate. The computer bus (also know as the data highway) reduces the number of paths the components go through. It does this by creating a single data channel

Memory Socket The Memory Socket is where the data your working on is saved. If you don’t save the data your working on to the hard desk drive there is a 99% that if you lose power your data well be lost forever, becoming history !

Keyboard ControllerThe keyboard controller is responsible for handling input received from the computer keyboard as well as the mouse


The monitor is the actual display you see the words, pictures, and data on. The smaller the DPI (Dots per inch) the better.