Sin eng-19 - tutoring p1


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Contribution To Our School

Project by; Guardian Angels

Contribution to The School.

Fund Raising Tutoring for P1’s Making a movie

About AGPS

Market the school and create an awareness

to the public about AGPS.

The biography

about AGPS.

Problem: Not enough Money to make one.

To improve the school’s


Use the remaining money To help poorer students in

The school

Problem: Not many would

want to Contribute.

To boost their confidence

And help them improve in

their studies.

1st year in school & not Very familiar with their



Why do we tutor the Primary One ?

• They might be shy as it is the first year in Anchor Green Primary School and so we want them to socialize and interact with others. This is in line with our core value of excellence.

• We want to boost their confidence and ensure that they have a strong academic foundation.

• We feel that this is something we can contribute to the school and it is within our capability.

How did we go about starting this project?

1) Approach the Primary 1 teachers, ask them to give us names of the pupils who are weaker academically.

2) Prepare flyers and gave it to the pupils’ Form Teacher for distributions and information.

3)Prepare worksheets for them to do.

4)Pick them from their classes for tutoring.

5)Mark attendance.

6)Guide them in their work or homework and answer their doubts

7)Mark their work after they are done.

8) Explain to them their mistakes and do corrections .

Send them back to class

When we first started…

The P1s cannot cope with their studies and were not socializing with one another as most of them lacked confidence.

They did not want to speak up and clarify even when they did not understand the questions.

Also, some of them did not pay attention when we were tutoring them.

And this is what we did…

Lack of Confidence:

1) We will boost their confidence by teaching them patiently. 2) Give them encouragement along the way.

By Guardian Angels

P1’s Cannot Cope With Their Studies

1)We will guide them in the subjects/topics they need help. 2)We will give them bite size assessments along the way to check for their understanding and review concepts they are weak at.

Brainstormed Solutions

1.We will let them do more pair work.

2.During pair work, we will put pupils of different races as well as different classes together for bonding.

3.We will also put the girls and boys together for pair work.


By Guardian Angels

Not Focused During Lessons

By Guardian Angels

•Reward them with stickers if they are good or focused when we are teaching.

•When they get 5 stickers we will give them a small gift.

Do Not Want To Speak Up When They Don’t Understand Something

We will explain everything to them first. Ask them if they understand what we just taught them .

Evidence (To prove it



Tutoring in


This is what our teachers have to say about our


Group Reflection

“We are happy to be teaching our juniors. Through this project, we have a taste of how life of being a 'teacher' is like; it is not easy and requires a lot of patience, especially at times when they don't listen. However, we feel a great sense of achievement when the P1s enjoyed our lessons. This is the motivation to keep us going. We hope by one way or the another we have made a positive impact to these primary ones.” Guardian Angels

Our Individual thoughts…

Claribel Quile

“I have learnt to be more patient . I also feel happy that I can contribute to the school by doing this service learning project. Teaching our juniors was hard work and now I know that being a teacher is not that easy.”

Phoebe Lee

“I can finally experience how our teachers

felt when they taught us. Being a teacher

isn’t easy; teachers have to bear with some

students who do not take their work

seriously. Still, being a teacher is fun. I feel

glad that I could contribute to the school.”

Shannon Ng

“I feel honored to be able to guide the Primary

One's in their school work by providing

tutoring for them. I feel happy when they see

improvement in their daily work and

appreciate what I have done for them. I hope

by doing this Service Learning Project, I have

contributed to the school.”

Rency Likin

“I have understood what it is like to teach our

juniors. Patience was really needed in the

process. I hope I have contributed to the

school in a humble way and hope to

participate in many such Service Learning

projects in the future. Thank you.”

Alicia Tay

“Teaching the younger ones is not easy , I finally know how the teachers feel when they teach us. Dedication is one of the main qualities a teacher must have . I hope that after teaching the younger ones, they will improve their grades . I also hope that through our service learning project , we have made a positive impact on our school.”

Credits… Phoebe

Shannon Claribel Rency
