Evaluation q6 media


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Evaluation Q6

Online Software Used

Slideshare is a website where you can upload power point presentations. I used this to upload my analysis and also my research into my magazine where I embedded the code into my blogger.

Prezi is also where you can create presentations, but this website is more creative and advanced. Prezi makes the presentations unique and more fun to read. I used Prezi in my evaluation of my magazine where I embedded the code into my blogger.

YouTube is a website where you can create videos and upload them for everyone to see. I used YouTube in my evaluation to create a video about which media companies would distribute my magazine. YouTube makes videos more exciting, because you can also add music in your video so it is more creative then just a normal video.

Blogger is a site where you can create your own blog. I used this site to create and present all my work on. My blogger shows the whole process in making my magazine.

Tools Used in Photoshop

I used Adobe Photoshop throughout the process of making my magazine. I edited the images on my front cover, contents page and the double page spread. Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems.

I edited the image on my front cover to make it look more professional. I used the Sharpen tool to sharpen the picture and make it more clearer. Also I used the crop tool to make the picture inline with a magazine sized picture. I also used layers when I created my front cover to add other images and text on the front cover.

When I added the masthead, I used different layers, where I added the masthead in layer 1 and background in layer 2, and I coloured in parts of the masthead in the colour black so I can create an effect where parts of the masthead are behind the models head. I also used the magnify glass tool to zoom in and create that effect.

Tools used on Microsoft Publisher

I used Microsoft Publisher to create my magazine. Microsoft Publisher is an entry-level desktop publishing application from Microsoft. Microsoft Publisher lets you create visually rich, professional-looking publications without investing lots of money and time in a complicated desktop publishing application

I used Microsoft Publisher to create my magazine. I used tools such as creating a text box, creating shapes and also creating lines. I used creating a text box to add the text on my magazine. By using publisher I could easily add text and separate it into columns and also change the colour of the text.

Hardware Used

I used computers and laptops at school and at home in the process of making my magazine. I used software's like Photoshop and publisher to create my magazine.

I used a Canon Camera in the process of making my magazine. I took images to put on my front cover, contents page and double page spread. This camera allowed me to take professional images with excellent quality.

I used a printer/Scanner to print out stages of the process of making my magazine. I got feedback from peers, where I got told what to include and also not to include. I got feedback on what to add on my magazine from my focus group. I also scanned in feedback I got from peers and uploaded them on my blog.

I used my mobile device which is an iPhone 4 in the process of making my magazine. I took practice pictures off my phone so I could get better at taking images and I also used software off the App Store to practice to edit the pictures.

I used a USB stick to save work on so I could finish it off at home. This meant that I could finish the task off at home instead of waiting for the next lesson at school.

Programme’s Used

I used Microsoft PowerPoint to present posts onto my blog. I found this a very easy way to presenting work as it is easy to use and get the hang of. I then uploaded these presentations on Slideshare and embed the code and upload it onto my blog.

I used Microsoft Word to write up plans in making my magazine. This was a fast and efficient way to write up plans.

I used Microsoft Paint in the process of making my magazine. I used paint to save print screens as JPEG’s, and then I could crop and insert them into documents and presentations so I could upload it into my blog.

What I've Learnt

During the process of making my magazine I have learnt many new skills such as how to edit images on Photoshop,

how to create PowerPoint presentations and also how to use new online software which I was first unfamiliar with. At times using online software's (such as Prezi, Slideshare

e.t.c) were a challenge as I had no idea on how to use them but I got help from peers and my teacher on how to use them and now I know how to use all the features. These

programmes have allowed me to add creativity and variety on my blog as there are a mixture of blog posts. I can now

continue to use these skills in my future projects. I have now overcome my challenges through the use of different
