Draft Scripts


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Draft Script: Love is Everywhere

The opening scene includes flashing images of all types of love, which is shown at the arrivals and departures gate at Terminal 5, Heathrow Airport. The documentary will be keeping up to date with our current audience, showing all types of relationships; from homosexuals and heterosexual couples, to soul mates and siblings. This opening scene will make the viewers aware of the genre of our documentary, which is a feel good romance. Whilst the flashing images and videos are playing there will be a voice-over explaining what the documentary is about, focusing on the busiest international airport and how it seems to be the most loving place in the UK.

*The documentary then includes a range of interviews: - People who work at Heathrow airport – As they see loved ones

greeting each other at arrivals and people separating at departures on a daily basis.

- People who are going to greet there loved ones – Interview including a love story, an example being a couple who have been separated for a long period of time, and we film and watch the arrival of their loved one.

The interviews will take place in a relaxed environment, making the audience feel comfortable and relaxed as they are viewing a feel good documentary.

*Setting - A living room – This interview will contain a family member or partner explaining his or her own love story, which relates to Heathrow airport, showing a strong connection. - Heathrow airport arrivals gate – Interview-taking place in the terminal showing a loved one being greeted by a family member. - Car – Using a form of transportation shows the audience that we are following a story, as we could film a loved one on their way to pick up someone they have been separate from whilst they have been abroad.

To end our documentary, we will have a montage of clips showing loved ones greeting each other with happy music in the background, leaving the documentary on an uplifting note.

Documentary draft script: ‘Love at Terminal 5’


This documentary will focus on the affection and love displayed at Heathrow Airport, it will be roughly separated into two halves, the first being about loss and sadness through family members flying away and family members interviews focusing on how much they miss their other half. Then next it will focus more on joining of family and public displays of affection 

to create an uplifting, happy ending. 

The documentary will open with a slow, short selection of establishing shots of Terminal 5, not having much of a range, as I want to emphasize the high capacity of people in the terminal. Also this series of establishing shots would seem very professional, as I have noticed in other documentaries such as ‘Come Fly With Me’, this was done. Usually this 

introduction would focus on characters present in the documentary, however we will not do this as we want to convey the naturalistic theme of actors actually being real people and 

feel this would destroy this image. The short montage will be layered with a voice over of a female explaining facts about the airport so the audience becomes much more familiar with 

the setting. 

Next will go straight into an interview with a person linked to Heathrow airport, this interview will be introduced by the same voice in the previous montage’s opening scene. 

The interview will alternate with another of an entirely different person explaining their link to love and Heathrow to keep it interesting and show versatility. These interviews will be conducted in the interviewee’s home as it can represent the person well will hopefully 

enhance their performance as they are in a comfortable, familiar setting. 

The next scene will focus on both the subjects of interview driving to the airport to meet or drop off a loved one, this will allow us to film in the car, a frequent convention I have 

noticed in professional documentaries. This will add more locations and could mean we can include special effects such a fast forwarding. 

Lastly, it will focus on the separation and rejoining of the interviewee and their loved ones, evoking the most emotion. This will fade out to white slowly. 
