The kabbalistic tree of life is a slanted perspective to ezekiel's merkabah (chariot)


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THE KABBALISTIC TREE OF LIFE is a slanted perspective to


William John MeeganWilliam John MeeganWilliam John MeeganWilliam John Meegan

his is going be a concise explanation of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life being a slanted perspective to Ezekiel’s Merkabah (Char iot) Wheels; however , the diagrams that I provide in this paper will say more about my thesis than my comments.

FIGURE 1: illustrates the 32-Elohyms (God) in the first chapter of Genesis in a sequential circle. On the outer r im of the circle I have categor ized each of the 32-Elohyms, with different symbols representing the four categor ies of the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife. The odd numbers have been colored red symbolizing the spir itualized ego and the even numbers that are colored yellow symbolizes the spir itual unconscious mind (Holy Spir it). These odd (masculine) numbers and even (feminine) numbers represent a circle within a circle: i.e. Merkabah (Char iot) Wheels. Evidence that this is a valid interpretation is found in the Sistine Chapel, which I have wr itten extensively about esoter ically. The 32-frescoed popes (now only 28) symbolize these 32-Elohyms; for the reason that, they are midway between the floor and the ceiling, which interprets the first verse of Genesis: “ In the beginning Elohym (God) separated (Bara) the beginning and ends of the heavens and the beginning and ends of the earth (Gen. 1:1)” . The reason that there are not 32-frescoed popes in the Sistine Chapel today is because Michelangelo tore down the altar wall to refurbish it to fresco the LAST JUDGMENT; however , it is my contention that the symbolism that previously existed in the chapel’s ar twork is still par t of the spir itual process of interpreting the symbolism of the chapel. These are the first 32-popes of the Roman Catholic Church and are number 1-32, by the Church, and they literally are divided between the odd and even numbers. The odd numbered popes are positioned on the south wall and the even numbers are positioned on the nor th wall and if studied the alignment of these popes in their odd and even categor ies it will be seen that the first and last popes of the odd (1 & 31) and even (2 & 32) categor ies were wiped off altar wall. In the Last Judgment fresco Chr ist (Alpha and Omega) is returning as in the Second Coming of Chr ist. This literally illustrates that the odd (1 thru 31) and even (2 thru 32) numbered popes symbolize the two Merkabah (Char iot) Wheels. There is one oddity in this array of 32-popes and that is that the third and four th popes switch places; but that has to do with the Mantle and Cowl of the Papacy, which relates to a totally difference symbol than the Merkabah. As you know symbols have more than one message. In addition I show that eight sets of Elohyms paired off in the circle of 32-Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis. These eight sets of Elohyms are paired off 180˚ from each other . This pair ing off of the four categor ies of the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife aids in defining the message that is being esoter ically conveyed by the scr ibes of the sacred scr iptures. I t also can be envisaged that these 32-Elohyms can be interpreted as having nine pairs since the final Sefirah is not truly paired off 180˚; but, is paired off by not being paired off 180˚ from its mate. These eight pairs give off and suggest the pattern of 3.14, which is the short formula for PI . The 32nd pope died in 314AD and this symbolism exists because the word ELOHYM has the Gematr ia value that produces the formula for PI : 3.1415. Take each Hebrew letter of the word Elohym and break it down numerically and reduce it to its lowest common denominator and then go round from number three counterclockwise. I f it is nine pairs of Elohyms the pattern is 153: i.e. the Vesica Piscis, which also infers Chr ist. Also 8 and 9 total to 17: i.e. PEI and the aggregate of 17 is 153: i.e. Vesica Piscis.



FIGURES 1 and 2


Each of the 32-Elohyms are categor ized by their associate word as it is used in the first chapter of Genesis, which is precisely the pattern that has been connected with the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife in the last two thousand years.

10-SEFIRAH: “ Elohym said” is found ten times. 7-DOUBLE LETTERS: “ Elohym saw” is found seven times. 3-MOTHER LETTERS: “ Elohym made” is found three times. 12-ELEMENTAL LETTERS: “ Elohym” is found with 12-var ious words.

Do not misunderstand me here, the Kabbalistic Tree of Life; though, it is a slanted point of view it still holds inherent the true aspects of spirituality. Mankind has in its grasp the truth of reality; however, it spins it into a false perspective that looks pretty and is reasonable based upon Common Sense: i.e. Reason and Logic. Reason and Logic is for the most part a false perspective. An example of this is blatantly in your face via the bitter rivalry of political parties. Each political party believes it is using Common Sense: i.e. Reason and Logic to convey its political issues.

