How easily is your site found?



How easily is your site found? and how do you compare with your competitors? Bruce Kidson explores a report that that tells you about your on site and off site SEO and does Google find your Social Networks

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Are you a small business owner?

Would you like to know how well/easily Google finds your business?

How you rank for the phrases that you would like to be found for?

How do you compare against your competitors?

I will show you a really neat report

Which does just that……

Great report, eh!

So how much does that report cost?

I know people who charge $450


Because not only is the report worth that ….

But also because it costs in both money and time to produce.

However, for a strictly limited number of people. I’m offering….

This amazing report for free to

My friends on Linkedin

So come and say hi

And in your message say that you’d like a free report

That’s Bruce Kidson from Profit From Local Social Media, saying BFN
