Tips For Post Event Engagement With Your Attendees



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Tips for Post Event Engagement

The blog post is from UltraSpectra by ZunNurain Khalid

Successful marketing plays a vital role in making the event organized be remembered. If the brand

managers only rely on conducting a huge scale event for their brand promotion and forget what needs

to be done afterwards, then the show was of no use.

Following are some tips for your event attendees to remember the purpose of the event conducted:

1. Follow-Up

Lack of proper follow-up with your attendees

creates a negative impression in their minds as

this is a main factor they are expecting to stay

connected. Maximize communication by

providing your attendees with videos of the

event conducted.

2. Engage Attendees with Questions

Use such posts on Facebook where attendees

can give their response like asking questions. As

simply liking a post is not enough. Such

question like posts are more likely to increase

interest of the participants and remember your

product. Questions like issues at the workplace

can be asked where everyone wants to give

their comments. High conversation

opportunities will enable your attendees to

stay in contact.

3. Avoid Too Many Updates

Posting a lot of updates will irritate the people

and they may remove your page from their

feed. So it’s better to stay in boundaries. This

happens as they are dealing with many

advertisements and other event stories. Posting

event videos and pictures is a good idea as

people love to see their pictures.

4. Sending Thank you E-mail

The attendees need to be thanked for taking

out their time and attending your event. For

this, a custom e-mail can be generated sending

to all the participants. In this way, they will

© 2009 – 2014 UltraSpectra (Pvt.) Ltd. - all rights reserved |

feel respected and honored. The basic point is to contact your customers when everything is fresh in

their mind.

5. Optimize Event Website

Everyone is using smartphones nowadays through which they can access any website easily. Make sure

your event website is optimized to be easily opened on mobile phones. Easy access means more


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