FIGURE 2: Here the 32-Elohyms are place in a circle and they are divided between LIGHT and DARKNESS as outline in the first day of creation (Gen. 1:3-5). The reason that they are divided is; because, the word LIGHT in the first and four th day of creation have the Gematr ia value of 207. There are 207-words in the first four days of creation: DAY 1: 31-Hebrew words and DAY 2: 38- Hebrew words

These first two days of creation totals to 69-words, which points out that these first two days of creation are inherently connected: i.e. Capr icorn and Aquar ius, which are ruled by Saturn the Father of Time, which symbolizes the Occipital Lobes. DAY 3: 69-Hebrew words, Pisces DAY 4: 69-Hebrew words. Ar ies This 69-words pattern is extrapolated out to the first four chapters of Genesis that has 1449-words divided by 69 = 21. The 207-words symbolize a L ight Chakra and the 1449 / 7 = 207-words, which symbolize the entire Seven L ight Chakras (This is validated by the central section of the West Façade of Char tres Cathedral symbolism that symbolizes the Seven L ight Chakras). Additionally, there are 21-Minor L ight Chakras. This denotes that Hinduism somewhat influenced the wr iting of the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures. I t gets more sophisticated than that when you take the 16-Elohyms in the first four days of creation and total the aggregate of 3-18 = 168. The aggregate of 1-32 = 528 and the diameter of said circle of 32-Elohyms is 168. The aggregate of 19-32 and 1, 2 is 360 as in 360˚. Knowing that each Elohym, in the first chapter of Genesis symbolizes the diameter (PI) of its own circle and when placed in a circle of 32-Elohyms, Elohym again becomes the diameter of its own circle meaning it separates the LIGHT from the DARKNESS: i.e. Vesica Piscis that separates the odd numbers from the even numbers creating two Merkabah Wheels. I f you know anything about the Vesica Piscis it is created via two inter locking circles. The Vesica Piscis is the throne that hovers between the two Merkabah (Char iot) Wheels. The number 168 represents the hours in a week; however , in this ar ray of 16-Elohymns in the first four days of creation exudes the image of the Kundalini Serpent by separating out the four Kabbalistic Tree of L ife categor ies: Sefirah = 48, Double Letters = 48, Elemental Letters = 48 and Mother Letters = 24, which is a pattern of three and one-half (3½ coiled Kundalini Serpent). The LIGHT is pulled out of the DARKNESS: the Kundalini serpent emphasizes that spir itual L IGHT.


Also the first chapter of Genesis has 434-words, which relates to the Hebrew letter DALETH, which is symbolized as the DOOR to the WORD OF GOD. Chr ist said, “ I am the door ” .

The first word of Genesis is BERESHITH and when it’s proper ly analyzed it exudes the pattern of the VESICA PISCIS. Thus, you can envisage the sacred scr iptures as a mathematical masterpiece.

FIGURE 3: Takes the 32-Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis and breaks them down into their two Merkabah (Char iot) Wheels. When separating out the categor ies of the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife it can be seen how the two circles merge into the unanimity of 32-Elohyms developing the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife. The four categor ies of the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife provide the basic patterns that dominate and control the human psyche:

MOTHER LETTERS = Archetypal o This is the basic pattern that the human psyche downloads as its thought pattern

into the square: i.e. squar ing (order ing) the circle (chaos). ELEMENTALS = Existential

o Each individual lives out his life based solely upon his thought patterns between his ears: i.e. that which the psyche is enamored by.

SEFIRAHS = Cosmic, o This has everything to do with the development of the 10-numbers and the 22-letters

of the Hebrew Coder codifying the WORD OF GOD. The spir itual forces of creation: i.e. God comes down into human terminology.

