Differencebetweenarthousecinemaandablockbuster 131212051025-phpapp02


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An art house film is a film that is made with a small budget and for a niche market audience. An art house film is made using a small budget so therefore is only targeted at a small amount of audience. The amounts of viewers are generally decided via bloggers, as there isn’t enough money for marketing campaigns. As the art house film is made using a small budget, the movie don’t require any special effects, big actors and/or other expensive stuff such as hiring out a famous monuments or buildings etc. Also art house movies are shown in small theaters than big cinemas. This is again due to the low cost budgeting. People who have a passion for movie making and want to know what makes a good movie normally make the art house cinema. Famous art house films are Andrei Rublev and clockwork orange.

A blockbuster film is a film that is made for entertainment purposes and is targeted at a mass-market audience. It is made with huge actors and actress’s known worldwide. The amount of finance used to make these movies is huge as it helps them to achieve better recourses and make the movie more realistic, there is a huge marketing campaign used to help raise finance for the movie. A huge audience usually always anticipates blockbuster films. As blockbuster movies use a lot of money to make the movie, they need to showcase their movies in huge theaters and cinemas in order to get as much people they can to watch the movie in order to make the money they invested. Almost all blockbuster films are popular and known by everyone but probably the most famous are Avatar, Titanic, the Dark Knight and Pirates of the Caribbean.
