Makingagame in scratch



Showing how to make a game in scratch. All instructions all the user to create a game of pacman

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Learning Outcomes

• To create a game using scratch software.

• To use scripts.

• To understand basic concept in programming.


• Iteration – forever loop

• Selection – forever if

• Variables

Following instructions

• Backward 2

• Forward 2

• Turn 180

• Hands up

• Hands down

Following instructions


Backward 2

Forward 2

Turn 180

Hands up

Hands down

Following instructions

Forever if (my hand up)

Backward 2

Forward 2

Turn 180

Hands up

Hands down

Where to open the task

• P:\ICT folder\Year 7 ICT\Topic 6 Game on\Lesson 4

• Makingagame.ppt


•P:\ICT folder\Year 7 ICT\Topic 6 Game on\Lesson 4

•Complete the plenary.doc

Step 1

1.Delete the cat sprite. Right click on the sprite and select delete.

Step 2 - Changing backgrounds

1. Click on the stage

2.Select backgroundClick on Edit

Step 3 -Adding background colour

Use the fill tool to create the background

Step 4 - Adding a grid

Use the rectangle tool to create the grid

Step 5 - Create a pacman sprite1. Select the paint new sprite button

2. Create your pacman2


Step 6 – adding the dot

Use the paint brush to draw a dot in front of pacman. This should be different colour to the Pacman

Save your pacman by clicking OK


Step 7 - Create a new costume

2.Click on copy to create a new costumeClick on Edit for Costume2

3. Use the erase tool to create a mouthClick OK



1. Select the costume tab

Step 9 – creating a new sprite

Click on create new sprite


Step 10 - Create a target sprite

Draw a circle the same colour as your background.

Draw another circle in the same coloured dot. (i.e orange)

Step 11 - Shrink your spritesClick on the icon to shrink your sprite

Step 12 - Duplicating your sprites

Step 13 - Script blocks

Create a script for the sprite to change costume.

Hint Use the colour coding to help you

Step 14 - Scripts to control movement of your pacman

Create a new script.This will move the pacman

This is the colour of the dot

This is the colour of your background

Step 15 - Script to control direction

Create scripts to move the sprite right, left, up and down.

Step 16 - Make a variable

Click on the stage

Click on variables

Give variable name orangecount

Step 17 - Set the starting value

Add this script to the stage

Step 18 - Change the variable

1.Click on Sprite2

Add the code to sprite 2

Step 19 - Duplicate script and add to other sprites

Right click and click duplicate

Drag the duplicate to the other sprites

Step 20 - Stopping the game

Click on the stage

Create this script

Change this to match the number of oranges

Step 21 - Game TimerCreate a new variable called timer

Create this script to set the timer to go up by one second each time


• Can you write short scripts to do the following:-• 1. Reset the time to zero at the start of the

game?• 2. Replace the Pacman in the top left hand

corner at the start of the game?• 3. reposition Pacman to face twoards the

righthand side of the screen. • (hint if you click on the sprite you can see the

coordinates and position.

Include a bonus feature

Choose new sprite from file

Select from the folder

Place the bonus symbol on the board

• Create a new variable called speed• In the stage scripts area, set the

starting value to 2• Adjust the pacman sprite script to• Click on bonus spite. Duplicate the

script from other sprites.• Change the script to double the speed.

(hint set the speed variable to 4)

Changing the bonus sprite

Add this script to the bonus sprite.

Remember to change the orange count to 5

Create a ‘Game Over’ screen

Create a new background by clicking on copy

Click on Edit on background 2

Add the text Game Over

Game over script

Add the final script to the stage to finish the game


• Write down what you have done today on your game.

• Write down what scripts you have used an try to explain how one of them works.
