Unit 21 Research, Proposal and Pre-production


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By Josh Brown


Link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtF6Jej8yb4

I personally think that the music video for ‘Avicci-The Nights’ is a truly amazing video. I believe the video has been put together perfectly to portray a message, I love the way they have put go-pro clips together to make a collage of crazy life events. Including-Tombstoning, sight-seeing, parkour etc. This effectively links with the main lyric in the song witch is ‘ Live a Life you will remember’ this is showing the audience that take all your opportunities whilst you can as life is to short to stress and worry. I think it also trying to show the audience that they should do things they are going to remember for the rest of there lives. I really like this video and it has inspired me for my video for the project. I think this video is perfect for the song. The character they have used in the video is also completely linked with the song making the viewers more caught in with the video. Overall I think this is going to help me a lot when it comes to making my own video as it is perfectly down my street and I want to portray this sort of vibe and atmosphere in the music video.


Link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPf0YbXqDm0

I think that the music video for ‘Bruno mars- Uptown Funk’ is a very well put together music video. I love the vibe that the song and the video gives off, I think this really helps draw in the audience. I also like the way the video is upbeat through the song giving off a ‘feel good feeling’! I believe this video has helped massively making this song so popular in the music industry. I think that this is trying to give off the message of ‘everybody should enjoy themselves and have fun’ witch I also think makes this video so good. They have used the perfect characters in this as they have used stereotypical jazzy people and have used jazzy, upbeat activities in there video for example dancing. This music video has helped me hugely for when I create my own video as this has given me all the aspects I have to include to create a successful music video.


Link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp-EO5I60KA

I think that the music video for ‘Ed sheeran-Thinking out loud’ is a very good music video. I

believe this because they have created a brilliant message that fits in perfectly with the context of

the song. For example the song is about ‘love’ and the video is of two dancers engaging deeply with each other. This is portraying the message

of the song. This video is ‘Narrative’ Music video as is mainly focuses on showing the audience a

story and a meaning behind the video unlike others. This is a video that is very good and

engaging the audience as this help approach all ages and genders of people, meaning that older

and younger generations can all watch this video and thoroughly enjoy it. This video has given me a lot of inspiration for when I come to creating

my own music video. This is due to all the aspects it has made me think about witch I am

now going to include in my own video.



Date of lesson

Pre, Prod or Post production

Task (what you will be doing)

Where will the task take place

What crew and cast are needed

What props and costumes are needed

What equipment is needed


Pre Production

Annotating lyrics

Media class room

Just me None My Printed lyrics and google!


Pre production

Storyboard Media class room

Just me None Storyboard template and pencil!


Pre production

Budget, class and crew. Equipment

Media class room

Just me None Computer!


Pre production

Shot listCast and CrewClearances

Media class room

Just me None Computer!


Pre production

Health and safetyCopyright

Media class room

Just me None Computer!


Pre production

Legal and ethical and codes of practise

Media class room

Just me None Computer and the internet!


Date of lesson

What scenes are being filmed/edited

Where will filming take place

What crew and cast are needed

What props are needed

What equipment is needed


Shot number Shot type Camera movement

location Sound Detail

1 Close up Zoom out Bedroom Summer- C H Getting out of bed!

2 longshot Pan Sight location 1 Summer- C H Admiring the summer weather!

3 Med close up Following Country lane Summer- C H Skateboarding down road!

4 Longshot Zoom out Sight location 2 Summer- C H Sight-seeing

5 Longshot Following Beach Summer- C H Running along beach

6 Point of View Go Pro Beach Summer- C H Swimming in sea!

7 Med close up Pan Beach Summer- C H Sitting at the beach

8 Longshot Following Country lane Summer- C H Riding bikes!

9 Point of view Go Pro Beach/Field Summer- C H Playing Frisbee

10 Longshot Pan Garden Summer- C H Going on trampoline

11 Point of view Pan Garden/Field Summer- C H Enjoying nightlife

12 Longshot Zoom in Bedroom Summer- C H Getting into bed




• Adobe premier pro CS5.5- £650.00• Canon 600D- £324.99• Go Pro hero 3- £165.95• Tripod(Canon)- £29.72• SD card 11gb- £11.95• Props- £25.00

