Understanding community history through cultural transmission, documentation and transformation arts...



Bahan presentasi pegiat Arts-ED dalam acara "Workshop Museum Sejarah Komunitas" yang diselenggarakan oleh KUNCI Cultural Studies Center di Yogyakarta pada 18-20 Desember 2012.

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Understanding community history


cultural transmission, documentation

and transformationand transformation


Case Studies

Shifting Base in History

Principles / Concepts


Contextual reading




Dominant Culture



Creative solutions

Self Discovery/Participation


(community, gender, special needs)


Applied knowledge

Information Giving


Transmitting, Archiving and Use

of cultural history, knowledge, capital and memory

Institutional Model:

Tapping on crystalised memory? Ecological Model

Tapping on working memory?+

1st Gen -Transmission of Long Term Memory

recalling or remembering mental documentation

(stored as facts and sensory details such as

image, sound, movement, feeling, emotion)

2nd Gen- Transformation through Working Memory

improvisations off a memorized database, and

making connections between new information

and background knowledge

Socio-cultural inquiry praxisIntroduction to Context

Discovery walks/hunts, site-visits, interaction with community

Cultural Mapping

On-site investigation, using interviews, illustration, video, photography, apprenticeship. Mapping and documentation.

Synthesis through Creative Works

Analysis and synthesis of collected data and interpretation using new knowledge and skills

OutreachDissemination to community

through product, publication, web, product, exhibition or performance

� Project

Students focus on researching 3



Web-page on each artist

Living Heritage Treasures

Web-page on each artist

Video on each artist.

Traditional Food & Trade Craftsmen

� Project

Documentation of 17 traditional craftsmen


Printed brochures at their shop.

Case Study 2

“Kisah Pulau Pinang”“Kisah Pulau Pinang”Dramatization of Migration Stories

Video 1: Little India

Video 2: Chinese Clan Jetties l

Case Study 3


Cultural Mapping and Interpretation

using Photography

mymyBALIKBALIKpulaupulauCulture & Heritage Education for Young PeopleCulture & Heritage Education for Young People

A Mapping & Interpretation ProjectA Mapping & Interpretation Project

Warm Up Games –

Team building among children

Introduction to Site & Context


Contextual Introduction to Site

Heritage Walks & Hunts






Tool Tool Tool Tool 1 1 1 1 IT Workshop

Tool Tool Tool Tool 2222 - Photography Workshop

My My My My Name Tag Name Tag Name Tag Name Tag

MyMyMyMy Post CardPost CardPost CardPost Card

Photograph whatever makes your identity:

• Space

My Self

1st Interpretation

• Space

• Object

• Hobby

• Friend

• Food


1st Interpretation

My My My My SelfSelfSelfSelf

Photograph what’s important to know about your family

My Family

2nd Interpretation

Choose 5 most important photos to you and make a photo essay

with 1 caption

My My My My FamilyFamilyFamilyFamily2nd Interpretation


My Family

ARUMUGAM(Bapa nenek



(adik Kannama)



111 tahun

KANNAMA(emak nenek


TANGGAVELUKerani ladang getah


Example of Participant Family Tree

1 2 SINTHAMARAI(Nenek sebelah emak)

61 tahunOperator kilang

MUNIANDY(Datuk sebelah emak)


DEVISuri rumah 37 tahun

RAVICHANDRANPemandu bas kilang

40 tahun

NALINII12 tahun



Nenek, Datuk dan Emak

Jodoh nenek dan datuk dicadangkan oleh orang luar. Nenek dilahirkan pada tahun 1944.

Semasa emak saya berumur 4 tahun, datuk dan nenek bergaduh. Kemudian, datuk

memgambil Mak Long saya, Santhakumari yang berumur 5 tahun pada masa itu dan

meninggalkan rumah. Nenek saya pula mengambil emak saya. Selepas itu, nenek dan emak

My Family

Example of Participant Family History

saya mengalami kesusahan. Nenek saya bekerja sebagai seorang penoreh getah. Pada masa

itu, nenek saya tidak mampu membeli sebuah basikal untuk emak saya. Oleh itu, emak saya

terpaksa berjalan jauh untuk ke sekolah. Sekali sekala, Cinnama akan datang dan memberi

makanan kepada nenek dan emak saya. Semasa emak saya berumur 15 tahun, Cinnama

mencadangkan agar emak saya dihantar ke rumah nenek Dhanam untuk tinggal dengan

mereka. Di sana, emak saya mendapat kerja di reban ayam bersama dengan mak cik

Rajeswari. Mereka perlu menyodok tahi ayam setiap hari. Selepas itu, mereka bekerja di

Kilang. Kilang itu bernama Franklin Froslin di Kulim. Emak saya tinggal dengan keluarga nenek

Dhanam di Sungai Kecil, Nibong Tebal. Dia telah menjadi anak angkat kepada nenek Dhanam.

