Risk Assessment


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Risk assessment

In designing my music video for A2 media I have identified possible risks or problems with filming in certain locations. It is my responsibility as director and overall cameraman to know of the issues with the locations where I have decided to film and to come up with possible solutions or preventions in order to keep the crew safe onset and to capture the right shots in the planed conditions. Risk or hazard Shooting location Responsibility Prevention or cure

Illness of actor or camera person Director

All Director Cameraman Actors

It is the director’s responsibility to make sure that every one is ready and available for the days recording and to notify others to schedule for another day if necessary. If possible the director could rearrange the dates of filming to shoot parts that don’t require that character in order to keep up with filming requirements.

Weather House/bedroom section Street section Field section Beach section

Not possible to control It is the director’s responsibility to check the national and local forecasts on reliable news sites and TV stations like the BBC and ITV and to change plans in plenty of time and let others know what the changes will be. There is always the possibility that the forecast is wrong and that there is rain and this is not a suitable condition because it will damage equipment that is being used for that location such as lights and definitely a

camera. Even though this issue is not under any possible control it is in the directors hands to make sure that there is a plan in place to make sure that the recording takes place and that crew are notified.

Camera does not record still or in focused images

All locations Cameraman and director It is the cameraman’s responsibility to make sure that what they are recording is of a stable format and in focus and to the director’s plans. The director is responsible for the overall design and layout. The director is suppose to have the full vision of the project and is suppose to have all the designs and types of camera angle and shots that they need to capture the right theme and idea and also to show some connection with the lyric and melody of the song. Unless the shot is suppose to be in a unstable scene or out of focused shot then this should be managed by the camera man so that this does not take place. If in my video where unstable or unfocused video’s are not planned to happen, there should be a review of the footage by the director and there would be a retake of that particular shoot but if this issue has been found after the day of the shoot then there should be a extra day that should be

arranged between all members of crew.

Cables or leads on the set floor

House/bedroom section House/garden section House/study section

Director For some sections of filming the set floor could have running wires to different elements such as lighting that could surround the set and power leads to a projector or camera system. To make sure that I am taking heath and safety into account all leads will be routed in a way that means they don’t come in to direct contact with actors. The director is the role that is responsible for the setup of the set and how the lighting and equipment are ran and operated. They are meant to lay wires in a way that does not bring them into contact with the performers or anyone else on set. Where they do have to cross a path where people walk they would be effectively taped down to avoid a tripping risk .

Memory card is too full Final locations or possibly second location or third

Camera man It is the responsibly of the camera man to make sure that there is enough space on the camera cards such as a usb or a SD for the days filming including practice shots and recordings and extra recordings because of mistakes and miss match of lip-sync. The camera man also has the responsibility of making sure the camera is cleaned for a fresh day of recording and that all recordings have been put onto a safe drive somewhere and that they have been backed up to make sure that non is deleted or missing. Also the responsibility of the camera man is the role of looking at the lyrics and the diagram and storyboard animatic too see the actual shots and angles chosen by the director so that they have an idea of how much space will possibly be needed for each day of filming on the card.

Camera fails to record All sections Camera man The full responsibility of the operation and the direction of the camera is down to the camera man and it is there responsibility to make sure that the camera is working properly are is on the right setting for the theme they are recording. If the camera fails to record then it is up to the camera man to work out what has gone wrong or replace the

camera to a similar quality one in order to keep consistency with in shots. It is also there responsibility to schedule and talk to crew and director to make sure everything is still recorded in the way that is planned.

The lighting may not be right in order to make the effect or see the actor

House/study section House/garden section House/shed section Street section

Director It is the director’s responsibility too makes sure that lighting that in under control by the director is visible and helps the effect of the scene. The lighting should be planned in that compliments and brings an effect and a theme to the performance. The lighting such as show lighting and spot lighting should be designed in a way that brings out the song and helps the actor. One of the biggest problems that may occur is the amount of backlight may shadow the actors face and for that you could use a light powered spotlight to make sure the camera picks up the face of the actor.

Lip-sync or piano instrument sync not in total sync with the track

House/study section House/shed section

Director and actor/performer

It is the directors overall responsibility to make sure that the actor is making sure that the way the song is suppose to sung is being done that way and that It is making sure that the way that the actor sings fits in with the meaning and theme of the song. Although it’s necessary to know the words and melody to the song

and to therefore sing the song exactly in time with the track. It’s the directors overall call to make sure that the recordings is of high standard and requirement for the video. In the editing stage when any problems with lip sync happen its best to set dates up to re film as soon as possible because it then means more time to then fix the lip sync and that could improve the quality of the video.

Theme/ costume style All locations Actors director

It is important that the actors know what the theme is and how the music video will be set and how the actors need to look. And the director needs to be aware that there needs to be a level of consistency with the clothes the actors where as they need to all fit the song and style of the band or artist. Since the recording sections are on different days the actors need to make sure that they are wearing suitable clothes and that they always look the way they should otherwise the shots wont match and I will look like they have put anything on. To stop the actors from wearing anything that is wrong the director should have regular conversations with them and remind them before shooting what they will need. Also to create a list entailing what they

need for each day of filming in different locations.

Traffic Street section Director Make sure that the actors are now put in danger on a busy road. The whole point of filming on this particular road is because it has the new led streetlights In which look good and very bright and clear at night. But this is a very busy road and we need to keep a look out for cars and other traffic. To only step on to the road when we need to film and to be as quick as possible. But the reason for filming at night is that the streetlights are on and it is also less busy so it does not pose as much of a danger.

Electrical points House/ garden section Director Make sure electrics near pond area do not come into contact with water off waterfall. Keep power points and sockets well away from pool. And keep lights and smoke machine away from the pool area. Cables also in a darkly lit paved space could pose a hazard as well and the best thing to do in this situation is to make sure that all cables go around the out side of the paving.

Editing stages Post-production stage Director The editing software that I will be using called final cut. I’m using this because it’s a very good piece of software and has a lot of tools that can make the video look professional. It also comes with its challenges because it’s a new software it might take a bit of adjusting to what I am normally use to. The problem could be that it cant handle with the import of the size of videos that I have produced, this could lead to the software crashing or slowing down which causes other problems like the loss of work and the speed at which the editing is done reducing which might cause the missing of deadlines. The solution I believe to this is too load/import videos in groups so you miss that big import of all the videos. Which might solve the problem. The other issue with the videos is the storage of the videos because they are big files, one solution is to ask the IT managers for more disk space or to delete all of the unwanted or practice videos making more file space for the video’s that you will use.
