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LO4 Evaluation

By Joshua Hall

What have you produced and why?I have produced a factual copy on fishing. This copy gives the reader an insight on fishing by giving beginner tips into fishing equipment, facts, and different types of fishing. I have produced this copy mainly because it was easy for me to gather the information and gather photographs of the equipment. This was relatively easy with having family members who go fishing and having access to the internet.

My main target demographic for this leaflet would mainly be made up of males between the ages of 16-24 as it is for beginners even though most fisherman are aged between 30-50 and so on this is for people just starting out.

What was the desired effect of the piece? The desired effect of this piece is to look appealing to the target audience and to get across that they booklet is about fishing and is for people just starting out in fishing. I also wanted to raise awareness that fishing is still a growing industry despite not having as many jobs available as it use to have years ago and that a lot of young people are taking an interest in fishing so therefor I have design a beginners booklet.

Do you feel you achieved this?I believe that the article I have created will draw the attention of fishing newbies and will then hopefully attract some older people to partake in fishing. I also believe that what I have created will achieve the sole purpose it is for because it targets its audience of 16-24 year olds who are just starting out.

What research did you conduct?The research I have conducted consists of web searching for information and using online videos. This is in order to gather facts, information about the equipment and also information about what types of fishing there is. I also created questionnaires and had them filled in for feedback on my layout here are the results in graphs.

What information did you learn and how did it help you create the work?From the research I have conducted I have learned a lot about fishing from what types of fishing there is such as coarse fishing and fly fishing.

How successful was this? This was successful because of all the research I have done and the feedback I have received, I have been able to make my layout the best it could possibly be.

How does your work compare to existing examples in the same or similar genre?

My work is similar to existing samples because in a way my booklet is more informative than just a visual piece.

What skills have you developed?

I have developed new skills on how to make a article layout for a booklet. I have also developed skills to create graphics and take good photographs.

If you could improve anything, what would it be and why?

I would improve the colour scheme and also move the text around and change the front cover.