Mind –map all the cultural assets in your town/ villages

Study of ONE Cultural Asset – per pair

My Town / My Village

3rd Interpretation

Study of ONE Cultural Asset – per pair


A) Observation

B) Interview

C) Documentation - Notes, Sketches, Photo

Tool Tool Tool Tool 3333 - Mind Mapping

Tool Tool Tool Tool 4444 - Research & Interviews

Study of Village Site

Example of Research: Paddy & River SUNGAI & SAWAH

Di kampung Titi Teras terdapat sebatang sungai. Sungai ini merupakan sebuah tempat yang tenang dan

tempat yang sering dikunjungi orang untuk menangkap ikan. Antara jenis ikan yang terdapat di sungai ini ialah ikan

sepat, keli, haruan dan lain-lain lagi. Air dari sungai ini asalnya dari sebuah bukit yang berdekatan. Ia adalah

sungai semulajadi.

Sungai ini mengalirkan air ke sawah melalui tali air. Tali air ini sentiasa dibuka. Ia hanya akan ditutup jika

tali air sedang dicuci. Air dari sungai mengalir ke dalam sawah melalui lubang.

Sawah padi ini mempunyai ramai pemilik. Seorang pemilik tanah mempunyai 1 ¼ ekar tanah hingga 10

ekar tanah. Sawah mereka diusahakan sendiri dan ada juga pemilik yang mengupah orang luar untuk

mengusahakan sawah mereka. Seorang pekerja dapat menyiapkan kira-kira 9 ekar tanah sehari. Mereka

memulakan kerja pada jam 7 atau 8 pagi. Untuk menyiapkan proses penanaman padi sebelum di jual mengambil

masa kira-kira 4 bulan. Proses penanaman dijalankan pada dua musim kerana padi hanya subur pada waktu itu. masa kira-kira 4 bulan. Proses penanaman dijalankan pada dua musim kerana padi hanya subur pada waktu itu.

Pesawah menggunakan baja jenis 219 atau 220. Mereka menggunakan dua jenis mesin untuk proses ini, antaranya

kavoter dan traktor untuk membajak tanah.

Proses-proses yang terlibat adalah seperti berikut :

Tanah dibajak

Benih dicuci

Benih direndam

Tunggu sehingga benih tumbuh

Serakkan benih

Sembur racun

rumput selepas 2 minggu


Sembur racun serangga selepas 2 minggu

Sembur racun serangga selepas

2 bulan

Tunggu sehingga

padi masak

Hasil padi akan dijual kepada sebuah

kilang yang bernama Gok Peng yang

terletak di Seberang Prai.Sembur

racun serangga selepas 2 bulan

Sembur racun serangga selepas 2


Kumpulan penyelidik: Aliah Afifah,

Nur Fartini, Siti Maryam, Nur Ain

Kumpulan fotografi: Boey Kuan,

Jian Hooi

Study of Urban Site

• Design routes for walking heritage trail

• Illustrations, photo shoot, map drawing

Mapping Cultural Heritage AssetsMapping Cultural Heritage Assets



MAP ‘Discover Balik Pulau’

Training of Young Heritage Tour Guides

Training for students tour guides to prepare them to conduct tours of their own

research sites to Balik Pulau schools students

Introduce to trader in town

Bring peers on tour at paddy field area

Introduce to trader in town


“Wayang Bayang”

Retelling an Oral Folktale through Shadow Retelling an Oral Folktale through Shadow



1. Understand oral history in relation to context-manifested in comic storyboard and oral script

Aims of the Project Aims of the Project Aims of the Project Aims of the Project

2. Understand symbolism in decorative motifs andforms-manifested in carved 2-D puppets

3. Understand a performing art in terms of form, content, material-manifested in shadow puppetry

Introduction to SiteIntroduction to Site –– Guided WalksGuided Walks

Sourcing for Oral Stories / History

Interviews with local residents to document local stories

Cross reference with other sources of infomation

Study of Local Architecture & Motifs

• Collecting designs/motifs thro rubbing / tracing /illustration

• Study of symbolism in relation to cultural/religious philosophy

Interpreting the Narrative

• Fleshing out the dramatic narrative in comic storyboard

• Conceptualising the conflict and characters in relation to site

and cultural context

Designing Characters • Study of period, occupations, roles, clothing of characters

• Designing character types thro symbolic and literal use of shape, motifs, line and form

Designing Backdrop/setting Symbolic and literal use of shape, motifs, line and form

ExperimentationExploring the art and science of light and shadow

Innovating with Technology and New material

Composing Music and Lyrics

Experimenting with found objects, and traditional instruments

Scripting & Rehearsals …

Public Performance

Playback of Local Oral Folktale to the Community using puppetry

Recovery of historical

and cultural identity

Strengthened Inter-

no control over

Cultural Transmission & Transformation






traditional skills and


loss of Integrated enterprise

Revitalisationof cottage


over physical


The Need to Make Meaning

• Encourages understanding history as a series of circumstances

• Historical identity of shared space is widened thro collective works

• Encourages acceptance of different perceptions/experiences of • Encourages acceptance of different perceptions/experiences of

same circumstance (personal and community meaning)

• Allows individuals to discover the interplay between the past and

the present

• Encourages intergenerational and community cohesion

Collecting and Transforming Memory


• Children learn by constructing

• The children construct from thought, practice and

generational remembering.generational remembering.

• Their products express their understanding

• They imbue their products with personal meaning.

VISIT US: 19, Cannon St. George Town, Penang


Website: www.arts-ed-penang.org E-mail: arts_ed_penang@yahoo.com

Community Based

Heritage Education Programs
