


Conflict in literature

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Karen S Wright


Conflict•A good piece of literature has a problem or a conflict that is developed as the story progresses.•Conflict creates doubt about the outcome.•However, conflict has a recognizable solution, leaving a single impression or effect.

•Conflict is a struggle between opposing forces, which are external or internal.•More than one conflict can weave through a story.

Conflict is Struggle

•Conflicts are an integral part of life. They are as simple as a misunderstanding, as serious as a natural disaster, or complicated as a world conflict. •Literature is like a mirror and reflects life.•Conflict pulls us into a story to hold our interest. •Like conflict in life, a story’s problem can even evolve into a blessing.

Conflict isn’t necessarily good vs. evil, but is more complicated.

Character vs. CharacterCharacter vs. selfCharacter/group vs. societyCharacter/group vs. natureCharacter vs. God or the supernatural.

Character vs. CharacterOne person has a conflict with another person such as--•An argument between two people•An unsettled disagreement.

•Unresolved issues between two people•Passive aggressiveness•Physical altercation

A person struggles inside and has trouble deciding what to do.

This struggle can involve opposite, powerful feelings and produce a dilemma.

Sometimes conflict with self will result in a broken or wounded character.

A conflict that pits a character against society or a dominant group with a different agenda or values.

One group of people have conflict with another.

Homeland security.

Character vs. Ideology

Greg Mortenson faces opposition in building schools in Taliban territory.

Terrifying images…the heartbeat of gripping events.

Character/Group vs. NatureNature can be a “nurse” or a “curse”.

“If I am going to be drowned. . .[why] was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees?” The Open Boat

Hurricane Katrina

•Mother-Nature is indifferent to human survival.•In the face of Mother-Nature, human frailty and mortality bow.

Character vs. God or the Supernatural“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!”–Hamlet: Act II, ii.

“Maybe you should give him his dignity.” E.T.


Can such a man, so desperate, still boast he can save his life from the flashing bolts of god?" Oedipus Rex Sophocles

“I exhort you also to take part in the great combat, which is the great combat of life,…greater than any other earthly conflict.” Plato
