SITE 23 Things Presentation




Slide deck from presentation by Terry Katz and Sandy Masters from the 2009 SITE conference in Albuquerque, NM

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SITE Conference 2009Albuquerque, New Mexico

June 27th - July 1st“23 Things” – Web 2.0 Tools

Presented by Terry Katz and Sandy Masters

AgendaWhat is Web 2.0 Why learn Web 2.0 Tools?Some StatsWe know just enough about technology to be dangerous!23 toolsWhat’s next?

What is Web 2.0?

Why learn about Web 2.0 Tools?

Social Networking & SITEconnect (1), LinkedIn,


Curious Facebook Facts

Blogs (2), WordPress, Blogger

Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati (5)

RSS & Newsreaders, GoogleReader (4)

Photos & Images, Flickr (3)

Wikis (6)

Common Craft on Wikis

Podcasts & Videos, Audacity (7) (10)

YouTube (8)

Hulu (9)

Avatars & Second Life (11)

Bookmark storage, Delicious (12)

Browsers (13), FireFox, Safari

Skype (14)

Slideshare (15)

Ning (16)

Polling (17) Survey Monkey, PollDaddy,


Synchronous webinar tools, CoolConferenceLive


GoToMeeting (19)

Eluminate (20)

Course Management Systems, Moodle (21)

Micro-blogging, Twitter (22)

E-Learning development tools (23), Camtasia, Articulate, Raptivity,

Brainshark, Adobe Breeze

What’s next?Google Wave &

Microsoft’s Bing search tool

Jane Hart’s Top 100 Tools for Learning Professionals