DOUBLE LETTERS = Bir th of Consciousness o 7-Double Letters symbolizes BETH, which has a Gematr ia value of 412. o First letter of the Genesis: i.e. BETH (2nd letter of the Hebrew Coder), which is

sur round and protected by the invisible esoter ic letter PEI (17th letter of the Hebrew Coder). These two letters BETH and PEI symbolically create QOPH (19th letter of the Hebrew Coder), which completes and formulates the word CHRIST is the word BERESHITH and the Tr inity in found in unanimity.

o PEI (17th letter of the Hebrew Coder) is the Vesica Piscis. o Though, the child is born with this spir itual sheen it is quickly lost by the child being

educated into societal mores (iconoclasm: literal, linear and histor ical thought). Then the child for the rest of its life is obsessed to regain that spir itual sheen (iconographic thought).

o DOUBLE LETTERS symbolizes the hidden WORD OF GOD. These three patterns plus (Double Letters) are one; though, symbolically they manifest

themselves into the human psyche. ARCHETYPAL = 1-9 (Alphanumer ic Hebrew Letters)

o These Hebrew letters symbolize the infinite archetypes of the Collective Unconscious: i.e. MATRIX OF WISDOM (this is an iconographic image of the psyche that C.G. Jung knew nothing about; though, he did br ing for th the mandala symbolism into the Western way of thought).

o These nine (infinite) alphanumer ic letters are considered the REVEALED (sur face) por tion of the sacred scr iptures.

� Symbolically these alphanumer ic letters symbolize the outer wor ld. The outer wor ld expresses the sacred scr iptures: i.e. WORD OF GOD in infinite and disparate ways.


EXISTENTIAL = 10-90 (Alphanumer ic Hebrew Letters) o These numbers symbolize the infinite raison d’etre (reason for existence) that the

individual’s psyche can chooses unwittingly as to what it’ s enamored by to live life existentially repetitively; though, life is neither seen by the individual nor the collective as repetitive: i.e. addictions and/or obsessions.

� These alphanumer ic letters esoter ically hide the HIDDEN numer ics codified to the alphabetic letters just as the science that dominates the outer wor ld is unseen and needs to be envisaged via scientific research.

COSMIC = 100-400 (Alphanumeric Hebrew Letters) o These last four letters of the Hebrew Coder: Qoph, Resh, Shin and Tav literally spells

out the word CHRIST (krst) in Greek using Hebrew letters, which infers that the New Testament was wr itten in Greek based upon the esoter ic database of the numer ics (sacred geometry) hidden in the alphanumer ic structure of the Hebrew Coder.

o DOUBLE LETTERS symbolizes the COMIC because they symbolized the mystical unseen and unspoken WORD OF GOD which neither the alphabet nor the numerics via sacred geometry can convey to the human intellect. This last is God’s province, which is taught to the worthy initiate by the Holy Spir it.

FIGURE 4: Symbolizes the sacred geometry of the GRA Kabbalistic Tree of L ife (Natural Ar ray) secretly hidden in the alphanumeric structure of the first chapter of Genesis.

The Sistine Chapel’s fresco symbolism illustrates how Solomon Temple warped into a three-square rectangle has to be transubstantiated into two squares creating a two squared circle: i.e. like an eight sided octagon, which is actually a var iation of the Kamea of Saturn: i.e. Father of Time symbolically the two squares are put into an octagon shape that creates the Merkabah (Char iot) Wheels.


SEFIRAHS – One pair on the yellow wheel as oppose to three pairs on the red wheel. o This I take as the number 31-as the cube of PI as in 31-verses to Genesis chapter one.

This puts emphasis on the whole spir ituality relating solely to ELOHYM: i.e. the Tr inity.

MOTHER LETTERS – One pair on the yellow wheel as oppose to zero pairs on the red wheel.

o The Three Mother Letters are positioned on the yellow wheel; however , o There is a four th word ‘MADE” in the 32nd position, which is dominated by a Double

Letter ; because it is associated to the word ELOHYM; � Whereas, the word MADE in the 32nd position is not directly associated to the

word ELOHYM in that area of the text. o This is very impor tant because the word MADE is positioned in the 8th, 16th and 24th

positions in the circle of 32-Elohyms and the unseen 32nd position infers the eight multiplication table

� Whereas, there is another unseen square that relates to these three visible words MADE and they are located in the 7th, 16th and 25th verses and when the 34th verses is looked at in Gen. 2:3; it is found that another word MADE is found. These verses infer the ninth multiplication table.

� The yellow wheel infers spir ituality (Chr ist: i.e. Euchar ist) transubstantiated into the mater ial.

• These three pairs of Elohyms in the yellow wheel, I intuit, relates to the Golden Ratio, which relates to the 3/5 ratio a set in the Fibonacci sequence.


