Finding and accessing e-resources



A training session for subject teams and other helpdesk staff to highlight issues relating to off-campus authentication and to encourage more effective first-line support.

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  • 1. Finding and accessing e-resources Louise Cole Senior Information Advisor 30/6/09 and 2/7/09
  • 2. Summary n Access from the Library catalogue (Prism/OPAC) n Access from the A-Z e-resources n Access from the A-Z e-journals n Off-campus access n Support issues
  • 3. Access from the Library Catalogue n Journals in the A-Z list now also listed in the catalogue as MARC updates n New update file loaded each month n A-Z continues to update after a 24 hour delay n Records separate from print title n Judith currently weeding out duplicate entries and alerting e-subs to any outstanding problems n See Abacus for an example
  • 4. Access from the A-Z e-resources
  • 5. Access from the A-Z e-journals
  • 6. Off-campus access: where a student might have to click n Single sign-on problems at journal and/or article level; database level sign-on much simpler n Terminology is not always the same from one resource to another n Nor is the position of the log in button or link n Nor is the process once youve clicked on the link n Even if your starting point is StudentSpace!
  • 7. Those buttons some examples
  • 8. Off-campus access some solutions n Screenshot project: step by step instructions in PowerPoint and later, in Captivate n Public notes available in E-journals A-Z and in 360 Link n Put pressure on publishers to standardize terminology n Any ideas to simplify process for students welcome n + revamp of E-resources FAQs on the way
  • 9. The interactive bit n Three scenarios. n Work in groups. n Imagine this is a real enquiry what would you do? n Include any checks you would make and any issues you can identify.
  • 10. Scenarios n 1.A student would like to view full-text of an article. The journal is listed in the A-Z e-journals but she cant access the content. n 2. A student has followed a link from the A-Z e- resources into Ingenta. He is being asked for payment when he tries to access an article of interest. n 3. A student has successfully logged into StudentSpace but cant get access to a database from the A-Z e-resources.
  • 11. Scenario 1 n A student would like to view full-text of an article. The journal is listed in the A-Z e-journals but she cant access the content. n Check A-Z e-journals. Is the year of the article she is trying to access included in our coverage? n Try it yourself. Are you getting a request for payment or an error message? n Is the site showing that we subscribe to the content (although this is not always obvious)? n Try another article from the same journal same result? n Check students record as they may be on grace logins which would block them from any external authentication.
  • 12. Scenario 2 n A student has followed a link from the A-Z e-resources into Ingenta. He is being asked for payment when he tries to access an article of interest. n Check whether we do subscribe to that journal by searching for it in the A-Z e-journals. Not everything in Ingenta is available in full-text to us. n Look for any hints about accessing the content in A-Z e-journals. n Check whether the subs icon is visible against the content in Ingenta. n Try it yourself do you get the same request for payment? n Check their user record to see if they are an odd category of user such as partner college or external this might block their access.
  • 13. Scenario 3 n A student has successfully logged into StudentSpace but cant get access to a database from the A-Z e-resources. n Check A-Z e-resources list for any notes relating to access problems. n Check their user account to see if they are on grace logins. Suggest they change their password and then try again note this takes a while to synchronise before they will be able to access with the new password. n Try it yourself. Can you get access to the database? Note any error messages that you see.
  • 14. Support issues n Check whether problem is on-campus n Check yourself whether you can get into the resource n Check whether enquirer is trying to access dates we dont have (check coverage in A-Z e-journals) n Check whether any public notes have been followed n Take note of any error messages n Check user record to see if any problems, e.g. grace login n If still not sure email or advise enquirer to do so with full details