Penny and Dime - Prelims


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Penny and Dime The BPL Quiz

Questions researched and set by:

Pratyush Pran SarmaDhruba Jyoti Barman

Quizmaster- Pratyush Pran Sarma


The questions are self – researched and cross – checked. Much attention has been paid in balancing the questions. Any resemblance to questions in blogs, quizzes or pages are purely co-incidental. Any mistake is asked to be forgiven of. Confusions regarding the information in questions and answers, if any, will be discussed after the quiz.

Regarding the topics, the pop culture questions are indirectly based on business or literature as there was another entertainment quiz.


Rules : 1. 20 questions in the eliminators.

2. Questions 1 – 10 carry 1 point each.

3. Questions 11 – 15 carry 2 points each. No part points allowed.

4. Questions 16 – 20 carry 1 point each and are starred questions.

5. Starred questions will decide a tie. After that, sudden death will be taken into account. And while sudden death occurs, I/we shall not be objected by any participant or organizer, no matter whose son/daughter/brother/sister, etc. and/or friend he/she is. Happy Quizzing.


1. Easy one to start with.

Just name the blanked out character.

2. Batik cake is a type of non-baked Malaysian cake dessert. This cake was made by mixing broken ‘X’ combined with a chocolate sauce or runny custard made with egg, butter/margarine, condensed milk, Milo and chocolate powders.

The cake was served during special occasion like the Eid al-Fitr and Christmas. As Malaysia and Brunei were once a colony of Great Britain, it is believed the cake was introduced by the British. In Brunei, their Batik cake is covering by green colour topping.

‘X’ ?

3. Around November, 2014, more than 100 police officers and plainclothes security forces converged on Bangkok’s prestigious SiamParagon cinema after anti-coup protesters had promised to hand out 160 free tickets for the premiere of the movie ‘X’. In the cinema’s lobby, university student Nachacha Kongudom posed while saluting with three fingers in front of the movie’s huge poster, and allowed herself to be photographed by the media before she was taken away by police. Near the Siam Paragon theater, police detained two other protesters who raised the salute, which Thai dissidents deliberately appropriated from the films as their own symbol of defiance. After that a few more arrests took place. Then, eventually, the Thai military banned the salute.

‘X’ ?

4. In 2009, the company compensated Arnell Group about $1,000,000 to work on the new logo. They provided the company with a 27-page report describing what the logo represents. The report explains the logo representsEarth's magnetic field, feng shui, Pythagoras, geodynamics, the theory of relativity and more. The logo was shifted slightly counter clockwise to signify its movement and growth in looking forward to the future.

Which company?

5. What are these tweets all about?

6. A ______ is a muzzle-loaded, smoothbore firearm, fired from the shoulder. These were designed for use by infantry. It replaced the arquebus, and was in turn replaced by the rifle. The term “______" is applied to a variety of weapons, including the long, heavy guns with matchlock, wheel lock or flint lock and loose powder fired with the gun barrel resting on a stand, and also lighter weapons with a snaphance, flintlock, or caplock and bullets using a stabilizing spin (Minié ball), affixed with a bayonet.

Which word, representing a soldier, was used because they used these guns ??

7. McOndo is a Latin American literary movement that breaks from the Magical Realism mode of narration, and counters it with the strong,ideologic associations of the cultural and narrative languages of the mass communications media, and with the modernity of urban living; the experience of town versus country, of McOndo vs. Macondo. In the late 1990s, the Chilean writers Alberto Fuguet and Sergio Gómez published the short-story anthology McOndo (1996), the title of which combined the name ‘X’ with Macondo, the real with the fictional; Fuguet’s coinage McOndo denotes a “a world of ‘X’ and condos”.

‘X’ ?

8. Slappy the Dummy is a fictional character and antagonist in the Goosebumps children's series by R. L. Stine. He is one of the series' most popular villains and the main antagonist of the Night of the Living Dummy saga. He is also the main antagonist of the Goosebumps movie. He is a Ventriloquist's Doll that comes alive by these words, "Karru Marri Odonna Loma Maluno Karrano".

Here is a video of Slappy from the Goosebumps movie.

What is Slappy modeled after?

9. The company ‘X’ conducted a thorough psychological research interviewing hundreds of drinkers regarding their needs and desires. The results clearly showed that the product itself was not that essential as what people actually wanted was a place of relaxation and a special atmosphere that could make them feel at home.

