Troubled waters


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*Treball fet per : Quim Juárez, Gonzalo Galiano, David Morea, Toni Cuevas i Oriol Castellanos.

* Legend of the lake Ness

The monster of lake Ness also called Nessie lives in the lake Ness, Scotland.

In 1943 C.B. Farrel saw the monster in the lake. Some witness have also seen him.

Investigators think that Nessie is an elasmosaurus.

*Photo of Nessie

The Garoé

*El Hierro is the smallest island in the Canary Islands, it has almost no fresh water.

*A myth says that in El Hierro was a miraculous tree that flowed water every morning.

*Scientists think that the Garoé is an Ocotea Foentens.

Ocotea Foetens: the supposed Garoé

*Catastrophe in New Zealand

*The cargo ship ‘Rena’ sinks last month in the coast of Tauranga.(NZ)

*The ship transports 470 tones of oil and petrol

*The oil spill arrive to the coast, killing seabirds and fish.

Photos of the ship

All the country is very worried because this oil can destroy the sea while of the zone.

About 1,400 seabirds have died in this enviromental incident.


*RESERCH * The myth

• Sobre and

• Naturaleza y cultura de las Canarias (Book).

*The Legend

• Wikipedia

*The Catastrophe



*Quim Juárez Amador

*Gonzalo Galiano Sánchez

*Oriol Castellanos Massagué

*David Morea Martín

*Toni Cuevas Carrillo