FIGURES 3 and 4


� The first three times that MADE is used as the Mother Letters they infer the Tr inity simple because the 8th and 9th (between Scorpio (8) and Sagittar ius (9) there is a door that provides visual direction to the position of the galactic core) multiplication tables infer 17-which is the Hebrew Letter PEI: Vesica Piscis, which again infers the Tr inity.

� The offset MADE in the 31st and 34th verses infers the initiate obtaining the 33˚: i.e. 31 + 34 = 65 / 2 = 32½ or 33˚ or it can be said anything 32˚ or below is freezing and anything above 32˚ is thawing.

� This 33˚ is also infer red in the first and last numbers odd (1 & 31) and even (2 & 32) popes (Elohyms) wiped off the altar wall; thus odd popes 1 + 31 and even popes 2 + 32 = 66 / 2 = 33˚.

• This would indicate that symbolically the 33˚ Freemason, which could be any self initiated initiate whose only confidant is God.

ELEMENTALS LETTERS – symbolize the 12-Zodiacal Signs (Astrology); o This zodiacal signs symbolizes the infinite amount of potential personality

character istics traits that the human psyche can be enamored by. o There are five Elementals in the yellow wheel and seven Elementals in the red wheel,

which is actually portrayed on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel as the Zodiac/Calendar Year : i.e. 5-Sibyls Oracles and 7-Old Testament Prophets.

� This is interesting because the even numbers (yellow wheel) on the north wall Char tres Cathedral symbolizes the feminine (Sibylline Oracles) and the odd numbers (red wheel) on the south wall symbolizes the masculine (Prophets).

� Another intr iguing aspect to these two rose windows in Char tres Cathedral is that the odd number from 1-31 total to 256 and the even numbers from 2-32 total to 272.

• I understand that the Sistine Chapel and Char tres Cathedral uses two different numerical bases; however , the symbolism is the same. Each group of odd and even numbers have a total of 16-popes; yet, each of the even numbered popes has one more number than its counterpart. Why this is interesting is that the odd numbers sit on the shoulders of the spir itual giants: i.e. even numbers, which are actually played out in the Nor th Transept Rose Window in Chartres Cathedral. The four gospel wr iters are sitting on the shoulders of four Old Testament prophets.

� Another interesting point in these two diverse circles of 16-Elohyms in the Merkabah (Char iot) Wheels is that is the even numbers totaling to 272 / 16 = 17 and 256 / 16 = 16. 16 + 17 totals to 33˚ or the thawing aspects of consciousness: spir itual awakening (bir th of consciousness: i.e. BETH).

• 17 = the 17th Hebrew Letter : PEI symbolizing the MOUTH; though, Char tres Cathedral deals with a different numerical base for its Merkabah Wheels they still have to convey the same spir itual concepts.

• 16 = the 16th Hebrew Letter : AYIN symbolizing the EYE o The Nor th Transept Rose Window breaths out across towards

the South Transept Rose Window and the results are that the 24-elders are each holding a musical instrument.

� The twenty-four elders are of course the Zodiac/ Calendar year , which symbolize the music of the spheres.

o The spir itual chaos (psyche’s tetrahedral forces) of the unconscious mind (South Wall) is made into divine order by the spir itualized ego (Chr ist-consciousness) distinguishing the music of the spheres; hence, musical instruments.


FIGURES 5 and 6


FIGURE 5: Symbolizes the tetrahedral forces of the psyche (creation). ELEMENTAL LETTERS: in the first chapter of Genesis there are three sets of Elemental

Letters that pair off 180˚ from each other formulating a perfect SOLOMON’S SEAL; though, the twelve Elementals Letters symbolizes the zodiacal/calendar cycle and creates two of these tetrahedron images I see the second image as the STAR OF DAVID.

o SOLOMON’S SEAL (Eternal Internal Spir itual Temple of God) and the STAR OF DAVID (Existential Temple of God) contrast each other; for the reason that K ing David gathered the mater ials to build the wor ldly Jerusalem Temple; whereas, King Solomon, his son, build the spir itual Temple of Jerusalem.