Taking all this into consideration, the company created a place where every detail was carefully thought through. And so they did ‘it’. The strategic reason behind doing ‘it’ is the fact that solo drinkers would feel less alone this way since there are no empty seats.

What am I talking about?

10. Cold Space is a comic book that was released on 14th April, 2010 by ‘X’. ‘X’ has teamed up with Eric Calderon to tell the story of Mulberry, a space pirate in the year 4012. When the story begins, his ship is boarded by space cops intent on arresting him. Mulberry easily eludes them, and warp jumps to another area of space. His ship crash lands on a strange, corrupt planet, and the adventure really begins.

Who is ‘X’, who actually looks like Mulberry(or the other way round)?

11. Id the singer. What is he singing about ?? – which will be pretty much obvious once you hear it. Hence, no part points.

12. It is a legend and is likely to have originated from 17th-century nautical folklore. The oldest extant version dates to the late 18th century. Sightings in the 19th and 20th centuries reported it to be glowing with ghostly light. The sight of it is often regarded as a portent of doom.

‘X’ references the endless traveling aspect of the story by having the name of the legend painted on the rear sides of all it with regular livery.

What is the legend? Also solve for ‘X’.

13. In 1993, an alleged gas leak took place in the factories of this multi-national conglomerate in Washington Township, Bergen County, NJ., resulting in the leakage of chemicals with dangerous levels of toxicity. In the ensuing 24 months, 26 employees died from similar types of leukemia. A class action lawsuit filed against the conglomerate by the surviving victims was dismissed; they claimed there was no direct evidence linking their factories to the diagnoses.

The logo of this conglomerate is inspired from this logo of an American energy, commodities, and services company – Enron Corporation.

Which conglomerate ??

Bigger picture on next slide

14. ‘Z’ is the surname of a pure-blood family. It is unknown if thisfamily is still extant or still pure-blood, as the only known familymember, Eileen ‘Z’, married an impure-blood and had a ‘Y’ son (Y is not his name).

For this reason, the son – ‘X’ – has been nicknamed ‘Y Z’.

Who is ‘X’ and what is the nickname (Y Z) ?

15. ‘X’ is a game of chance that expands. It is first used to settle a dispute about what to watch on TV between two of the charactersin the television series ‘X’. It is mentioned again in another episode of the same TV series.

The game was originally created by Sam Kass with Karen Bryla. According to an interview with Kass, the series producers did not originally ask for permission to use the game, but Kass was officially referenced by a character as the creator of the game during the episode after which he states, "Hail Sam Kass!" to which all then chant "Hail!" while raising their hands.

Which TV series?

16. His father wanted him to join army, but he wanted to go to Oxford. His father made him enter his name in Middle Temple, but he gave up the Bar and announced his intention of becoming a painter. He had a studio in London and drew many paintings there.

He was in love with/infatuated with the subject of a portrait that he drew, which he considered to be his masterpiece.

Don’t need the name of the painter. Just name his masterpiece painting.

17. In astronomy, the Pleiades or Seven Sisters (Messier 45 or M45), is an open star cluster containing middle-aged hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. The celestial entity has several meanings in different cultures and traditions.

Which company can you relate Pleiades with ??

18. Nicaragua is the largest country in the Central American isthmus. The fauna of Nicaragua is characterized by a very high level of biodiversity,the most abundant being the jaguar, cougar, jaguarundi, margay, and ocelot.

Fauna aside, the country has seen a period of political and economic turmoil under dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle until the leftist Sandinista National Liberation Front came to power in Nicaragua in 1979 supported by much of the populace and elements of the Catholic church.

‘X’ is first full-length non-fiction book of ‘Y’, which he wrote in 1987 after visiting Nicaragua. The book is subtitled A Nicaraguan Journey and relates his travel experiences, the people he met as well as views on these political situations.

Solve for ‘X’.

19. Hermes is a French manufacturer established in 1837, today specializing in leather, lifestyle accessories, perfumery, luxury goods and ready-to-wear.

A Hermes handbag line/design named after this lady,was featured in a Bollywood movie (can be related to the quiz in a way).

How was this Hermes bag shown in the movie ??

20. ______ _______ is a 1964 black and white American film produced and directed by ‘X’ without the permission of the publisher and based on the character ‘Y’. The film was screened only at ‘X’'s art exhibits. A fan of the series, he made the movie as a “homage”. It is considered to be the first film featuring a blatantly campy ‘Y’.The film was thought to have been lost until scenes from it were shown at some length in the documentary Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis (2006).

Solve for ‘X’ and ‘Y’.


