MECO3602 2014 Week 2 Lecture, #SocMed FTW: Contemporary Social Media and Web 2.0



Week 2 lecture for MECO3602 Online Media at University of Sydney, '#SocMed FTW: Contemporary Social Media and Web 2.0'.

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#SocMed FTW: Contemporary Social Media

and Web 2.0

Jonathon Hutchinson@dhutchman

Week 2, Online Media

Brief internet history to understand the ‘social’ in mediaPolitical economy of social media

Cultures of SocMedCo-creation

Cultural intermediation


Send most interesting online thing this week to #meco3602

I.Brief internet history to understand the

‘social’ in media

Originally published by

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol

II.Political economy of social media

Internet domains for governance...

Internet & businessInternet & healthInternet & equity

Internet & educationFreedom of speech

Intellectual property issuesPrivacy issuesSecurity issues

Flew, 2014, p. 179

III.Cultural uses of SocMed: Why Web 2.0?

“radical decentralization, radical trust,

participation instead of publishing, users as

contributors, rich user experience, the long tail,

the web as a platform, control over one’s own

data, remixing data, collective intelligence,

attitudes, better software by more users, play,

undetermined user behaviour”

(Fuchs, 2014: 32)

exploitation of free labour (Terranova, 2004),

blogging as a practice is cynical and narcissistic (Lovink, 2008)

Web 2.0 users are more passive users than active creators (van Dijck, 2009) social media

manipulates and constructs social

connections (van Dijck, 2013)




Social media as empowerment

Social media as control

Hinton& Hjorth, 2014


“a descriptive term that highlights the ways that users or consumers, within the constraints and affordances of platforms provided by others, collectively contribute to the social, cultural and economic value of the media products and experiences associated with those platforms; and likewise, it indicates the ways in which platform providers (however imperfectly) integrate user-participation into their own models of production”

Co-creation is...

Burgess and Banks (2010: 298)

#7DaysLater is a program

“…taking comedy to the

scary arena of interactive

storytelling where the

audience gets to write the

brief via social media for

each weekly episode that

will air just seven days

later on ABC2”

(ABC, 2013).

V.Cultural intermediation

Potential areas for investigation for Assingment 2

The tension between social media as empoweringand social media as control

The role of the organisation and participatory media

Internet governance

What happens to user data/what is its value?