Evaluation Q6


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Q6.What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

When creating my preliminary magazine, I used the software Photoshop, prior to this task I had never used Photoshop so in this task it allowed me to learn the basics of Photoshop and get to grips with how things work and how I can make my actual magazine as professional as possible. When creating my preliminary task I tried to stick to the basic tools as much as possible, I tried not to overcomplicate things and I wanted to keep my first task as simple as possible to allow myself to get used to the software.


To carry out my research I used search engines such as Safari and Google, In my opinion these are the best two search engines available so I decided to use them in order to quickly find accurate sources of information for my work. I also used Google and Safari to gather images of existing magazines such as 'Mixmag' and 'Elektro'. Once I had gathered my information and images I stored them all into a Powerpoint document which was another use of technology for my self during the task.


For my planning I used social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to contact my models and discuss factors such as costume, location, props, hairstyles. This is quite different to the way I usually use these sites as I do not usually plan as thoroughly as I have done for this task. I used Instagram to view my primary and secondary audience’s interests in order to meet their needs.

ProductionTo capture my images I used the camera on both an iPhone 6 and an iPhone 5s, I used these cameras as both cameras are high quality and can capture professional standard images, which is what i needed. When capturing my photos I placed my model in front of a white wall as part of my technique for editing the image, I used a white wall as the flash from the camera would reflect off the wall giving the model an outside glow when I edit and crop the image which allows the model to stand out.


To create both my magazines I used Photoshop. By the time I had finished my magazines, i learnt a lot of new things in which I previously had no idea about, for example to inner & outer glow tool and spot-healing tool to edit the image of my model to create a much more professional look for my magazine. I also used the website DaFont to download all of the fonts used in my magazines, I chose DaFont as it provides the most unique range of fonts, which was perfect for my magazine.

EvaluationFor my evaluation I used a range of sites which allowed me to gain more skills. I used technology such as Prezi, PowerPoint, Word and iMovie to construct each section of my evaluation. Prezi, Microsoft Powerpoint and Word are all software I am familiar with therefore I was able to quickly get on with my evaluation and design my evaluation to the best of my ability as I already knew what I was doing. iMovie however I had never used before, I struggled using this software as is a complicated system and I struggled to create, edit and save a movie for my evaluation – although this was a difficult process the software enhanced my learning and I began to understand the system.I also used technology such as Safari and Google in order to research and present my ideas, magazine and evaluations, I have had a lot of experience on these programs so my knowledge and understanding became better and better.