1. Easy one to start with.

Just name the blanked out character.

Darth Vader

2. Batik cake is a type of non-baked Malaysian cake dessert. This cake was made by mixing broken ‘X’ combined with a chocolate sauce or runny custard made with egg, butter/margarine, condensed milk, Milo and chocolate powders.

The cake was served during special occasion like the Eid al-Fitr and Christmas. As Malaysia and Brunei were once a colony of Great Britain, it is believed the cake was introduced by the British. In Brunei, their Batik cake is covering by green colour topping.

‘X’ ?

Marie Biscuits

3. Around November, 2014, more than 100 police officers and plainclothes security forces converged on Bangkok’s prestigious SiamParagon cinema after anti-coup protesters had promised to hand out 160 free tickets for the premiere of the movie ‘X’. In the cinema’s lobby, university student Nachacha Kongudom posed while saluting with three fingers in front of the movie’s huge poster, and allowed herself to be photographed by the media before she was taken away by police. Near the Siam Paragon theater, police detained two other protesters who raised the salute, which Thai dissidents deliberately appropriated from the films as their own symbol of defiance. After that a few more arrests took place. Then, eventually, the Thai military banned the salute.

‘X’ ?

The Hunger Games (The Mockingjay Part 1)

4. In 2009, the company compensated Arnell Group about $1,000,000 to work on the new logo. They provided the company with a 27-page report describing what the logo represents. The report explains the logo representsEarth's magnetic field, feng shui, Pythagoras, geodynamics, the theory of relativity and more. The logo was shifted slightly counter clockwise to signify its movement and growth in looking forward to the future.

Which company?


The New Pepsi Globe logo

5. What are these tweets all about?

Ghostbusters(2016) female cast

6. A ______ is a muzzle-loaded, smoothbore firearm, fired from the shoulder. These were designed for use by infantry. It replaced the arquebus, and was in turn replaced by the rifle. The term “______" is applied to a variety of weapons, including the long, heavy guns with matchlock, wheel lock or flint lock and loose powder fired with the gun barrel resting on a stand, and also lighter weapons with a snaphance, flintlock, or caplock and bullets using a stabilizing spin (Minié ball), affixed with a bayonet.

Which word, representing a soldier, was used because they used these guns ??


The Gun is called a Musket

7. McOndo is a Latin American literary movement that breaks from the Magical Realism mode of narration, and counters it with the strong,ideologic associations of the cultural and narrative languages of the mass communications media, and with the modernity of urban living; the experience of town versus country, of McOndo vs. Macondo. In the late 1990s, the Chilean writers Alberto Fuguet and Sergio Gómez published the short-story anthology McOndo (1996), the title of which combined the name ‘X’ with Macondo, the real with the fictional; Fuguet’s coinage McOndo denotes a “a world of ‘X’ and condos”.

‘X’ ?


8. Slappy the Dummy is a fictional character and antagonist in the Goosebumps children's series by R. L. Stine. He is one of the series' most popular villains and the main antagonist of the Night of the Living Dummy saga. He is also the main antagonist of the Goosebumps movie. He is a Ventriloquist's Doll that comes alive by these words, "Karru Marri Odonna Loma Maluno Karrano".

Here is a video of Slappy from the Goosebumps movie.

What is Slappy modeled after?

Carlo Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio

9. The company ‘X’ conducted a thorough psychological research interviewing hundreds of drinkers regarding their needs and desires. The results clearly showed that the product itself was not that essential as what people actually wanted was a place of relaxation and a special atmosphere that could make them feel at home.

Taking all this into consideration, the company created a place where every detail was carefully thought through. And so they did ‘it’. The strategic reason behind doing ‘it’ is the fact that solo drinkers would feel less alone this way since there are no empty seats.

What am I talking about?

Starbucks round coffee tables

10. Cold Space is a comic book that was released on 14th April, 2010 by ‘X’. ‘X’ has teamed up with Eric Calderon to tell the story of Mulberry, a space pirate in the year 4012. When the story begins, his ship is boarded by space cops intent on arresting him. Mulberry easily eludes them, and warp jumps to another area of space. His ship crash lands on a strange, corrupt planet, and the adventure really begins.

Who is ‘X’, who actually looks like Mulberry(or the other way round)?

Samuel L Jackson

11. Id the singer. What is he singing about ?? – which will be pretty much obvious once you hear it. Hence, no part points.

Leonard Nimoy. The Hobbit (JRR Tolkien).

