Task 3 evaluation


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Contact sheet: There is where I put all of my photographs, they were put in a specific folder named my pictures so I know where to find them. The images that I did not use got removed from the folder so I did not use them accidentally instead of an image I wanted.

Camera: I was going to use a DSLR camera but I didn’t take it out for the time I was going to take photos of the models, so instead I used my smartphone, and the camera quality on it is alright but is nowhere near as good as a DSLR camera.

Shutter Speed: This has an effect on the amount of light that shows in the photo, for one of my pictures it was one a slow speed and it is clear to see that as there was not a lot of light, I also did not put on the flash as I thought the white building in the back made a good frame.

Aperture: As I took the photographs with my phone, I couldn’t change the aperture as there was nothing covering the camera to begin with. Therefore it had no effect on the pictures that I took.

Focus: I had to wait for my camera to focus so the picture quality was good, on one of the photos the camera wasn’t focused enough and the photo doesn’t look clear. If I compared it to the other photograph I am using it is clear to see that one is much more focused as the quality looks much better.

Framing: From one of my photos my model is standing in front of a restaurant, and I thought that’ll make a good frame as it is a nice natural background. From the perspective the viewer will have they will see I took it outside a local restaurant. For my other image I took outside a gate, and sun was shining and I was standing on a ledge to make the perspective look better for the viewer.

Misc-en-scene: I did not use any props whilst taking photographs, as I was doing fashion I just told the people to dress up formally.

Composition: My shots look good as the background looks good with the actual image.

Lighting: One of my photos that I took were outside, the lighting was affected by the sun as it was a bright day and it caused the photo to look over exposed. The rest of the photos I used flash which was on my smartphone.

Camera support: The photographs I used were not taken on a camera, I used my smartphone there no support such as tripods were used. When I took the photos the camera was handheld.

Creative Intent: I took these photos to grab the attention of other males and they will see how professional the photograph looks and would be interested. The intention of my magazine would be to tell people how men dress nowadays.

Feedback: My peers liked the frames for my background and said the angles that I took of them. They said if I was to put it on a magazine cover it would grab people’s attention.