o In the first four chapter of Genesis the Zodiac Calendar year is laid out; whereby, the first six days of creation symbolizes the first six months of the calendar years, whereas, the second, third and four th chapters of Genesis are aligned with the first two verses of Genesis that symbolizes Cancer to Sagittar ius zodiacal signs. These very same patterns are laid out in the Sistine Chapel frescoes: the Nor th Wall exudes the zodiacal signs: L ife of Chr ist and the South Wall exudes the calendar months: Life of Moses (see Figure 7 below to envisage the proper alignment of the Sistine Chapel frescos). These twelve frescoes align with the zodiacal/calendar year frescoed on the ceiling outlined by the Sibylline Oracles and the Old Testament Prophets images. The entire chapel symbolizes the skull: i.e. Golgotha: i.e. The Place of the Skull where Chr ist was crucified. The entire Sistine Chapel symbolizes the cerebral lobes. There is much more to this symbolism.

o The reader should envisage the two tetrahedral spheres; though, independent of each other gyrating in one order ly; yet, chaotic sphere in unanimity.

o However , each tetrahedral sphere is also cubed infer r ing that the earthly cubes and the spir itual spheres are completed temples; because, the cube like the sphere symbolizes completion via a nanosecond by nanosecond cyclic process. There can never-ever be a completion to understanding the WORD OF GOD.

� The moment that the Ego hubr is believe there is an end goal to the search for God is the moment it descends into the Inferno.

o These two gyrating tetrahedral squares/spheres uniting in unanimity symbolizes the throne of the Merkabah (Char iot).

� These squares and spheres symbolize ORDER out of CHAOS. o The squar ing: i.e. cubing of the tetrahedral forces of the psyche is analogous to the Holy

of Holies in Solomon’s Temple. The Kamea of Saturn is a 3 x 3 square, which totals ver tically (3-columns), hor izontally (3-rows) and diagonally (2-diagonals): all eight directions to fifteen (15). The Kamea of Saturn cubed is the Holy of Holies, which is 15-feet cubed and is an inherent image in the MATRIX OF WISDOM (see Figure 8). The psyche is the Holy of Holies: i.e. Garden of Eden, which allows the psyche to walk with God in the Garden of Eden.

FIGURE 6: Rider-Waite and the Marseille Major Arcana Tarot Card: Char iot RIDER-WAITE CHARIOT CARD:

o Though there are hundreds of Tarot Card Decks in the wor ld I see the Marseille and Rider-Waite Tarot Cards, pr ior to the twentieth century, as a set of opposite that takes on the symbolism of the Merkabah Char iot.; though, there are other ancient Tarot Card Decks, all other Tarot Card Decks after the dawn of the twentieth century are too modern, which are neither with knowledge of esoter icism nor symbolism

o The Rider-Waite Major Arcana Tarot Card: Char iot shows a very confident Char ioteer . The sphinxes are relaxed and their head dressings take on and conform to


the mythoi of its counterpar t. The unmoving relaxed sphinxes infers sitting under the Bodhi Tree: Chr ist (Buddha, Kr ishna, Tao, Horus, etc. ) consciousness

o This Rider-Waite Char iot Major Arcana Tarot Card shows a background of two buildings: Temple and Castle. I take these two buildings as being symbolic of the two Merkabah Wheels in unanimity as the God/Man Chr ist.

o The Winged Disc in the center of the Char iot façade points to the Merkabah as being a temple seeing that this image is found above the door of all Egyptian temples. This image or iginates from the MATRIX OF WISDOM.

� The whole of the Judaeo Chr istian Scr iptures are based solely upon the MATRIX OF WISDOM; thus, symbolically this winged-disc is hover ing over the first chapter of Genesis’ 434-words: i.e. Daleth, which symbolizes the DOOR TO CREATION.

o Eight pointed star on the Char ioteer ’s brow symbolizes the octagon shape of the Kamea of Saturn: i.e. Father of Time and the blues draper ies with the tetrahedron stars symbolizes the tetrahedral forces of the psyche.

MARSEILLE CHARIOT CARD: The Marseille Major Arcana Tarot Card: Char iot shows a very anxious Char ioteer . The horses

are moving (not sitting as seen in the Rider-Waite Char iot Major Arcana Tarot Card) in opposite directions;

o In addition the Char ioteer has his eyes on the red horse: i.e. ego-consciousness indicating he is solely dependent upon this lone red horse to get him where he is going wherever that is.

o The initials on the Char iot’s façade points to egocentr ism when contrasted to the Rider-Waite Char iot Major Arcana Tarot Card.

o The entire dressing of the Char iot is in red and blue signifying the war of opposites. The red rods holding up the Char iot’s canvass is in the forefront while the blue rods are in the rare of the Char iot, which would be analogous to the Char ioteer (ego-consciousness) summarily disenfranchising the unconscious mind.

o There is no background to this image and the wheels appear to be in disar ray, which is in conformity with the psyche of the horses (psyche).

