Moving From Presentation to Participation


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Moving from Presentation


ParticipationKathleen M. Edwards, CAE

the Learning Evangelist, LLC


January 10, 2012

Some portion of your anatomy

must be connected to a chair in order to

learn something



Learning is serious fun allowed.



Think of the best learning

experience you’ve ever had...What were

its characteristics?


It’s a new world for learners…

In short:learners are

in charge!

Instant gratification

The Internet

Twitter…YouTube...Slideshare...Facebook…and more

Just-in-time learning




Virtual worlds


Effective learning

You’re the learner advocate!


“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost;that is where they should be.

Now put the foundations under them.”

— Henry David Thoreau Walden

Effective learning


Thoreau statue at Walden cabin replica – Concord, MA

Effective learning

Learning is...Relevance





What do you know about

Brain scienceand

How people learn?


Flickr image by Frank Gruber

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Add up the numbers below:

Flickr image: basheem



Now answer two questions:

1. What answer did you get?

2. How did you get that that answer?

Flickr image: basheem


You may come up with the answerin a different way than someone else.

Brains seek patterns and make meaning based on past experiences.

Activity from Using Brain Science to Make Training Stickby Sharon Bowman

So what?The brain:

A mean, greenpattern-finding machine*

* Dr. John Medina, in Brain Rules


Brain rule #3: Every brain is

wired differently.

Brain rule #4: We don’t pay attention

to boring things

Brain rule #5:

Repeat toremember.

Brain rule #10: Vision trumps

all other senses. Source: Brain Rules by Dr. John Medina

Flickr image by Adam Crowe

Flickr image by helgabj

What conclusions might you reach

about effective learning?

Effective learning


Quickly write down what you most want to remember

about what we’ve just covered

Share this mantra far and wide…

“It’s not what you give them;

it’s what they take away that counts.” – Mel SilbermannActive learning guru


SMEs have responsibilities in…How learning fits into the


to learner success

Creating effective learning


Engaging audiences

Effective use of visuals

Becoming facilitator of


Effective learning


Effective learning

Defined learning

outcomesplay a critical role

in success


Give SMEs a blueprint for learning

Use stated outcomes as a content filter Engage participants quickly

Create reasons for people to interact

Offer and ask for application ideas

Allow time for questions and tangents

Close powerfully


Why engage participants


Learner engagement


“…[participants] believe they have something of value to offer…they see themselves not just as receptacles for instruction but as essential participants in the education experience.” ― Norman Cousins

Learner engagement


Social media tools

can extend learning

Learner engagement


Coach learners on how to get maximum


Help learners discover ways to implement new


Learner engagement


Every “event” is a learning

laboratory for the next one

Effective learning


Delivering on the promise…

...the single most important thing expected of you and your learning leaders…

Effective learning


A caveat to


...and adirty little secret


Flickr image by Leopart Print

Providing learning the “right way” takes more work; the long-term payoff is worth it!

Success raises the bar for every program that follows

Kathleen M. Edwards, CAEthe Learning Evangelist, LLC


Thank you for your participation!
