Grammar Error On Advertisements



My assignment on grammatical errors found in local advertisements.

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Name: Harith Zakuan Bin Rosman

S.ID: 3101017181

Lecturer: Mdm. Aisyah Bt. Abdul Mutalib

Assignment: Grammatical Errors On Signboards/ Pamphlets/ Commercials/


1. MAXIS Grammar Fail!

•The Error:Sign into view your actual statistics.

•Into is not the same with in to:Ali dives into the pool.Please get in to the line.

•The correct sentence should be:

Please visit My Account page and sign in to view your actual statistics.

2. HOSTEL FELLOWS Grammar Fail!

•The Error:…contact fellows on duty should any

emergencies or problems within the…

•Should must have verbs following, example:Do remind me should I forget about her birthday.

•The correct sentence should be:

…contact fellows on duty should any emergencies or problems occur within the…

3. FITM Grammar Fail!

•The Error:To all FITM students with CGPA 3.5 and

above are invited...

•To is not needed/ add a pronoun before verb:

To my loved ones, you are my life.All members are welcome to join.

•The correct sentence should be:

…all FITM students with CGPA 3.5 and above are invited...To all FITM students with CGPA 3.5 and above, you are invited...

4. MPP Grammar Fail!

•The Error:The more fun is yet to come!

•The is not needed; the is used to specify:I made sure the kids are safe before leaving them.More prizes to be won!

•The correct sentence should be:

More fun is yet to come!

5. ICLS Grammar Fail!

•The Error:We looking forward your present as it

will enlighten…

•We needs a helping verb; -ing needs a preposition; wrong use of word present:

We are the youth of the nation.Searching for real love is hard.You need to present yourself in court.

•The correct sentence should be:

We are looking forward for your presence as it will enlighten our…

6. LAB RULES Grammar Fail!

•The Error:Students are not allowed to surf any

prohibited and against the law website; pornography.

•Wrong arrangement of words of description; redundancy of statement

Do activities that are against the law.Anything that is against the law is obviously prohibited.

•The correct sentence should be:

Students are not allowed to surf any prohibited websites like pornography and websites that are against the law.

7. MUET AD Grammar Fail!

•The Error:Document required

•When mentioning more than one item of a type, the noun becomes plural:

Assignments for today: Write an essayRead page 10

•The correct sentence should be:

Documents required…

8. JOB VACANCY Grammar Fail!

•The Error:Register as agent top-

up at here.

•Wrong noun to noun pair; incorrect preposition usage:

To describe a box using noun: pencil box, not box pencilGet your gifts here!

•The correct sentence should be:

Register as top- up agent here!
