The Way Of The Warrior - Fusatsu Katsujin Ken



ShorinjiKempo is an amazing art that subdues a person through the use of intense pain, rather than the actual breaking of bones. It is through the correct use of these vital points that an opponent can be brought under control. Thus, even a small girl can subdue a very large man, with the correct application of pressure to the vital points.

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Continuous practice of ShorinjiKempo and Kongo Zen, can gradually help a person to grow and develop into a useful member of society.

If we examine the natural world we can see that most things are made so as to have an opposite or counter part such as heaven and earth, Yin and Yang etc.

It is curious to observe that most things seem to have some sort of an opposing member connected to it.

These opposites are not, however, antagonistic opposites. Even though there are opposites in all things, they also represent a harmony or union as well.

Problems arise when something happens to upset the harmony and throw this delicate balance into discord.

First we must learn to rely on oneself only, then one must strive to be of service to ones fellow men ; seeking happiness of others as well as for self.

This is the purpose of Kongo Zen, This is the way of Shorinji Kempo.

Continuous practice of ShorinjiKempo and Kongo Zen, can gradually help a person to grow and develop into a useful member of society.

Through the development and perfection of the individual self, the distress and suffering of mankind can be mitigated.

ShorinjiKempo is to be used only to subdue and control those who disrupt society and cause harm to others.

This is the meaning of the way of the warrior, or in Japanese the way of Bushido. That is to stop, not start trouble and to assist the weak.

ShorinjiKempo is an amazing art that subdues a person through the use of intense pain, rather than the actual breaking of bones.

The secret of the effectiveness of ShorinjiKempo is to be found in ancient eastern medicine, mostly of Chinese and Indian origin.

Through several thousand years of experience, these ancient people discovered "Kyusho" or vital points in the body which can be effectively used to heal or cause pain in the human body.

It is through the correct use of these vital points that an opponent can be brought under control. Thus, even a small girl can subdue a very large man, with the correct application of pressure to the vital points.

These points are difficult to locate however, and much practice and experience is necessary in order to be able to apply the many techniques quickly and effectively. ShorinjiKempo sole purpose is for the protection of self and fellow man and not for the purpose of self aggrandizement and demonstration just to satisfy one’s ego.
