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Audience Feedback

This question was asked the questionnaire produced on eval and go for general information for the target audience that filled out the

questionnaire to see who filled it in more male or female. The graph

shows that most of the viewers were female, this means that if I was to produce this questionnaire again I

would try to get more accurate results by having more males fill out the questionnaire so you have the

same amount of opinions from each.

This question was also once again was asked for general information about who viewed our production and filled out the questionnaire. The viewers were mainly

between the ages of 16-19. If this was to be produced again I would try to get more

variety of ages that would fill out the questionnaire so there is different

opinions from different ages which could make the responses even more accurate,

This question was asked in the questionnaire to see if that the two different advertisements

met their job role of advertising the documentary,

From the results 100% of viewers said that they would be interested in watching the documentary, this means that

the advertisements were successful.

This question was asked in the questionnaire to see if the people who filled out the

questionnaire thought if the newspaper advertisement has been produced profesionally as

this was one of the aims to

produce a professional and conventional product. The viewer that said no to the

newspaper advertisement being professional could be because they may not know anything

about newspaper advertisement so they don't know how they are

suppose to look or they don't know the conventions.

This question was asked for the audiences opinion if they liked the

print advertisement. The graph shows that the respondants were not as simple as most people did like the advertisement and there

was average which was in the middle. I have learnt from this that the advertisement could

have been slightly better.

This question was asked to see the opinions how professional our Documentary looked. From the graphs I have learnt that the viewers think that

our Documentary is professional however maybe some improvements could have been

made to make it even more professional.

The results from this question show that they are all positive comments from people who

selected the scale rating or 3 upwards. I learnt from this that the documentary followed codes

and conventions to be of a professional standard.

The results from this question show that most people rated that our

Documentary was informative as a high number. I have learnt from this

that our Documentary to the audience was an informative production.

This question was asked to see why the audience rated it this scale. I found out that the documentary was informative but some people did want more information.

This question was asked to see what the audience thought about the techical quality however from this I have learnt that the quality was good but however the results may not be accurate as not all viewers may be media students so they may not know.

From these responses of why the technical quality was good I learnt that the Documentary does flow and it is technically good as codes and conventions were followed.

This question was asked to see if the audience feel intrigued to watch the full 5 minutes. I learnt that most of the viewers felt intrigued which I learnt that the products were successful as the audience wanted to watch it.

This question was asked to see why the audience felt intrigued to watch the Documentary. I learnt that the feedback was positive for this question and makes people want to watch.

This question was asked to ask the audience how entertaining they thought the Documentary was. From the results I learnt that it lower on the entertainment side as informative is slightly higher in responses, so I learnt that our documentary is more informative than entertaining.

This question was asked to see if our Documentary was professional compared to other media products. I learnt that from the results our products were similiar and professional as most viewers said yes, where as nobody said no. Also some viewers said they were unsure this could be because they dont know conventions to make sure that it looked professional.

This question was asked to see what the audiences favourite aspect in the documentary is, and also we could see any improvements in certain sections. The graphs shows that the voxpops and title sequence were not the best things in the documentary, the most popular was the interviews. I learnt that the voxpops and title sequence could be improved more in editing.

This question was asked to see why this was their favourite aspect in the documentary which most the feedback relates that the documentary is professional. I learnt from this question that our documentary did look to a professional standard.

This question was asked to see which interview was liked the most. The results show that the most popular interview was Zumba instructor and dog walker.

This question was asked to see why this was the audiences favourite interview . I learnt that the dog walker seem to be the favourite because it related to the documentary and was just a simple type of exercise.

This question was asked to see if the newspaper advertisement and radio trailer did relate to the documentary. The graph shows that most people said yes, so i learnt that the products all relate together and also that the one person that said no probably doesn’t know the codes and conventions, I know this as every viewer said yes except one.

This question was asked to see whether our aim was successful to include as many different exercises and methods to keep fit. All the viewers said yes. I learnt from this is that the exposition of the documentary is clearly highlighted.

This question was asked to see what improvements could have been made. Most people said that more variety of methods to keep fit could have been included. I learnt from this the different improvements that could have been made.

We asked this question so we had more detail on how to improve the documentary. Some feedback was that the documentary could have included some more facts.

We asked this question so that we could see if the audience thought that the documentary flows. All viewers said yes which I learnt from this that the documentary was understandable, and also that following codes and conventions a professional product will be produced.

We asked this question to see if the exercises that were included was a decent amount for this length of time. 94% of viewers said yes and some people said that there could have been more but I learnt from this that there was enough content to keep the audience engaged.

This question was asked to see if the audience thought we had included enough information. Most people said that there was enough information. I learnt from this that there was enough content to advertise the documentary. But there could have been more facts involved.

This question was asked to see why this one person said no the radio trailer not having enough information. This feedback was that the radio clip was short so not enough information could have been included.

This question was asked to see if the audience thought that the documentary was good that they would advise a family member or friend to watch. 100% said that they would advise a friend or family member.

This question was asked to see if there was an actual 30 minute documentary how many would actually watch the full documentary. 94% of people said that they would. The other 6% probably said no because they may not be into sports. I learnt that the Documentary was a successful product because a lot of people would watch the full 30 minute.