FIGURE 7: The Sistine Chapel Frescoes aligned.

The six frescoes in the Life of Chr ist are on the Nor th Wall and the six frescoes in the L ife of Moses are on the South Wall.

o The Nor th symbolizes the frozen and the South symbolizes the thawing. � The Nor th is the deep DARKNESS and from out of this 32-Elohyms

embedded in the DARKNESS comes the LIGHT of creation. • Here the Chr istian can envisage why Chr ist descended into Hell

after his crucifixion: i.e. to get more LIGHT. � The South symbolizes the Garden of Eden where the initiate walks with

God. The East West Corr idor of Time is the waters of creation (red sea) that the Spir it of Elohym

(Merkabah) (Gen. 1:2) hovers over . o I t is this momentary hover ing over the faces of the waters that allows the psyche to

discr iminate and concretize thought: i.e. WORD OF GOD into an understandable format.

o Thus, crossing the red sea is not clinging to momentary snippets in interpreting the WORD OF GOD.

The East and West Walls in the Sistine Chapel o The East Wall symbolizes the Dawn of Time: i.e. BERESHITH “ In the beginning” .




� On the East wall are the two frescoes the Resurrection of Chr ist and the Death of Moses pointing to the end of one life on ear th;

o Whereas, on the West Wall is the Last Judgment fresco. � The West Wall or iginally had the Bir th of Chr ist and the Bir th of Moses

pointing to the beginning of life. TIMELESSNESS in the Sistine Chapel

o This refers back to the first and last popes on the West Wall pr ior to its destruction to refurbishing it to fresco the Last Judgment, which infers that there are symbolically no walls in the Sistine Chapel pointing to TIMELESSNESS. This is because the East and West walls unite br inging the bir th and death of Chr ist and Moses together like the first (1 & 31) and last popes (2 & 32) illustrating there is no such thing as TIME.

o The only thing that truly exists in the Sistine Chapel when all the symbolism is put into unanimity is the Tr inity, which symbolizes the tetrahedral forces of the psyche (creation), which exist only in TIMELESSNESS.

FIGURE 8: GOD’S AMBIANCE is revealed in the MATRIX OF WISDOM1 GOD’S AMBIANCE is analogous to Chr ist consciousness.

o The MATRIX OF WISDOM writes the sacred scr iptures and provides inspiration for the religious ar twork, monuments and architecture of the wor ld.

MATRIX OF WISDOM contains the Sum Total of all Knowledge: i.e. Omniscience o This image provides the or iginal source mater ial for the Kabbalistic Tree of L ife and

STAR OF DAVID. � These images are codified esoter ically into the first chapter of Genesis as

discussed above. The STAR OF DAVID is indisputable evidence of this. � The Star of David is perfectly outlined in the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which

occupies six of the twelve cells of the numbers fours and fives. • Between these six cells are six cells denoting fours or fives.

� This Star of David in the MATRIX OF WISDOM is codified into the first chapter of Genesis.

• Take the 12-Elementals and only used those six Elohyms that pair off into three sets 180˚ from one another .

• These six Elohyms symbolize the six points on the Star of David and between these points of the Star of David are four or five Elohyms, which cor responds to the exact pattern of the Star of David outlined in the MATRIX OF WISDOM, which creates SOLOMON SEAL.

o The MATRIX OF WISDOM has other secrets, which I will not discuss here in this paper , which are revealed in the book I mention in the footnote.

1 GOD’S AMBIANCE is revealed in the MATRIX OF WISDOM ix-Wisdom/dp/1478780479/ref=sr_1_1?s=books& ie=UTF8& qid=1479883225& sr=1-1& keywords=god%27s+ambiance This image is the cover and title of my newly released book, which goes over all my research concerning the MATRIX OF WISDOM up to the time of its publication on October 3, 2016; however , this book does not discuss Ezekiel Merkabah (Char iot) Wheels; because, that spir itual information I star ted envisaging comprehensively after the book was published. This is the manner in which the Holy Spir it educates me as I ascend Jacob’s ladder .