Learning framework


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What she is doing Standard What she is doing Standard What she is doing StandardRylie is parallel Makes and maintains a She runs, jumps, climbs Crawles through a She is not asking Asks "why" questionsplaying with other friendship with at crawles under tables play tunnel or "Why" questions yet to show effort at children. She will least one other child and can jump up under a table understasndinginteract with other Shows enjoyment in Walks and runs causationChildren if they playing with other in circular pathsinitiate the interaction.children She does not organize Organizes objects

She struggles to throw Throws large beanbag toys by characteristics by more than oneShe showes affectionExspresses affection a ball with accuracy. or ball with some such as animals, pre-selected now that she has for significant adults She can toss it up in the accuracy trucks, blocks, she characteristicgotten comfortable with air but struggles with groups them all me. throwing it into a together

basket or to a friend.She showes excitementExspresses feelings She is beginning to seek Seeks assistance from about coming to school. She eats correctly with Eats with utensils assistance from the another child or adult

utensils teacher to help with a to solve a problemShe is not asking Asks questions of adults problem. questions yet to frequently to obtain She is unable to hold Opens and closeslearn more informationinformation scissors correctly blunt scissors with She is beginning to play Uses objects to

and cut paper with them one hand make believe. She strugglesrepresent real items She struggles to share Shares materials and toys pretending object are in make believe playtoys or other materials durring play, with She enjoys playing on the Enjoys pushing objects something other than with other children. assistance slide, swings, and climbing short ladders what they are. ExampleShe says "Mine" when climbing in the play swinging on a swing she will not pretend a other children approch yard on toys and sliding block is a play phone,her to play with her but will pretend play

kitchen with play foodShe struggles with Predicts what comes She is not putting on her Dresses and undressestransitions from one next in the day, when own shoes yet, or her coat. with minimal help She does compare sizes Compaires shape and activity to another. She there is a established She does not dress herself Puts shoes on, without or toys or objects and can size of objectsruns around the and consistant schedule assistance identify which object is classroom durring smaller or largertransitions. Even with a well She counts to 10 with no helpCounts to at least 20 established routine. from Memory

Social/ Emotional Physical Cognative

Learning FrameworkChilds Name: Rylie Age: 39 Months

materials, possativly reinforce sharing

Provide opportunities to use scissors, and other fine motor activities. Play games that involve

throwing and catching balls or bean bags. Provide activities that strengthen hand grasp, such

as playdough, hand held hole punches. Encourage child to play dress up and dress self.

Provide opportunities for her to notice similarities Provide opportunities for child to engage in a variety of play activities with peers. Allow

time for child to warm up and begin to feel comfortable. Encourage interaction with peers.

Provide opportunities for child to share

Activities to help with areas of development

And diffrences in the environment. Participate in imaginative play with her and

encourage her to use her imagination.Provide opportunities for her to count objects

during daily routines.

What she is doing Standard What she is doing StandanrdShe does remain Remains engaged in She understands Responds appropriatlyengaged in an activityan activity for at least simple requests to a requestfor a period of time 5 to 10 minutes like: bring me your up to 30 minutes at a time shoes

She is beginning to tryPersists in trying to She understand Has a receptive multiple times at a taskcomplete a task after everything I say to vocabulary ofto try and acomplish itpreviouse attempts her several hundred words

have failed in home language

She is not yet singing Makes up words, She does use new Uses new vocabularysongs or telling songs, or stories words every day in spontaneous speechstories

She does say words Uses words to exspress She struggles to stay Participates in like "I'm happy" emotionsin her seat durring meal time with " I love school" meal times. She is few distractions "he is mean"improving every day! to exspress feelings

She does help clean up Offers to help with She is using two and Talks in sentancestoys she has played withchores three word sentences with five to six words tobut does not offer to with minimal variety describe people, help with sweeping or in word usage places, eventswhiping the tables

She does not engage Engages in conversationin conversation that develops a thought

or idea

She does mimic animal Mimics animal soundswith encouragment

Activities to help with areas of development

Approach Toward Learning Language

Learning FrameworkChilds Name: Rylie Age: 39 Months

and answer games that inspire her curiosity.

Provide opportunities for child to use and expand language. Interact with child by

talking about books, laughing at her jokes.Engage her in meaningful conversation during

daily routines. Talk about daily events withchild.

Comment positivly on her effort to try hard at a problem. Encourage her to persue

favorite activities. Encourage her to help sweep or wipe off tables. Identify and build uponchild's individual interests. Play question
