


As media Olivia Dexter Evaluation Q6

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Olivia Dexter

Throughout the production of my music magazine I have developed skills within photography, InDesign and Photoshop.

Prior to the production of my magazine I had already a basic understanding of how to use both Photoshop and InDesign as I had previously used both in gsce. Initially I began making all of my magazine pages on Photoshop, however I found it to limiting. When it came to the magazine cover as there is little flexibility use images and boxes which are necessary to make the cover eye-catching.

Within the photography section of my production I looked at images from front covers, dps and contents pages before taking to images to show the models what I wanted from them. It also gave me an idea of what types of images I needed, to make the magazine successful.

PHOTOSHOP Photoshop I used for my cover and contents page. As Photoshop gave me the necessary flexibility to make the pop magazine exciting and attractive to the target audience.

Applying drop shadow gives the text more definition. I have also applied an inner glow, outer glow, inner shadow and inner glow to the text to give it further definition. This makes it stand out more on a blank page

I began by removing the background from the image using the rubber tool. Then moving the image onto a transparent background and using the magic wand to remove the background. I then began editing the image. I used this method several times within my production as all of my images required a form of editing.

I then used the buffer tool to clear my models skin and edited the saturation and contrast in the picture. I also used this method several times within my production .


Through the production of my task I have learnt skills about setting creating things such as a Double page spread, in this slide I am going to demonstrate how my skills within this area have considerably improved. First I began by creating a set of 3 pages and then entering text through the use of a text box. Within my production I used the same format.

I then entered the text and images through the use of text boxes and selecting the image of google.