• Total Budget- £1207.61


Camera operator/Filming- Josh brown(Me)

Directing- Josh Brown(Me)

Editing- Josh Brown(Me)

Main character( Day in the life)

- Jack Routledge(I have chosen to use jack Routledge as I believe his vibe and personality will fit the atmosphere and message of the song and video perfectly- This however depend on availability)


Luke Warren

Max Stacey These will all be suitable for the message of the video and will be available too

Michael Caddick film most of the time making my video realistic to make.



Jack Routledge

Max Stacey

Luke Warren

• Adobe premier pro CS5.5-( This will be to edit and put together my music video once I have completed my filming)

• Canon 600D-( This will be used to record various clips for my music video.)

• Go Pro-( This will be used to film other clips for my video.

• Tripod-( This will help enhance my clips as it will help me receive more accurate clear shots.)

• SD card-( This will be to store all my clips.)

• Props-( this will be to suit the atmosphere of the video)

• Cast-( People who are going to feature in my video)



I need to make sure that I have taken care of and got permission to do the following before going ahead and creating my music video for this project. Firstly I need to make sure I have permission to use the song I am using for my music video. Secondly I need to make sure that everyone that is featured or stars in my video is completely fine and gave permission to film or include them. I also need to make sure that I have permission to use all of the locations that I am considering on using in my video. Thirdly I need to make sure that any information or images/clips I use of the internet I will have to make sure I have full access and permission to use them to prevent any copyright problems occurring when I am making my music video. I will also have to make sure that everything I show or include in my video is not going to cause offence or harm to any viewers, this will also help prevent any bad feedback on my video, I will also need permission for certain channels who will hopefully show my video on there channel are happy with everything I show in my video before it is published so if there is a problem it can be easily changed.


• To prevent injury of the actors featuring I my music video we will need to make sure that we have fully practise the key scenes before filming. This will help eliminate the chances of an injury occurring whilst filming the music video. This can be done by making sure the following things are done before proceeding to filming. Firstly if there is any scenes where the cast will be running whilst looking at the camera make sure that the surface the actor is running on is dry, non-slippery and clear of any objects. This will help lower the chances of any injuries from happening.

• When the actor is lip syncing it will be important to make sure you we have had a practise run before so that the actor is certain where he is going as most likely his eyes will be set on looking at the camera, by knowing the route thoroughly this will prevent injury in the procedure. Also make sure that all obstacles and tripping hazards are cleared from the route.

• When the actor is doing an activity such as swimming, trampolining, skateboarding, cycling etc. Make sure that the actor has had previous experience to prevent the risk of injury. Also I will make sure that they are comfortable with the activity they are doing.


• Nothing to cause offence to an viewers.• Make sure the music video is a suitable for a variety of

different ages groups.• No inappropriate activities including smoking and

drinking.• If young people are featured in the music video make

sure that they are not doing any illegal or unethical things including nudity.

• There wont be any offensive language.• No sexual scenes featured in the video.• No inappropriate clothing e.g. Too revealing.• If any Under 18 year old are included in the video make

sure that you have parent consent to prevent further problems.


• Removal of litter- All litter should be removed from the location of filming and if left to the council the production company will be charged.

• Clothing-Crew members and production personal's should wear high visible clothing.

• Health and safety- Full consideration of Health & Safety issues for all employees must be taken and proven by the producer.

• Noise and nuisance- Local authorities have the right to take action under the Environment Protection Act (1990) as a result of any unreasonable noise.

• Props- •Any props used during the shoot will be removed and the area made good.

• Risk assessment- •A risk assessment may be required to satisfy the insurance provisions and statutory obligations to employees and anyone who will be affected by their actions, please check with the relevant local authority if this is required.

• Night filming- •Night shoots in residential areas are naturally sensitive and it is essential to consider and consult with local residents and businesses in the planning process. (Refer to Noise and Nuisance Section below).

