New Media History, Les 1


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New Media HistoryLes 1: Inleiding & Overzicht

Peter Maeseele

- 11 November 1972, Roeselare

- Afgestudeerd in 1997, Master in Productontwikkeling, Antwerpen

- Sindsdien: webdesigner, Usability Engineer, Information Architect, Functioneel Analist, Business Analist

- The Passive Observer (

- Twitter: @maeseele

New Media History

How did we get here?

New Media History

New Media History

“Pigmaei gigantum humeris impositi plusquam ipsi

gigantes vident”

Isaac Newton, quoting John of Salisbury, quoting Bernard of Chartres, quoting Greek mythology


Jaren ‘50: The Atomic Age

- Koude Oorlog: VS / Rusland

- Potentieel van atoomkracht

- Science Fiction

- 1957: Sputnik I

- 1958: (D)ARPA & NASA

- The Military-Industrial Complex

New Media History

- Traditional (Mass) Media:

- Books

- Newspapers/magazines

- Radio

- Television

Media Theory:Marshall McLuhan- The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962)

- Understanding Media (1964)

- Print is the technology of individualism

- Electronic media will replace visual culture

- Towards a collective identity, a global village, interconnected by an electronic nervous system

1966: Multi-media: Andy Warhol’s Exploding Plastic Inevitable

Jaren ‘60-’70: Vietnam

80’s: “Old” Media Peak

The ‘propaganda model’

- Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent (1988): 5 media filters

1.Size, ownership, and profit orientation of mass-media

2.The advertising license to do business

3.Sourcing mass-media news

4.Flak and the enforcers

5.Anticommunism as a control mechanism

New Media History

- Vanaf jaren ’90 nieuwe vormen van publiceren:


- World Wide Web

- Digitale technologie (virtual communities)

- Netwerken doen afstanden verkleinen (Globalisatie)

- Interactief: van one-to-many naar many-to-many

90’s: Neoliberalism

- “The End of History” - Francis Fukuyama

- Washington Consensus:

- Globale vrijemarkteconomie

- Privatizering

- Deregularisatie

- Bescherming van eigendom (zoals IP)


New Media HistoryLessenplan Devine 2009


- Computer graphics- Business Applications- Animatie/Motion Graphics- Film- Advertising- Music Video- Games

- New Media Art- Webdesign

Lessenplan1. Overzicht (deze les)

2. Computer Graphics: pioniers & technologie

3. CG: motion graphics, music video’s, film & advertising

4. CG: games

5. New Media Art: invloeden & historiek

6. NMA: Computer Art & Net Art

7. NMA: thema’s

8. NMA: stromingen

9. Webdesign: Web 1.0 - the Early Years

10. Webdesign: Flash

11. Webdesign: Web 2.0 & RIA

12. State of the Art: trends & toekomst


- Iedere les kleine lijst van tekst en media

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- YouTube favorites pmaeseele

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