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Flowers Presented by:

Geonyzl L. Alviola

Intro on flowers

A diagnostic feature of the angiosperm.

Modified reproductive shoot The shoot is determinate

Flower parts

Pedicel – the flower stalk

(if absent the flower attachment is sessile) Bract – reduced leaf

Epicalyx - series of bracts



Receptacle – region of the flower which the floral parts are attached

Perianth (perigonium)


Tepals – if perianth is undifferentiated/ the individual leaf parts

- The term tepal is usually used when all segments of the perianth are of similar shape and color,

Perianth is differentiated into two groups

A. Calyx – the outermost series of the whorl and consist of individual units of modified leaves called SEPALS

B. Corolla – the inner most series that consist a modified leaves called PETALS

Hypanthium – Floral tube

- a cup like or tubular structure

- around or top of the ovary

- bearing along the margin the sepals, petals and stamen

Nectary – a specialized structure that secretes nectar

- found on parianth parts ,

- or within the receptacle

- or within the androecium or


Androecium refers to all of the male organs

- collectively called STAMENS

consist of the following parts:

a. filament (stalk-like)

b. anther (pollen bearing)

Gynoecium refers to all female organs of a flower.

- collective called CARPEL(pistil)

consist of the following parts:

a. ovary

b. style

c. stigma



- the male and female organs are fused as one structure


- A stalk that bears the androecium and gynoecium

Flower Attachment


Flowers with pedicel

Flower cycly

Flower Cycly

- Refers to the number of cycles (series of whorls) or floral parts.

Two basic terms :

1. Complete – having all four major series

(sepals, petals, stamens & carpels)

2. Incomplete – for a flowering lacking one or more of the four major whorls or parts.

Complete Flower

Incomplete flower


Flower Sex and Plant Sex

Floral Sex or Flower sex

Refers to the absence or presence of male and female parts with the flower.

two kinds :

1. Perfect / bisexual – both stamen and carpel are present in one flower

2. Imperfect/ unisexual – only one is present


Have two kinds :

1. Pistillate (female) – carpel present but stamen absent

Imperfect Flower

2. Staminate – have only the stamen

Plant Sex

Refers to the presence and distribution of perfect and imperfect flower on individual of a species.

A. Hermaphroditic – only a perfect flower

B. Monoecious – a plant with only unisexual flowers both male and female on the same individual plant

C. Dieocious – have unisexual flower with staminate and pistillate on separate individuals

Monoecious Plant


Other variations

Polygamous plant – having both bisexual and unisexual flowers

Andromonoecious plant - having both staminate and perfect flowers on the same individual

Gynomonoecious plant – both pistillate and perfect flowers on the same individual

Trimonoecious – refers to a plant with pistillate, staminate and perfect flowers on the same individual

Gynodiecious – refers to a plant with female flowers on some individuals and perfect flowers on the other

Androdioecious – refers to a plant with male flowers on some and perfect flowers on othe individuals

Trioecious – refers to a plant with pistillate, staminate and perfect flowers on different individuals

Flower Symmetry
