Media and Design. Y3 Teaching and Learning L2



The session looks at some tools for working with media on the web and how media can be incorporated effectively in your site. We review some of the developments in web design and draw together a number of principles for effective design.

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T&L WebsiteLecture 2 - media and design

April 2013

A few notes on the assignment

• 2,500 words +/- 10%. Please state the wordcount

• Rationale (500 words) is your personal perspective

• References as links

• Acknowledge all work not your own

• Provide the URL via Moodle, making sure your tutor and have access to your site.

An excellent website

• open with a home page outlining the rationale of the website (500 words);

• include your name and student number;

• have a clear navigation structure, making it easy to access the website contents;

• have well designed pages that suit reading from the screen;

• show some attention to principles of good design;

• make use of images and other media, where appropriate;

• include links to other websites, where appropriate;

• be written in a style appropriate to the web and which makes it accessible to your target audience;

• be accessible through a web browser alone without additional software being used.

Dieter Rams• Innovation

• Useful

• Aesthetic

• Helps understanding

• Unobtrusive

• Honest

• Long lasting

• Thorough

• Environmentally friendly

• As little as possible

Sir Johnny IveSimplicity is not the absence of clutter, that's a consequence of simplicity. Simplicity is somehow essentially describing the purpose and place of an object and product. The absence of clutter is just a clutter-free product. That's not simple.

The quest for simplicity has to pervade every part of the process. It really is fundamental.

Effective web design

•Don’t make users think

•Don’t squander users’ patience

•Make use of effective writing

•Strive for simplicity

•Don’t be afraid of white space

•Conventions are our friends

•Test early, test often

A selection from Friedman, 2008

Further ideas

•Use of a base colour

•Fonts (don’t use comic sans)



•Limit choice

•Occam’s razor