12. It is a legend and is likely to have originated from 17th-century nautical folklore. The oldest extant version dates to the late 18th century. Sightings in the 19th and 20th centuries reported it to be glowing with ghostly light. The sight of it is often regarded as a portent of doom.

‘X’ references the endless traveling aspect of the story by having the name of the legend painted on the rear sides of all it with regular livery.

What is the legend? Also solve for ‘X’.

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

The legend is the Flying Dutchman ship.

13. In 1993, an alleged gas leak took place in the factories of this multi-national conglomerate in Washington Township, Bergen County, NJ., resulting in the leakage of chemicals with dangerous levels of toxicity. In the ensuing 24 months, 26 employees died from similar types of leukemia. A class action lawsuit filed against the conglomerate by the surviving victims was dismissed; they claimed there was no direct evidence linking their factories to the diagnoses.

The logo of this conglomerate is inspired from this logo of an American energy, commodities, and services company – Enron Corporation.

Which conglomerate ??

Bigger picture on next slide

E Corp/Evil Corp (of Mr. Robot fame)

14. ‘Z’ is the surname of a pure-blood family. It is unknown if thisfamily is still extant or still pure-blood, as the only known familymember, Eileen ‘Z’, married an impure-blood and had a ‘Y’ son (Y is not his name).

For this reason, the son – ‘X’ – has been nicknamed ‘Y Z’.

Who is ‘X’ and what is the nickname (Y Z) ?

Severus Snape (X)

The Half Blood Prince ( Y Z )

15. ‘X’ is a game of chance that expands. It is first used to settle a dispute about what to watch on TV between two of the charactersin the television series ‘X’. It is mentioned again in another episode of the same TV series.

The game was originally created by Sam Kass with Karen Bryla. According to an interview with Kass, the series producers did not originally ask for permission to use the game, but Kass was officially referenced by a character as the creator of the game during the episode after which he states, "Hail Sam Kass!" to which all then chant "Hail!" while raising their hands.

Which TV series?

The Big Bang Theory

The game being Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock

16. His father wanted him to join army, but he wanted to go to Oxford. His father made him enter his name in Middle Temple, but he gave up the Bar and announced his intention of becoming a painter. He had a studio in London and drew many paintings there.

He was in love with/infatuated with the subject of a portrait that he drew, which he considered to be his masterpiece.

Don’t need the name of the painter. Just name his masterpiece painting.

He is Basil Hallward, who drew The Picture of Dorian Gray (obviously in the story)

17. In astronomy, the Pleiades or Seven Sisters (Messier 45 or M45), is an open star cluster containing middle-aged hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky. The celestial entity has several meanings in different cultures and traditions.

Which company can you relate Pleiades with ??

Subaru Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster M45 or "The Seven Sisters" (one of whom tradition says is invisible - hence only six stars in the Subaru logo).

18. Nicaragua is the largest country in the Central American isthmus. The fauna of Nicaragua is characterized by a very high level of biodiversity,the most abundant being the jaguar, cougar, jaguarundi, margay, and ocelot.

Fauna aside, the country has seen a period of political and economic turmoil under dictator Anastasio Somoza Debayle until the leftist Sandinista National Liberation Front came to power in Nicaragua in 1979 supported by much of the populace and elements of the Catholic church.

‘X’ is first full-length non-fiction book of ‘Y’, which he wrote in 1987 after visiting Nicaragua. The book is subtitled A Nicaraguan Journey and relates his travel experiences, the people he met as well as views on these political situations.

Solve for ‘X’.

The Jaguar Smile

By Salman Rushdie

19. Hermes is a French manufacturer established in 1837, today specializing in leather, lifestyle accessories, perfumery, luxury goods and ready-to-wear.

A Hermes handbag line/design named after this lady,was featured in a Bollywood movie (can be related to the quiz in a way).

How was this Hermes bag shown in the movie ??

Bagwati – in Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara (Bum Pe Laat- BPL - being the relation between the quiz and the movie)

20. ______ _______ is a 1964 black and white American film produced and directed by ‘X’ without the permission of the publisher and based on the character ‘Y’. The film was screened only at ‘X’'s art exhibits. A fan of the series, he made the movie as a “homage”. It is considered to be the first film featuring a blatantly campy ‘Y’.The film was thought to have been lost until scenes from it were shown at some length in the documentary Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis (2006).

Solve for ‘X’ and ‘Y’.

X – Andy Warhol

Y – Batman

The film is ‘Batman Dracula’
