Evaluation question 1


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Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

“Real” music videos

1- “Dance, dance”- fall out boy 2- “sorry your not a winner”- Enter Shikari 3- “if only she knew”– glamour of the kill

4 sabotage- the beastie boys 5- “facedown”- the 1975 6- “ignorance”- paramore

7- “this is war”- 30 seconds to mars 8- “American idiot”-greenday 9- “time for you to stand up”- twin atlantic

a shot that shows a link between lyrics and/or music and visuals

• This shot is taken from Fall out Boy’s video to Dance, Dance• In this screen shot we are shown a group of people dancing

which goes with the lyric of the song at the time “dance,dance”

• This shot is a clear illustration of lyric and video, also using main member of the band as the person at the front of the shot

a shot that typifies the way a record company would want their artist to be represented

• The shots above are from the video for sorry your not a winner by Enter Shikari. The video shows that there was a small, niche audience that the band had at the time the video was shot. The band are shown as skilled performers even in a limited amount of space as the video was shot at a house party they had. They way they dress also typifies them, as they are quite young themselves this will help attract a teen/youth audience on top of the audience they have already gained.

• At the time the video and the song were recorded they were working independently (not signed by a label). This shows that bands now no longer need to be signed to produce music of a good quality and also shoot a video. It is even easier now that it was when this song was produced, bands can now record produce, promote and distribute their music easily. Distribution can be done through e-stores such as the itunes store.

a shot that illustrates how your video uses music genre

• This shot is taken from the video of “if only she knew” by Glamour of the Kill

• In this shot we can clearly see that the video is from the rock/metal genre. • It is illustrated through the black clothing (leather jackets), performance

element (guitars, drums amplifiers), and dyed black hair gives the band members an emo “look” which would also fit in the rock/metal genre.

• the setting that has been chosen could be seen as being mysterious, this can be backed by the older man who we see at the beginning of the video, as we sometimes see the band from what might be his perspective.

a shot that shows an intertextual reference

• The shot above is from the video for “sabotage” by the Beastie boys. • In the shot you can see the man who looks as if he is sitting on the

bonnet is in fact sliding over it to get into the car as a police man may do in a cop show.

• This video is a spoof of any American cop show/movie with a chase in it. There are both running scenes and car scenes which would be found in many American cop shows/movies.

• The video can be seen as a spoof because all of the characters are wearing wigs and fake moustaches as well as aviator sunglasses.

a shot that demonstrates use of camera

• This shot is taken from a song called facedown by the 1975.

• This shot shows the silhouette of the singer in the band looking down into the puddle. The shot uses natural light and a black and white effect which makes the shot look dark and depressing. The effect used and the natural light help bring out the emotion in the song lyrics.

a shot that demonstrates use of lighting

• This shot is from the video “ignorance” by paramore.• The lighting in this video comes from the light to the

right of the shot and no other source. This works really well for this video as they are in an enclosed space and that most of the space gets lit to the effect wanted. The video id meant to give the claustrophobic feel with the use of the small room and the lighting used helps emphasise this.

a shot that demonstrates use of mise-en-scene

• This shot is from “this is war” by 30 seconds to mars.• The Mise-en-scene in his shot in particular is very

clear and could be seen as resembling the current war in Afghanistan. The mise-en-scene is shown through the setting (mountainous desert), props (gun), clothing (camouflage, helmet, goggles, “Afghan” scarf)

Two shots which you feel demonstrate something which shows you have watched other music videos.

• These two music videos use the same concept. Perform the song in the video and make a lot of mess using green water (American idiot) or black paint (time for you to stand up). Although this may not be used for any narrative reason, it looks pretty awesome.

My Music Video

The song

• For my video I have used the song “remembering Sunday” by All Time Low

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4 5 6

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a shot that shows a link between lyrics and/or music and visuals

• We can see that the character is drinking from a vodka bottle. This shot goes with the lyric of the song “hasn't been sober for days”

• Here is a clear illustration of a video and lyrical link. • In the video I used the same person for the performance that

I have for the narrative, this way ii have been able to create a link between the artist and the character as if it the story behind the song has happened to the artist as well.

a shot that typifies the way a record company would want their artist to be represented

• In this shot we can see the character/performer walking away from us. If a record label was to use this shot to typify their artist there are several things that could be gathered from it.

• The first would be that there is a young audience that can be gathered as it is clear the artist is young so there Is a high chance of teens/youths being attracted to the song/video

• There might be a bigger female audience for this video as in this shot we see the character walking away who is clearly upset and looks like he needs a hug, so this may appeal more to teenage girls who feel sorry for him.

• The way he has dressed will look like the target audience as well, the punk rock genre listeners may been seen as or stereotypically seen as skinny jeans and hoodie wearers.

• With him carrying his guitar we get the sense that he may write songs about things that happen in his life (i.e. the song for the video), and that he is a talented musician.

a shot that illustrates how your video uses music genre

• The genre is illustrated in this frame through what we can see.

• The rock genre is illustrated through the use of the guitar being played, the drum kit, amplifier, microphones and also the piano.

• Although the piano doesn’t appear a lot in the rock genre they are used by many musicians in the composition stage of a songs life.

a shot that shows an intertextual reference

• There are many punk/indie/rock videos that would use a shot such as this as it is a performance related shot that could be or can be used several time during a video.

a shot that demonstrates your use of camera

• In this shot I had the camera quite low on the tripod, this helped get the upwards angle without having to tilt the camera.

• I think this is an effective shot as you ca see perspective as the end of the exit of the tunnel gets further it also gets smaller.

• Although this is about lighting it also makes the character look as if he is walking towards “the light at the end of the tunnel”

a shot that demonstrates your use of lighting

• The lighting in this shot is all natural light or the lights that are there, I haven’t used any other light sources

• I like this shot in particular because there is the natural day light at the back and the lights on the wall one far away and one close to the camera, and in the middle where the character is in darkness, this creates a certain feel and emotion to the shot.

a shot that demonstrates your use of mise-en-scene

• There are a couple of mise-en-scene bits in this shot.• The guitar, microphone drum kit and the musical equipment

in the shot creates a recording studio atmosphere.• The second Is that I asked my mate if we could use his guitar

as the performer is wearing black and white and so is the guitar.

• They both play a significant part in the shot even If the audience didn't realise straight away.

Two shots which you feel demonstrate something which shows you have watched other music videos.

• I got the idea for the shot on the left when watching the video for “yellow”, where you see Chris Martin walking along the beach, although the shot is so different that's what inspired me

• The inspiration for the shot on the right came from the video for “time for you to stand up” where the guitarists have cameras on their guitars and it gives you many angles to see the guitar from, I thought it was a really effective shot so I recreated it in my own way for my video.